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Everything posted by goDel

  1. good to see the singer from mulholland drive again. otherwise, couldn't help but think lynch has got a pretty cynical view of human beings. this was a pretty dark episode.
  2. the translator supposedly had more progressive political views, or so i've heard...
  3. don't think this is the case here. it was nyt writing a story on this, which got donnie jr to open up a bit. don't think nyt would just publish some russian leaked info without some verification. and there's also a lot of noise about people within the white house leaking. also, what did trump do at the g20 for russia to leak this stuff?
  4. Getting more fun by the minute. Impeachment in 3...2....
  5. omg only just started to read this, and i'm already seriously wondering whether trumpster also has a russian passport
  6. the korg engineer interview with the korg tracks are the promo, silly
  7. classic material: andy serkis reading trump tweets as gollum (start 3:55 in)
  8. prepare for another year of this madness, before the actual prosecution will start.
  9. Just posting to say I read the thread title as "New condom, please". New condom in T minus 20, 19, 18, ...
  10. + clip with rdj saying (repeatedly) the countdown thing is for bleepstore
  11. Also, the russians helped trump "fuck with the us". Doesn't look like a hard to proof thing at all, right now.
  12. thought it was entertaining in its own stupid way. couple of annoying things happening where people do exactly those things you expect people to do in those classic teenage slasher horror flicks. not in an alien movie, imo. so in the end, i just need to accept that the alien franchise is not much more than a teenage slasher flick (with an attempt to put more depth into the story...)
  13. and rightly so. media can't afford to not be drawn like flies to all the trump shit. the only way out, is to change things from the grassroots up. just put trump on ignore. think about what would happen if trump had only 1% of his current twitter followers. (he'd probably be touring like in the elections even more, because he desperately needs the attention) don't blame the media for pushing all this nonsense. they're incentivised by all the idiots clicking the clickbait. the media can't afford to not push it, or else they simply wouldn't exist any more. the real problem is all the idiots clicking the clickbait.
  14. yes. the only people focussing on trump and his people atm should be mueller and his team. people/media are better off focussing on what's happening in congres/senate. the actual politics. not trumps twitter feed. trumps twitter feed is as informative as 4chan.
  15. you'd think people would get to a point where they'd come to the conclusion to just completely ignore the ignorant in chief. the more you ignore him, the less damage he can do, i'd argue at this point. the world would be a better place if you put him on ignore. think about it.
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