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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Leaking. Unzipping. Somethings odd about the Ae-culture. First unzip, then leak. geez
  2. it's probably a bad sign for replayability...I'd never be so quick to claim "it's their best album!" but at the very least it may be their funnest. It's clear the boys were having a blast making this. Maybe. It's not as revolutionary as, say Confield. But replayability is something different to revolutionary. I do think a couple of tracks people like straight away will be less like in the future. I mean, Recks on is pretty sparse and straightforward. On first listen it's easy on the ears, but in the long run it this would be one of those tracks with less replayability. But there's still plenty tracks left with lots to discover, I think. and some tracks are just downright beautiful in classic AE fashion. Yjy Ux........
  3. edit: quick, someone report JR for being stupid. I already have enough warning points so I'm not burning my fingers on this one.
  4. 1 1 ls is mighty fine as well! This is what Dropp was for EP7. With a more hip hop feel. edit: and i like the more chiastic-slide f-ckedupness as opposed to the f-ckedup algorithmic beats from confield and later albums. it sounds way more organic and less mechanical
  5. My first favorite T ess Xi! Sounds like Ae having sex with Detroit.
  6. Not sure what the confusion is about, but you can buy the entire album from itunes. When certain tracks won't be sold individually doesn't mean they aren't sold on itunes. Buying the entire album, gives you all the tracks. Lost in translation?
  7. seems like they're closing the leak again... edit: the album was available on dutch itunes, but not anymore... :(
  8. My guess: apple f-ed up, but in terms of leaks, Warp couldn't have done it better. People are paying for this leak, innit ;)
  9. This is all the review i need. Even if an unhealthy dose of precognition was involved.
  10. As someone from Israel (ahem, Palestine? ;D), you could make a Stuxnet virus to steal the promos from his computer, right?
  11. Thank you Norman for the clips! This sounds like Autechre has reinvented popmusic from the year 3000. Autechre with actual hooks! There's hooks right there at the surface upon first listening. F-ing unheard of! And there's still plenty of the abrassive fuckery as well. I think I just creamed my pants! <3<3<3<3<3<3
  12. adolf sucking hitler (still kinda miss him though) (not hitler, derpface!)
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