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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Here, make up your own mind: https://www.cato-unbound.org/2009/04/13/peter-thiel/education-libertarian
  2. I'm not open-minded about throwing out social democracy because you don't regulation.
  3. Smart, Tech-savvy, and takes risks. He would be the person suggesting the most dynamic and progressive ideas imo It's at least interesting to see how a VC operates within the government Are you fucking joking, Adieu? Peter Theil said 'freedom' and 'democracy' are incompatible By 'freedom' of course he meant the freedom for businesses to act how they want, regardless of the impact on civilization But Peter Theil is as close to a moustache-twirling bad guy as you're gonna find...
  4. I picture Jeb's nightly routine as him drinking low-grade scotch alone in a poorly-lit room, watching footage of his campaign gaffs and screaming at the TV calling his past self a fucking idiot...oh and of course there's a loaded pistol sat on the nightstand that he occasionally glances over at and thinks "is tonight the night?"
  5. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/11/11/prediction-professor-who-called-trumps-big-win-also-made-another-forecast-trump-will-be-impeached/
  6. Goodbye Dodd-Frank: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/11/10/501610842/trump-team-promises-to-dismantle-dodd-frank-bank-regulations Wow, didn't take long for the "Trump is gonna drain the swamp" narrative to crumble.
  7. Well, it depends if it was related to the rally or not. Grizzly-bear-avatar said it probably wasn't, and he would know better than me, but I guess we'll see. Also, KKK flyers have been popping up in my city and elsewhere in Maine. Things are definitely different than they were a week ago.
  8. KKK flyers started popping up in Maine My FB feed is full of millennials talking about how safe spaces and unconscious bias training are the solution to the current mess...yeah, right, what we need is MORE identity politics FTGE
  9. Off to a great start in Trump's America: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2016/11/01/saudi-student-assaulted-wisconsin-dies-his-injuries/93101338/ Also mass shooting at anti-Trump rally...5 wounded and counting: http://www.cnbc.com/2016/11/10/five-shot-in-downtown-seattle-near-scene-of-anti-trump-protests.html
  10. For the same reason there's a Confederate flag hanging on their wall
  11. Wikileaks is currently getting torn to fucking shreds in their AMA: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/5c8u9l/we_are_the_wikileaks_staff_despite_our_editor/ Brutal.
  12. I wasn't praising him And you should respect your enemies for their cleverness, when they're clever
  13. And Trump gave an absolute fucking masterclass on how to groom the populace for authoritarianism: "Look...Saddam, Putin, Kim-Jong-Un...these are some brutal, nasty guys...we all know that...BUT they were really good at dealing with problems X, Y and Z...and hey, WE have problems X, Y and Z, so maybe we could stand to learn something from them..."
  14. Not to mention espousing contradictory beliefs/attitudes, which he did a lot, and which seemed to work to his advantage for (I'd bet) the above reason.
  15. Ethics aside (lol), I think Trump ran a brilliant campaign. And the thing he did best, I think, was basically saying ambiguous things that can mean whatever the listener wants them to mean. "Take our country back" and "Make America great again" are the two most obvious examples, and they're nothing new in the world of politics, but Trump used such strategic ambiguity pretty much every time he talked. For instance, when he says something "if I lose, I MIGHT concede...we'll see", the ambiguity allows people the opportunity to believe the most comforting interpretation of it. Non-neurotic people tend not to believe the worst when presented with ambiguous information, and whether Trump understands this consciously or not, he capitalized on it.
  16. Yup. You want that shit out in the open where you can keep track of it.
  17. He's a "climate skeptic" so I wouldn't be so sure
  18. Trump appoints leading "climate skeptic" to head up EPA This outta be fun
  19. My ex-KKK neighbor is in a good mood today You sound...well, like someone who listens to InfoWars
  20. Are all the climate scientists in on it?Or do they simply not know as much as you?
  21. Some people don't wanna fine tune the system we have They wanna tear it down and see what happens
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