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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Depends on what is proven. Highly unlikely the election result is invalid. Collusion does not necessitate an invalid election process. That's just about people doing things they shouldnt have been doing. Like steeling candy in a store. And Russia trying to meddle with the election process is also not a reason to call election invalid. Simply because its highly unlikely there is proof for it having a significant impact. The only impeachable thing trump might have done, is telling comey to stop going after flynn. Which happened while he was president. But im pretty sure thats not going to happen. Reps wont drop trump at this point in time. Theyre focussed on repeal aca and taxes. When thats done, it might be another story. Until that time, trump is the ideal distractor for reps implementing their agenda.
  2. he deserves another award for his comment. boy is 10 as well. impressive.
  3. ^^^ was thinking that as well. like it more than the actual syro art, tbh
  4. although not shocking, it is pretty open about trump throwing his associates in front of the bus if there would have been unlawful connections with russia as long as the fbi will explicitly say he is not under investigation. that's loyalty in trumps world. a one way ticket. comey's account also makes trump look sincerely concerned. at least, to my eyes. and maybe even in a way where he sincerely thinks he's done nothing wrong (himself). so if trump fired comey because of russia, it reads more like trump thought comey was taking to long to clear the dark russia cloud. in the end though, it shows trump as most likely unwillfully ignorant. so much so that its hard to believe its real.
  5. wait what!? tom IS a computer. hard to believe he didnt use software on go plastic, btw. if true, i'll run crying from this thread being a noob and never talk about hard- and software ever again. plus, tom is a wizard.
  6. just move to europe already. don't waste your energy on this supposed beacon of freedom (to be retarted)
  7. No soft Im no native english speaker. With 'from hab going forward' i mean the habs included. Not sure whether thats proper english
  8. Not sure whether I'd like RDJ album as much if it had been made with hardware. We could talk about sounds being sterile when made with software. And that might be true, but that's not the same as a track sounding better when made on hardware instead of software. As others have mentioned, I believe software tracks are different to hardware tracks compositionally. There was a lot more fuckery going on from the habs going forward. Which i consider rdj's software period. (Ending with drukqs) Software allows for a different kind of experimentation which shows in composition, imo. Which I dont think you get from working with hardware. Software has its charmes. Eg. Flim. Dont think Flim would sound better on hardware. The digital sound is part of the charm. Correct me if I'm wrong though. I'm certainly no producer myself, so i could be way off.
  9. Thx for posting the bloomberg article. Had one big WTF moment: Rick Perry said what!?
  10. good spotting guys! i'll keep my hopes up for now. the payoff will come *stares into the distance like new zombie coop*
  11. for a sec i thought it was a picture disc lying on a brown table
  12. i'm afraid lynch might be going george lucas on us. just splashing any idea onto the screen hoping it will stick. hope this will pay-off. but i'm having a hard time believing cooper looking at a statue of some cowboy will lead to anything of any importance.
  13. so...this strangely proves it wasn't fake news, dear mr drump? the leaked info was authentic..etc
  14. interesting article! hope the eu gets its shit together
  15. love the update on his work shcedule sounds productive. which is good news, to say the least :)
  16. that avatar though huge lol if that's guy's actually a secret watmm regular
  17. Apparently youtube don't object to posting these tracks. So these wont get an official release. Unless you'd consider the london white label as official. But if that would be official, youtube would have stopped putting these up. Still kinda odd. If i remember correctly, the tubes did complain with the day/night white label. So sometings changed..
  18. I'd consider the sets at the festivals and the london field day lp buzz. Does it have to be a blimp in the sky? Personally, not going to bother speculating. Looks like somethings happening though. So theres your buzz.
  19. Is he though? Whenever i hear that pruitt speak about climate i get the impression he actually has a bit more nuanced view. He's more a small government kind of guy. Regardless of his beliefs in climate. Have to admit i'm not invested into pruitt though. So i might be kicking the ball in the wrong direction.
  20. Ima happy camper with this lp. But would be happiest of campers if it was available digitally through legal routes
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