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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. ambermonk


    Dour just might be my favorite. Something about those bass lines 40 minutes in..
  2. There's really no way to whitewash the past three days is there. Unless anybody else has any cheap shots for me, we might as well move on.
  3. FROM Tennessee, IN Kenya. There's a difference. Fuck it. Might as well coin the term "Kenya girls" out of all this.
  4. srsly, how fucked is that tho, trying to exploit both a person's empathy and longing for love. Good thing I didn't let my guard down. May this serve as a warning to everyone else who might get friend requests from seemingly innocent dames on FB. I thought I was safe from scam bait on there until now.
  5. when you're catching feelings for african scammers you know it's time to reevaluate your life As I explained before, she's American. Not that it matters now. Relationships 101 genuine lolz
  6. SURE ENOUGH. "Kenya girl" contacted me again and asked for money help. I unfriended her sorry ass in response. FWP resolved.
  7. this is a fitting last message. RIP Foil, hope they allow M rated games in heaven The hell you talkin' about? Did I miss something? Anyway, just completed the Black Site mission in XCOM 2. It was a bitch.
  8. I remember the first time I discovered Brothomstates...it was in 2001, might've been May. Qtio automatically played on Warp's home page when it finished loading, back when it had a featured track. (And everything looked like blocks and squares.) Found out later that Lassi Nikko sampled "Passin' Me By" by The Pharcyde in that track. I still really like Claro.
  9. I'm already well aware of that. But this particular interaction wasn't the norm. Felt like she was pretty much throwing herself at me (sans nudie pix), but probably because she's super lonely. I'm inclined to feel more pity than attachment. Did she mistake FB for a dating service I wonder? Fuckin' weird.. It's a female alright. And she's only in Kenya for week. But still...I'm not taking any more chances. This is why I bring this up in this thread in the first place. My gut says, "yeah, she's cute and is nice enough, but this is still kinda weird." And I appreciate you guys offering input, as awkward as all this is.
  10. First time whipping up a batch of fried pickles. Used ranch dressing as dipping sauce. Overall result: Success. Might consider adding egg and panko to the fry batter next time tho.
  11. No worries I'm fine. So far nothing's happened since then. Kinda hoping it stays that way TBH. If there's even the slightest hint that she'd be asking for money that's an automatic red flag. But for now I'll just act as though nothing happened and continue about my normal business.
  12. She's in Kenya right now, but lives in TN. She seems sweet, but I can't tell if she has any other FB friends. I might be her only one, which seems kinda odd. I obv don't know her well enough yet to invest my trust. But we chatted for over an hour last night. And we're pretty close in age. But if I just flake out and ditch her, who knows what emotional harm that might cause. Feels like I'm in over my head.
  13. Wonder if I can just tap out if things get too weird. This is literally the first time this has happened on my eight years of FB. She seems to trust me more than I trust her. Ack. I'm torn between opening up to her or just running like hell in case this is some sort of trap. At least she seemed mature and civil. Sorry if I'm making this awkward as hell. Don't be afraid to post your latest FWPs guys.
  14. Naw...she just revealed she lost her parents a while back. She seems pretty lonely, poor thing.
  15. Some chick I never met before just hit me up on FB and we're agreeing about how we both support Bernie Sanders. I dunno if she's talking politics under the guise of flirting or what, but I am terrible at flirting. I don't even know what the hell to make of this tbh lol She's cute tho.
  16. 606.ie

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ambermonk


      ^ Bingo. "606.ie" was the original track name supposedly.

    3. Bechuga


      They definitely made the right choice, the original name was garbage

    4. ambermonk
  17. [youtubehd]W4yicKTgt8E[/youtubehd] (thx for sharing Gerald Simpson)
  18. It's working fine for me performance-wise...for the most part. The only annoying bug I encountered so far was I had one of my troops hack an ADVENT console one time, but the screen on the hacking device was about 75 percent obscured by a nearby wall, making it impossible to read. My advice in terms of gameplay would be to keep your units close together, hidden from enemy eyes, and take the indirect approach and flank as much as possible. Not unlike Deus Ex.
  19. Not reporting anything new, but it just seems like every Trump supporter I've seen on FB and elsewhere in the past several months is intellectually challenged.
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