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Knob Twiddlers
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  1. the banana i bought from the coffee shop looked about ripe to me.. it's a nice yellow w/some brown spots here or there.. but it's maybe 3 days from ripe.. i just tried to peel it and it did that thing where the peel just strips off in a fiber like tear... i gave up and put it in a drawer.  in a couple days i'll try again. 


    now i'm hungry. but i have coffee at least. 


    I read bandana instead of banaan and was really confused for a second, must've been all the babdana talk earlier.

  2. so i went for Push2. really nice bit of kit. even just the ease with which you can add XY controllers and midi assign external VSTs is already making me seriously happy. 

    i havent actually digged into the manual yet, is there a way to set it up so you can have four separate MIDI channels being triggered by a quarter of the pad each? so i can live create drum triggers for my modular on the fly?


    I think you'd be able to do that with the external instrument plugin in live, put those in a drumrack and put push in the 64 note drumrack layout. (just push note a few times while the drumrack is selected). Although maybe live will send everything to ch1 if you have one drumrack that uses multiple midi channels. If that is the case you'll have to use m4l to get around this.


    coworker refuses to cover his mouth when he coughs and his spewing his sick all over everything


    I have a friend who does this.  They're generally considerate otherwise, but when it comes to coughing or sneezing they just fire away.  It's really weird, especially because they are paranoid of getting sick themselves.  



    Probably afraid they're gonna get their own germs on them and get sick all over again in an endlessly repeating loop.


    I've literally spent all day on the couch.


    I feel kind of pathetic right now.

    I have been doing this come and go for about 3 months the past year, seeing a psychologist next week.. I need more drive in life...


    edit: also trying to get trough this whole thread for the 4th or 5th time



    I know everybody says this but beside seeing a psychologist you can try starting on meditation and exercise. For meditating I can recommend the headspace app, the first ten sessions are free but you can just start over at session one when you've reached the end. I've been struggling with ocd/depression/unspecified personality disorder and a bunch of addictions for basically my entire life and besides getting professional help those two things really seem to make a difference. Personally I'd start with the meditation, just give it 3 or 5 minutes every morning after you've taken a shower, no matter if you choose to spend the rest of the day on the couch, it's a start to something better and maybe a routine.

    Anyway, good luck to all of you.





    b-b-b-b-but......biscuits n sausage gravy


    meanwhile in various hotspots around the world, larger numbers of folks are continually slaughtered, day in day out, b-b-b-b-b-but....


    biscuits n gravy

    now now no need to get nasty, our media is the widest covering so naturally everyone just hears about it more, doesnt mean we as people think our deaths are more important than anyone elses. just like your infrastructure/govt/administration/history didnt define you as citizens and your culture is the same way our backwards as shit shouldnt either. yes, we're fat greasy americans, but there are fat greasy british ppl too :D hating on america cuz its fashionable is like a thirteen year old girl hating on her favorite emo band cuz they appeared in a hot topic ad. get over it. lives are lives. and why talk like that when innocents have died and the nation is mourning. i hate trump and mcdonalds and walmart and backwards ass hillbillys too, doesnt mean we cant have a day of mourning for the largest shooting spree in modern us history. i have friends who are still waiting to hear from loved ones and friends of friends who were shot, so fuck off.


    ps this was for you and godel btw, i know everyone likes to jump in on the pissing contest on who can be more howard zinn / noam chomsky when the time calls for it.


    maaaaan, grow the fuck up, you have no fuckin idea what a douche move it is to try n take emotional ownership over some cunt on a shooting spree


    yeah i bet the *insert x number of facefuck acquaintances you have are in the middle of all this


    i've lived in the states & personally if i'd stayed i'd DEFINITELY have procured a weapon, because Merka is uber violent.....fuck off yourself with yer douchey "only emo 13yr olds hate on fat yanks".....that says a lot more about you than it does about someone putting things in a global context




    keep in mind that last year the republicans voted to make it easier for people w/mental illnesses to get firearms.

