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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Last time we hugged I accidentally stabbed you in the jugular with my erection So yeah, I'm always down for hugs
  2. Oh alright... I thought you were talking about MY reddit link My bad (genuinely, this time lol)
  3. LimpyLoo

    Now Reading

    One reason I love PR is because of the hypertextual element of "20 years on, here's how the world does and doesn't resemble Neuromancer" (Y'all prolly noticed the protagonist has the same first name innit...)
  4. Oh, okay. That is a completely reasonable attitude and not at all cynical or close-minded. My bad.
  5. There is strong evidence that Bernie Sanders has been an agent for camp Hillary since the start. GG Democracy ​Other lovely thing that has happened is a failed assassination attempt at Donald Trump by a guy named Austyn Crytes. His name appears a whopping seven times in the wikileaks e-mail dump. GG MK Ultra Umm...there was no gun found...he was merely holding a protest signWhere did you hear that it was an "assassination attempt?" R/the_Donald or Fox News? It's cool man, I was just wondering why that particular post set off your "this guy's a weirdo" alarm Well this weekend I was doing an Ouija board session, naked of course and covered in goats blood, the goat spoke to me before I slit its throat. While the warm blood was draining from its neck it spoke to me, the goat told me you was a weirdo. The exact words were (in a spooky, haunted, old English west country accent) Limpy Loo Is A Weirdo!!!!!!!!! It was then the alarm bells started ringing. Big time I mean, that's cool, but most people come to that conclusion simply by looking at me or listening to me talk
  6. I don't understand The post is meticulously sourced Who cares what forum it was posted on?
  7. It's literally impossible for a Reddit thread to have merit, eh? Best to just dismiss it out of hand based on where it came from... Fucking idiot
  8. There is strong evidence that Bernie Sanders has been an agent for camp Hillary since the start. GG Democracy ​Other lovely thing that has happened is a failed assassination attempt at Donald Trump by a guy named Austyn Crytes. His name appears a whopping seven times in the wikileaks e-mail dump. GG MK Ultra Umm...there was no gun found...he was merely holding a protest sign Where did you hear that it was an "assassination attempt?" R/the_Donald or Fox News? It's cool man, I was just wondering why that particular post set off your "this guy's a weirdo" alarm
  9. Perhaps we should be more concerned with who will keep civilization more or less stable, rather than who keeps it more real: https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughTrumpSpam/comments/4teoxl/a_final_response_to_the_tell_me_why_trump_is_a/ Like I'm gonna spend the rest of my Sunday reading that you twat, flol. You're a bit of a weird fucker aren't you? It takes about 2 minutes to read it top to bottom (Reading the sources is mere extra credit) And yes of course I'm a fucking weird fucker...but of all my posts to notice this from, why this one?
  10. Perhaps we should be more concerned with who will keep civilization more or less stable, rather than who keeps it more real: https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughTrumpSpam/comments/4teoxl/a_final_response_to_the_tell_me_why_trump_is_a/
  11. We would prolly have to parse the details to converge on an answer...which it sounds like neither of us want to do...you might be right, I dunno Just so long as we agree that the structure and order of a society run independent of the explicit political freedom of its people...(this is why we don't judge the political freedom of North Koreans based on how stable and orderly the society is)
  12. Politics needs more of this attitude. I respect Chen like mad dup in heeya He is a clear-thinker and things get heated but he usually pwns me because he knows way more about history, economics, and poli-sci than I do
  13. Wow... Chen, were there less human rights and political freedom under Lincoln because there was a civil war? By this logic, Lincoln made things worse
  14. Again, see my wiki link above Yeah there was a power vacuum and the place Iraq'd But policy-wise it wasn't a Sharia disappeared-during-the-night shithole It was a shithole for an unrelated reason
  15. He won the nomination How? Certainly not on great policy ideas I think he won because he was perceived as "strong" compared to Jeb 'sadfuck' Bush and Marco 'might be gay' Rubio
  16. I think he's a great speaker...(not content-wise, of course) I think lost, uncertain people have a unconscious desire for an assertive paternalistic presence (remember how everyone called him "daddy"?) and I actually think Trump was advised by folks who know how to press unconscious buttons I mean, we didn't evolve to be comforted by facts Our brains parse the environment/future into 'known' and 'unknown' (Actually, this is roughly what each of our two hemispheres do) Uncertainty causes anxiety and puts people in emergency preparation mode So a confident paternalistic figure--regardless of his relationship to the truth--literally causes pleasant pharmacological changes in people's brains
