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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/cover_story/2016/10/was_a_server_registered_to_the_trump_organization_communicating_with_russia.html
  2. Nice to see Glenn Greenwald in "defend Putin" mode as per usual...
  3. http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/10/veteran-spy-gave-fbi-info-alleging-russian-operation-cultivate-donald-trump Whoa
  4. Last I heard it was 9:1 for Clinton or thereabouts
  5. This is gonna sound dumb (like most of what I say), but I think the best way to gauge the "odds" is by watching actual Las Vegas oddsmaking. The reason I say this is because thousands of people are using all of the information at their disposal, and everyone's financially incentivized to be correct. So there are very strong forces acting upon the betting odds (which are constantly re-handicapping and self-correcting for people finding edges on the house here and there--based on all available information--such that those edges disappear). So yeah it's like the 'wisdom of crowds' on steroids.
  6. Apparently on six or so occasions, a dog shot a human being with a gun And yes most of those happened in Flouride-duh (Sorry too lazy to find source)
  7. (This is what Trump supporters are "supporting")
  8. The final word on Donald Trump: https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughTrumpSpam/comments/4teoxl/a_final_response_to_the_tell_me_why_trump_is_a/
  9. Did I say "Boys 4 Men" yet? If not, then Boys 4 Men
  10. LimpyLoo

    Now Reading

    Interesting (and way more rigorous than I expected)
  11. I literally only said that because he just called me a "fucking retard" in the LOL thread Otherwise, "fucking retard" is not part of my vocabulary
  12. He looks like Anthony Cumia or whatever his name is
  13. Putting aside for a moment the fact that she's 15 lol...fantasizing about rape does not necessarily mean wishing to literally enact actual rape. The psychoanalytic perspective on anti-social fantasies is that that's exactly where anti-social behavior belongs, and moreover that it's healthy...and even moreover that you should worry about those with PG-rated fantasy lives* as, unless they've had their hypothalamus removed, they are letting their 'shadow' grow into an unleashed, un-domesticated anti-social monster that is out of their control. (*along with those with persistent obsessive anti-social ruminations, which usually indicates resentment and/or a failure to integrate one's aggressive and sexual sub-personalities into a healthy social context).
  14. LimpyLoo

    Now Reading

    Borges is amazing...wish my Spanish was good enough to read him untranslated I've been reading China Mieville's political articles and I am frankly embarrassed for him. He is a smart guy and a sweetheart but Jesus Christ, he interprets everything uni-dimensionally through the lens of Marxism, and so some of his conclusions are truly idiot. Like, any time someone poor does something bad against 'the bourgeoisie', it is a reaction to class (and thus half-justified). Now, Marxism is a completely valid way to abstractly parse the world, but if it's the only fucking tool in your toolbox then imo you have truly lost the plot. Models should be like the translucent pages of an architectural blueprint, holographically layered on top of each other. It really makes me not want to read him.
  15. She seemingly was a run of the mill stereotypical blonde Fox anchor before the Trump debate moment. I saw a lengthy interview with her on another network - CBS 60 Minutes or ABC 20/20 I can't remember - and it changed my perspective on her a lot. She's sincere and has the actual tone of a journalist. I don't agree with her politics either but she seems more like Greta Van Susteren (who just left FOX incidentally) - the kind of person liberal or moderate journalists would actually share a beer and decent conversation with off-air, not some right-wing radio or paper columnist recruited into a tv host role. Though TBH I really can't stand cable news at all, including Rachel Maddow or Anderson Cooper. The format drives me nuts. In other words, she's the kind of Republican that James Carville would happily jam his genitals into
  16. Don't worry, season 4 opens with an episode about Colin Firth and Hugh Grant bumbling poshly and apologizing to each other and offering each other tea and crumpets
  17. It means Brits being triggered by people speaking correctly (e.g. Pronouncing the letters at the end of words)
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