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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Sure, assume I'm too stupid to understand why he posted it.... It speaks for itself for regulars. It's the non-regulars i'm thinking about. Like someone who just happens to come here through google non-regular. But hey, it's "illegal af" when someone sends it to jews, but perfectly fine when posting at watmm. Logic! Ding ding ding
  2. Would you please put a bullshit pic like that in spoilers? This is not /b/ Yes, I understand you're not trolling. But simply putting up a pic without any explanation (other than a link) leaves plenty room for the imagination. Sorry to be a nanny, but this is not cool
  3. Not sure what's going on here, but I put full blame on Rick and Morty.
  4. just posting this here: B12 on Blade Runner whaaaaat!?
  5. !? Just out of curiosity, seeing you're from Texas: did your internet connection only started to work again after months of natural disasters? And didn't you realize that those tracks had already been online for a while? Even though the thread you're posting in perfectly reflects that piece of history? .... wait...what !? ...the.... fffffff
  6. Australia? Immigrants. Canada? Immigrants. South America? Also plenty of immigrants. South Africa? Yeah, immigrants! Hell, even Europe can be seen as a melting pot of cultures/immigrants. Really depends on where you pick your start of history, though. You just keep on loving the US. It's all fine. Just put a little more thought into why you love it though. Lots of civilisations are the work of immigrants.
  7. lol this should be good. please report back in a couple of hours with first impressions
  8. Why though? For real people are obsessed with money over here. I talk to people about what they're doing, about careers and it's always, I don't make enough money, I'm trying to get a better paying job, I want to get into an industry with a bigger starting salary. I bought the newer expensiver version of that thing you have, I'm buying the new iPhone as soon as it comes out, I don't buy used, I know riding the bus is better for the environment but I want to drive because I'm better than people who ride the bus, I want to eat where I can take cute selfies of my pretty food and might not even eat it, I need to see every big budget movie that comes out on opening day and I'm going to watch all the previews so I know about every other big budget movie coming out, I need the details of every single big product release, I must subscribe to every digital media service so I can watch a constant stream of new content.Is it like that everywhere? I didn't say shit about imperialism and all that. All's I'm sayin' ishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXE_n2q08Yw I couldn't agree with you more on all of that. But these things don't define "who we are as Americans" or are excusive to america imo. It's a product of where western civilization, technology and globalism is taking us. Because this region we call the US happens to have more money and resources (whether naturally or unnaturally acquired) than most other places on the globe, we see more of what you're describing here. It has nothing to do with our character, nationality, "culture" or identity. People who become absorbed into the whole materialist pursuit will do so no matter what region they live in, where they come from or what allegiance they subscribe to. We've seen this trait since the beginning of history. This is not to say that geopolitical and economic power structures don't have influence over greed and corruption, just that making America (or any country for that matter) the boogeyman or inheritantly "something or another" is an illusion.No. That'd mean the same would the case in EU. Which it isn't, imo. So there is an argument that this might be more an American culture thing than you'd like to admit. Imo, it's more a us-product than a western civilization product. And it's not some sort of inevitable direction the western civilization is moving towards. But I'm afraid that's hard, if not impossible, to see from a US point of view. Because to put it simply, I don't think people from the US are particularly sensitive to differences between western culture and us culture. To most americans its either the same, or something that the rest of western civilization is moving towards. Which is not the case. And to put it blunt, probably a case of us self-centeredness/ignorance. You should spend some time in canada, for instance. Or in te EU. So non-US westerners in general don't strive to climb the corporate ladder, don't display their lives on social media, don't netflix and chill or get the latest apps? Lies. It's not a case of either/or. It's a case of differences. A corporate ladder, for example, is really a different thing in different cultures. The difference between US companies and EU companies, for instance, should be noted. Or perhaps more important, the rights and protections of employees. Simply because people in EU have more rights, the whole corporae ladder thing turns out like a different beast. Laws have a fundamental impact on culture. Although I can see where you're coming from, and I do admit there was a point in time where western culture was moving towards us culture (awful generalisation, but useful for the sake of the argument). But that is not te case anymore. As a metaphor you can take the paris agreement. Or, as an example privacy laws. At the moment, the case could be made that us culture and western (eu) culture are diverging, rather than converging. I think, for the sake of the argument, it's useful to take the local laws as a driver for the cultural phenomena we're observing. Different laws imply different cultures, to say the least. And the irony is that the current anti-globalism movement, especially in te us (note the discussion about the transatlantic agreements) helps creating this diversion in western cultures.