    US, just build that f-ing wall around your beloved country and stop bothering the rest of the world. and keep your sugary/fat/salty fastfood there as well. kthxbye


    it's not personal

    A wall would do fuck-all at keeping aircraft inside. Just sayin'.

    b-b-b-b-but......biscuits n sausage gravy


    meanwhile in various hotspots around the world, larger numbers of folks are continually slaughtered, day in day out, b-b-b-b-b-but....


    biscuits n gravy

    Like Lane Visitor said, no need to be a snarky prick. I'm aware of the shit that's going on in Syria, CAR, and Myanmar. But that doesn't make the topic at hand any less tragic. You never know if someone on here happens to be among the bereaved.


    see above


    mass murder like this is clearly the result of an imbalanced mind, but pick any number of location across the world, and we're all humans right, there's slaughter on an entirely larger scale occurring day in day out, but how often do you see it discussed here or anywhere else that curtains off your world from the nightmares elsewhere?


    if you think i'm pissing on the freshly deceased, fuck off as well, its about context, not yank baiting, you length


    some people here dont half like to get their precioussss on

    Chill out man, why are you so angry? Ill admit i was having a shit day at work and a bit disturbed about the events that had unfolded.. I just found it in poor taste to essentially yell abt how much americans suck, what youre gonna tell me britian's shit doesn't stink? Lol who do you think we inherited all our oppression, greed and ignorance from? Thats all im trying to say, Come at american culture/citizens from sweden, haiti, mexico, fine. But fucking uk? Get outta here lol




    your brought the hysterics to the table and they were dismissed, get over it


    re-Britain - what language are you typing in? i tend to take a precious Euro-snob perspective over so many "lol"s.....its lazy English & thats coming from a region which has had 1500 yrs of mistrust of our duplicitous Anglo-Saxon neighbours


    Britain has an imperial legacy, no doubt, but its been however many hundreds of years since you declared independence and sank our fuckin tea...and fuckin with our tea is like fuckin with our emotions, sooooo i'd sort yer own house out before casting aspersions, besides, France your oldest ally was dismissed as a bunch of fags renaming French Fries "Freedom Fries" etc, so there's a shallowness that mindless patriotism bestows on nations who supported & delivered your indepence on some bs whim


    More than that, as the new Rome, America clearly appropriated "The British Empire" after WWII, fact. So, you live on the city on a hill built upon generations of sorrow sown by countless failed foreign policy interventions, wars & propping up foreign dictatorships, but you still sleep soundly at night. If yer not part of the solution etc


    Certain aspects of American culture are backwards to say the least, thats not Euro-snob bs, its a fact:


    guns <---insert countless case file here


    education & the waste of so much talent that isnt allowed to realize its potential...who knows if you had we might've cracked the cancer nut by now


    your nation's comical attitude to health-care


    your nation's prisons & the disproportionate internment of African Americans, year in year out


    your nation's insipid money worship, across vast sections of society & the entitlements of ingrained narcissism supported by low costs of living and high living standards


    good ol' "American Exceptionalism"


    the rate of veteran suicides


    and thats just the veneered surface


    Britain might be a lot of things, but it aint the manifest outlined above, not by a huge margin



    Also who are you to judge how anyone grieves, feels, expresses, etc, esp at a time like this and then assume the ppl i was referring to were meaningless acquaintances. Even if they were and that affected me, i should still have the room to feel the way i do without being mocked or my authenticity being questioned. I think youre being the douchey one dude.




    again, hysteria gets you nowhere in life, not now, not ever


    if you lived with ptsd, you'd have had a similar nauseating reaction that i did to the events in LV, but America isnt the world and every day far worse events happen globally which barely get a look in within your nation's focus. Even mentioning that got your knickers in a twist, so notions of context etc. How do i know what goes on in terms of the US collective perspective of the rest of the world? Cos i spent enough time in the US to see the place for what it is. Can you say the same about Britain? Case closed.


    honestly, it was like reading Limpy Loo Lite, you're a grown man so you'll manage just fine when you learn how to put events into a global perspective & appreciate gallows humour for what it is and conversely for what it is not


    and biscuits & gravy should be exported promptly, we could take that back as the interest on all our tea you dumped, or we'll sail up the Chesapeake & Potomac & burn your Whitehouse down again like we did in 1814






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