  17. Perhaps it's merely a symbolic victory, but I'm really glad something came of BridgeGate...
  18. AbsolutelyWe're starting to get the ticket here...moral assessment isn't fucking relative...
  19. Libya got freer (politically and human rights-wise) immediately after Guddafi's death, check my wiki post above
  20. Hey, you might get "disappeared" during the night, but at least you can read! And hey, he brought good ol' Sharia to Libya...what a kindness So yeah, Libyans had it good...the ones who survived, at least https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_Libya#Historical_situation
  21. That is roughly what was seized from his personal accounts and accounts that were likely his I agree that figures are speculative There's no perfect way to assess what assets were explicitly under his control, including land and ostensible "commons" But considering how despots historically treat their country's resources... Look, there is a moral aphorism that goes roughly: "if you kill one, why not ten? If you kill ten, why not a hundred? Why not a thousand, or even a million?" I don't really care about the specific figures, they are whatever they are. The point is that despots would own *everything* if they could. The details are mostly just what they happened to be able to get away with.
  22. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/history-will-remember-which-republicans-failed-the-trump-test/2016/11/03/6c1e6d36-9d4c-11e6-a0ed-ab0774c1eaa5_story.html?utm_term=.49ec10152f79
  23. Besides being rich, his record was impeccable. Total sweetheart. Truly cared about other human beings.
  24. Oh okay, so he was only worth like 50-70 billion...my bad *at least
  25. part of me thinks it's sort of their plan to make a mess of the middle east as a way of keeping it suppressed but other part of me knows they don't really have a plan that's more than 2 parts when it should be 50 part plan. unintended consequences etc. "we'll take out the oppressor and then they'll become a peace loving democracy" derp. best thing we could've done was do nothing 70 years ago and let the place find its own destiny. same w/iran/saudi/etc etc ad nauseam we've been doing that for so long even when we don't have to.. we do it just in case. I'm probably more cynical, realpolitik tolerant watmmers but I have to admit even today the lynch mob-esque killing of Gaddafi was fucked up. His rein of Libya, relationship with the west, and legacy as a dictator is long and complicated. (copied from a reply within a post i made on reddit) TBH I feel uneasy about that being his fate. He was ousted out of power long after his worst abuses and ironically not as he became more distant and dangerous to the world, but right after his most cooperative era with the West. Yes the guy was about as bad as most cold war era eccentric and dangerous dictators get and I'm by no means a Qaddafi apologist, but the way the US and EU help kill him was a bit cheap. Despite all the shit he pulled in the 80s as a terror sponsor and warmonger in Africa he was a key collaborator with the US after 9/11: our relations warmed tremendously and he actively and voluntarily disarmed his WMD program. The same man the Reagan administration tried to kill in an airstrike was literally handshaking Bush in 2003. He became very close to the EU as an oil supplier and economic partner...and the West literally pulled a 180 on him when the Arab Spring occurred. The same man who was being courted and escorted to VIP functions in Italy by their PM was being attacked from NATO jets flying out of Italy just years later. I would of preferred to see him tried at Hague. Hell, even a sham trial and hanging would of been more apt. Instead NATO jets literally pinned him down to a highway culvert so a NTC lead mob could sodomize and humiliate him as he was killed. That's no way to transition from despot rule to a fledgling democracy, even in the context of an armed revolution, and feel any sense of pride and justice. In a greater context, if were to really intervene in the Arab Spring in 2011 for moral reasons, it would of been in Syria, not Libya, but the latter was a more apt opportunity for the West. I know realpolitik is what rules as policy in the middle east for strategic and pragmatic reasons, and the brutal way that Gaddafi was killed was essentially the means to an end of a historically brutal dictatorship in an oil rich North African country, but it's still a hard pill to swallow. ^ TLDR: Intervention in Libya involved the West literally ousting one of the most "reformed" dictators in existence, even if he was a eccentric and bombastic statesman. It was arguably a betrayal, quasi-assassination, and intervention of convenience. And just to reiterate: he was worth 200 billion dollars If he wasn't such a selfish fuck he could've done more good than Bill Gates 3 or 4 times over (with billions to spare) Fuck him...he was scum and the world won't miss him
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