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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I was introduced to that combination my first month in Japan by one of my local m8s there. Not sure if it was just a Hokkaido regional thing or done in the other regions as well. Tuna sashimi?
  2. Combined kimchi, natto (fermented soybeans), and takuwan (pickled daikon radish) into a bowl and ate it, with a cup of houjicha (roasted green tea). Decided to name the dish "kimnattaku", though it's more experimental than anything. Kinda smelly with a slimy texture, but flavor and healthiness wise it was legit.
  3. Just pre-ordered No Man's Sky. Haters gonna hate, but I'm excited.
  4. The Dem caucuses in my state happen to be on the day I go on vacation in three weeks. I wanted to vote for Bernie, dammit.
  5. No Country For Old Ben Cast Agay Farto Orfice Space Fartress Clear and Present Dunger Enemy of the Skate Booty Ball Planet of the Ales
  6. I haven't used any mods yet for XCOM 2...didn't know there were any out yet. I'ma take a break from it for a while, as intense as the ending was. Yeah I'll definitely be training up some Psi-Ops units next playthrough. Already had a Psi-Lab being built but got impatient and launched the final assault before it could get finished because I didn't want the Avatar Project progressing any further. I managed to bring it down to like one or two squares after taking a more aggressive approach. I'd also like to have my Specialists hack and take control of enemy robots next time as well, especially MECs and Sectopods. I hear the final mission is pretty much a cake walk if you master your hacking and psionic MC skills. Gonna make sure every non-psionic soldier has a Mind Shield equipped next time as well so the Avatars (and Sectoids) have no chance of controlling your squad members at the very end. Sorry if I spoiled it.
  7. Just ate a couple of chocolate peanut butter ice cream mochi pieces. Had veggie spring rolls with brown rice and gyoza dipping sauce for dinner beforehand. Picked up a container of powdered matcha earlier today too, because I'd like to see if I can make my own matcha frappe like they do at Starbucks.
  8. That's because Bernie is a sane, rational human being. Trump is not. Memes are a form of ridicule in his case. The nail that sticks up gets hammered down.
  9. Sound tests begin about six minutes in, if you're in a hurry [youtubehd]AZ5aeG2PZRg[/youtubehd] Actually kind of ambient sounding fourteen minutes in. And once they get to the delay FX...holy fuck
  10. If I watched FOX News as my sole news channel and listened to Rush Limbaugh AM talk radio as my only radio station and think Jesus hates everyone who isn't a heterosexual white male, I probably would be too. I bet that kush ain't the only thing they need tho.
  11. Drumpf is actually Cthulhu wearing a Trump costume. He will reveal his true form if he wins November 8th.
  12. Sounds like they took a note from us in the ol' U Ess of Aye by fucking over the majority of their country for the needs and gains of a few. Yeah being from the US it's unfortunate that the Finnish government is starting to adopt our plutocratic/oligarch model. Fuck this pampering-the-wealthiest-and-screwing-over-everyone-else bullshit. When was the last time you flipped or turned your mattress? Almost four months ago I had the same issue. My lower back hurt so bad I could barely walk and had to call in sick from work. But moving the mattress around slowly mended it. Oh man, I love when this happens. I'm like a kid on Christmas with all this extra time. I've reached the point where I wake up around 6:30 now. Don't even need to set my alarm anymore.
  13. No, congrats, finishing XCOM is kind of a big deal tbh Cheers :) Yeah it was tougher than any mission I played prior to it, appropriately enough. Didn't have any Psi-Ops soldiers on this playthrough, but I plan to on the next one. Same with robot hackers. That one I was kind of curious about too. Looks like a Metroid game with Half-Life elements, which is right up my alley.
  14. Finally beat XCOM 2!!! Just barely. Took down the last enemy Avatar with my own Commander's Avatar, but by a missed shot with my psionic repeater resulting in the enemy Avatar catching fire. It was already being whittled down with Acid damage from an Andromedon I MC'd earlier, all while my own Avatar and soldiers were getting overwhelmed by aliens surrounding them. Hell of a finish. I know this will get drowned out by WATMM's ever-pervasive DS and BB hype. But I know at least two other members mentioned XCOM 2 nearly a month ago. And just when I was on the verge of quitting, I decided to give it one more go. Guess I never truly gave up, and it paid off.
  15. The real question is, should we play games because they're popular, or because we genuinely find them appealing? More of a rhetorical question tho.
  16. I'm glad I finally got around to watching that Donald Drumpf vid. Holy shit.
  17. I was hoping to beat XCOM 2 by the end of the month, but at the end of the final mission I'm getting overwhelmed by infinitely teleporting aliens. Fucking god damn fuck. Is it trendy now to make games too hard? I'm not against some challenge, but when final boss or mass enemy fights stack the odds obscenely against you, it's more frustrating than it is fun. What the hell were these developers thinking? Did they even play-test it themselves? And flashing seizure color glitches on top of all that...might as well quit if I care about protecting my sanity.
  18. C-Men Irony Man The Incredible Dulk Butman Forever
  19. One final mission left in XCOM 2. Number of Aliens detected by Shadow Chamber: Hope I get a full squad for this one.
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