  9. Why though? For real people are obsessed with money over here. I talk to people about what they're doing, about careers and it's always, I don't make enough money, I'm trying to get a better paying job, I want to get into an industry with a bigger starting salary. I bought the newer expensiver version of that thing you have, I'm buying the new iPhone as soon as it comes out, I don't buy used, I know riding the bus is better for the environment but I want to drive because I'm better than people who ride the bus, I want to eat where I can take cute selfies of my pretty food and might not even eat it, I need to see every big budget movie that comes out on opening day and I'm going to watch all the previews so I know about every other big budget movie coming out, I need the details of every single big product release, I must subscribe to every digital media service so I can watch a constant stream of new content.Is it like that everywhere? I didn't say shit about imperialism and all that. All's I'm sayin' ishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXE_n2q08Yw I couldn't agree with you more on all of that. But these things don't define "who we are as Americans" or are excusive to america imo. It's a product of where western civilization, technology and globalism is taking us. Because this region we call the US happens to have more money and resources (whether naturally or unnaturally acquired) than most other places on the globe, we see more of what you're describing here. It has nothing to do with our character, nationality, "culture" or identity. People who become absorbed into the whole materialist pursuit will do so no matter what region they live in, where they come from or what allegiance they subscribe to. We've seen this trait since the beginning of history. This is not to say that geopolitical and economic power structures don't have influence over greed and corruption, just that making America (or any country for that matter) the boogeyman or inheritantly "something or another" is an illusion. No. That'd mean the same would the case in EU. Which it isn't, imo. So there is an argument that this might be more an American culture thing than you'd like to admit. Imo, it's more a us-product than a western civilization product. And it's not some sort of inevitable direction the western civilization is moving towards. But I'm afraid that's hard, if not impossible, to see from a US point of view. Because to put it simply, I don't think people from the US are particularly sensitive to differences between western culture and us culture. To most americans its either the same, or something that the rest of western civilization is moving towards. Which is not the case. And to put it blunt, probably a case of us self-centeredness/ignorance. You should spend some time in canada, for instance. Or in te EU.
  10. There need to be more charity comps! And obviously, there doesnt seem to be many elecronic music fans in the caribs. Japan, yes. Caribs, no. :(
  11. Liked the review in nytimes https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/02/movies/blade-runner-2049-review-ryan-gosling-harrison-ford.html?_r=0 Most revealing bit seems to be this: Or, in other words: fanboys will love it, but it doesnt look like it will have the same lasting power as the original
  12. Better to ignore the "crazy uncle". The more he is ignored, the less power he has. And consider he is being monitored 24/7. By the military (Mattis, Kelly) and the police (Mueller). And strangely also by the evangelicals (Pence, Huckabee!?). But I'd ignore those as well.
  13. interesting piece by a former member of congress in NYT on why nothing will happen... https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/02/opinion/gun-control-vegas-shooting.html not a hopeful read, but interesting nonetheless.
  14. Well, I'm afraid there's going to be a bit of amusement combined with bewilderment from my side when the gop run government will basically ignore the event from a policy point of view, and share their thoughts and prayers instead. I wonder what Trumps next tweetstorm will be about. Back to Rocket man? Puerto Rico is already three newscycles old, I guess. Hurricanes were so last month. And people die all the time, so what can you do? It's a fact of life. Just like those spinny things which make your rifle go like an automatic. Guessing the shooter either lost a huge sum of money or his girlfriend. Probably both. Not expecting any fruitcake manifest filled with years of online wackjob tinfoiled hat thinking. I'm going for the "just do it" motive here. Minimal amount of planning required. He just "snapped", as his brother called it. We'll find out soon, I guess. My thoughts and prayers ...etc
  15. US, just build that f-ing wall around your beloved country and stop bothering the rest of the world. and keep your sugary/fat/salty fastfood there as well. kthxbye it's not personal
  16. so this is a pre-release for a new album, right?
  17. pppfffff 3rd rate shakespeare wannabee. i can't stand the leto character, i'm afraid. what a complete cringefest of a scene..:/ but it looks shiny.
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