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Knob Twiddlers
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  1. Haha, ok you got me. I guess I'm virtue signalling :( I've done many immoral things and still do quite a few.

    But I'm also super neurotic and giving blood without full disclosure to the bloodletting place is one of those things that would worry me even years later and keep me up at night and not being ever able to find out if something maybe went wrong would drive me nuts.  


    I went to give blood once, with the tourniquet already around my arm I remembered I'd done some coke a couple months earlier which meant you weren't allowed to donate. Told the doctor beforehand that I was a regular amphetamine user and that was no problem, but because of possibly getting herpes from sharing a coke straw (told the doc speed users share as much straws as coke users do...) you had to wait at least 12 months after snorting any coke before donating.

    Anyway, I alerted the nurse and felt super embarrassed and had to buy my own cookies.

    why did you tell them? makes no sense at all



    Because I don't want to potentially put the person receiving my blood at any risk. Lying to medical staff makes no sense to me. 

  3. I went to give blood once, with the tourniquet already around my arm I remembered I'd done some coke a couple months earlier which meant you weren't allowed to donate. Told the doctor beforehand that I was a regular amphetamine user and that was no problem, but because of possibly getting herpes from sharing a coke straw (told the doc speed users share as much straws as coke users do...) you had to wait at least 12 months after snorting any coke before donating.

    Anyway, I alerted the nurse and felt super embarrassed and had to buy my own cookies.


    Texting is the best . It allows you to get away with so much and if people question it u just say "nah you misinterpreted - happens all the time with text " . My personal fave is to open a message so the sender can see I've read it , then I start to write a text so the other person can see I've read it and have a response , then I just leave it , sometimes for days at a time. Whenever I get sad I just open up the text window and think about that poor son of a bitch on the other end and I get warm and fuzzy inside


    :lol: for real. Some real NLS (next level sociopath) shit right there. Love it. 




    @Candiru: although not a broadly shared view, I'm guessing, but women can be equally creepy. It just shows differently. Just imagine Brad Pitt walking into a room full of women. They'd freak out even more. Admittedly, it'd take a Brad Pitt. But the impact would be even bigger as well, I'd argue. What might look like guys freaking out, might suddenly look pretty normal compared to women responding to mr Pitt.


    In normal cases though, I'd argue women are just as creepy as guys can be. It just shows differently. I mean, a guy going to a yoga class will likely be judged by all women present. You can bet he will be the target of loads of gossip and all that. Especially when he's of interest to them.


    That's women being creepy, btw. Being gossipy behind each others back and getting all competitive and bitchy and all that. And the guy might not even notice it.



    Huh. Nice take! Hadn't thought about in those terms (i.e., that creep is still there, just manifests differently). Makes me think about being one of the Beatles back in the day. . .christ how crazy would that have been? 



    Because of the jerking off together?

  5. the across the street neighbor is getting his house painted the exact same color as the neighbor 2 houses down from me. 


    this isn't a problem so much as it's fucking bewildering why this pastel light green color should be on 2 houses so close to one another and what the across the street neighbor is even thinking about doing that? 


    Maybe they know each other and happened upon a sweet wholesale paint offer or deal. Or one of them is afraid of being assassinated. 

  6. 3_B960_CEE_1_C8_F_4_BED_9966_C0_B7_B9276


    400g pepperjack cheese burger, 100% locally produced with sweet potato fries and a ridiculous assortment of condiments (off camera).. Best burger experience of my life.


    That burger looks great but sweet potato fries need to fuck off and die with their bland, floury, nauseating taste and sickening weak texture. They're like this really timid friend of a friend that insists showing up everywhere and ruining the vibe with their shitty anecdotes. Or like when you were a kid and you thought dad brought home some lasagna from the deli but it turns out to be moussaka.

  7. Something that's been working for me lately in keeping music fresh and trying to sensibly navigate a reasonable portion of what's out there is very loosely adhering to a selection scheme where there's a bunch of spotify/stuff on phone/playlists that's used for on the road/workhours/etc listening and then there's the home listening section which consists of records.

    If I stumble upon something that I like I'll try to buy the vinyl but this means this album/ep will basically disappear from the casual listening section and is now reserved for home listening.


    Of course in the end you play whatever you feel like at the moment but this works for me as a way to take the time to appreciate albums and not suffer from the tyranny of choice when I'm at home and seek out fresh things when I'm out to keep the dreaded fear of missing out at bay.

  8. What's the deal with people complaining about pagebreaks? First of all it depends on what postcount per threadpage user x has their personal preferences set to and second of it all you are on top of the page so clearly you're dominating the discussion. Are we all submissive and prefer a bottom position? What've everybody was on the bottom?


    Also wouldn't it be great if there were some compulsory universal standard for record labels' a/b sides? Here/there or this/that/side or A/B? Rather than making people peer into the matrix only to find b-1 etched into both sides or some other cryptic nonsense.

    Otoh who gives a fuck what side you're on as long as the jam's hot.

  9. i don't like this EP


    does anyone wanna buy the digitals from me?


    high quality WAVs, like they were never played, checked for surface noise, no issues as with the vinyls or cassettes (reports that there's a light 'hiss' throughout the cassette copies, bad job Bleep) the initial 96k leak (though if anyone wants I can include a copy like that for your enjoyment). original shitty artwork included. considering all reasonable offers PM me. 


    I only wanna pay for the nice bits, I take it all the nastiness has been edited out?


    What a bunch of bullshit. Didn't realize I was gonna pay almost 17,- for an ep that doesn't have one of the best tracks on it. There's plenty of labels putting out great sounding records for reasonable prizes, even double ep's if necessary. 


    Maybe these quality control issues are worsened by the volume of records that need to be pressed for a major release like this? Is it easier to realize quality products for smaller runs?

    You do get the track via a download code, but if you wanted the vinyl goodness, then no.



    Yeah, I went ahead and bought the ep anyway. Haven't downloaded the bonus tracks yet but still slightly miffed that pthex is considered a bonus track for the vinyl edition. Would've preferred to see the vinyl getting an extra track and warp pressing everything on 2 records. Something they could've done for around 18,- to 20,-. Maybe I'm asking for too much but it doesn't seem unreasonable for what should be a pretty big release from a huge artist. (cummies and ppopy)


    My ep seems to be perfectly fine and to me this is some of Aphex's best work. Phtex over abundance any day though.

    Took me a while to appreciate how great the production on this is and how interesting the vibe and musical ideas are. A whole album in this collapsy realm would be quite good indeed.


    Last edit; now that I'm listening on good headphones my ep is crackly as fuck on the right channel starting about 2/3rds into collapse right into 1/3rd of 1st 44. Maybe it needs a post factory cleaning.

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