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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Ehm, no. I fully agree with awe on this one. Vi has not much to do with the other tracks on that album, imo. I always thought it was there for contrast purposes. To me it sounds like a noodle of a track. Some experiment which got released by serendipity, instead of quality.
  2. Euh, nice effort, but I stopped reading after this. WTF O_o
  3. World peace, healthy economy and lots of great sex! In no specific order. * enters, posts and walks back out of thread without actually reading one single post in it *
  4. It's the new black. Easy folks. I'm talking about fashion here. This was not some racial pun.
  5. This is def a good thread to return to when in surprise about people's behavior on this board, btw. As i'm currently doing....
  6. Vik's back!!!! :O *grabs bat from teh basement and hits him in the head until he pukes his collection of tortured ken & barbies on the floor*
  7. Interesting point. Maybe a reversal could give a direction toward an answer: what would an Autechre-like track sound like if it did have a melody which would be accepted by every authority on music in the world as an exceptional good melody? Would that melody even be possible in the autechre universe? Would the result still be a good autechre track from our (= WATMM) perspective? Would it sound completely different to the current output? The fact that these 'melodies' can be so buried and hidden is one of the things i like, btw. Sometimes they're obvious. Sometimes they even have a pop-like hook. But there's always some deconstruction of the basic notions of what makes music music. That we can even ask these kind of things is part of all the fun, i think. That's why they work on a non-musical level, at least. On a musical level? Dunnooooooo. It just feels good. Right?
  8. They're called: Awesome track CD2 -1 Awesome track CD2 -2 Awesome track CD2 -3 Awesome track CD2 -4 You may have seen a pattern by now. Guess what the next tracks are called.
  9. also, remember the guy from russia who supposedly posted older unreleased saw-stuff from RDJ? how long did that take to have everyone take a peek and listen?
  10. too late to edit: speaking of mouth-to-mouth, someone should tweet skrillex to listen to vekoS. if the skrillex endorces it, shakira will follow shortly!
  11. watmm? think bigger. don't publish it on watmm. i'd agree it would take an anonymous artist longer if he isn't backed by a label like warp giving some credibility. but an album like that would be picked up and recognised for what it is. the mouth-to-mouth recognition would take considerable longer time to reach people. And Ae simply doesn't need all the mouth-to-mouth within the community. outside they still do though, so it's all relative, of course. it might take a long time before shakira is blasting vekoS through her car-speakers. how easy would it be for someone like RDJ - or the talent of - to release an album anonymously and have all of watmm raving about it?
  12. That's a good reason to stop taking those "some" serious. The album released anonymously would make just a big impact (given the same distribution!!!) as it currently is. I suspect the people who reason that way are a bit butt hurt because their work hasn't been as successful, even though they (themselves!!!) think it should be. In other words, they're judging reality through their own narcissistic glasses. Talent will always get the recognition it deserves. And self-criticism is a virtue. And lets be blunt here, distribution has never been as easy as it currently is. So if people aren't making any impact, they're either just not that good, or are stupid in the distribution department. (Let's make it simple for a change)
  13. I always thought it would be impossible to have a thread about a new Autechre release turn into a discussion about dicks. But today I am proven wrong. Well done!
  14. He could know though. Because of him there's a Micro Modular. LOL /sarcasm
  15. This would be a hell of an awesome Gescom album, though. A bit too Autechry, I'd say. Because I don't much Fitton in these tracks ( to give anexample).
  16. I agree. I don't think the current artwork does the album much justice. The only way the current artwork works on the imagination is the hint of a secret meaning. It's a code, waiting to be unlocked. But what would that code unlock? Something far more imaginitive than the current artwork suggests, I would think. So this artwork is just that: a code without much of a hint about the art it hides. And visually it's just too much minecraft, imo.
  17. Sounds plausible, but I don't think those tracks would evolve in any logical fashion. Although the entirety of Quaristice would make a strong case for your point, I'd think that a complete new DNA (so to speak) after only a few generations would be normal in the Autechre-world. And complete new DNA would mean an entirely different beast.
  18. ... you mean waiting for the leak of the unannounced new EP which should follow this release? ;D * WATMM fires up the photoshops*
  19. I don't understand Cloudline. It's the only track where I just skip the track after a couple of minutes. It's so annoying to sit through. My god... What the F is wrong with you? With me.... *skips post*
  20. Perhaps they'll surprise us with a series of singles or one of those illustrious EPs with the length of an album. It would be quite in character for them to do so. Exai more of Ten.
  21. Yiy Ux is not getting the love it deserves. You sissies don't have the stamina to keep your attention all the way to the end of the album. Yjy Ux is definitely one of the highlights. A classic Ae-beauty.
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