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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Just nabbed The Conversation from the local shop for $5... Afternoon's off to a good start.
  2. i can not play the piano for a week sometimes and you lose nothing. once the correct technique is ingrained into your subconscious, it doesnt go anywhere. for me, its the intensity of practice you do, and not the time spent, that increases the speed with which you improve, for example daisy chain practicing a piece is without a shadow of a doubt the quickest way to commit it to memory, but its fucking dull. you play/concentrate on 2 bar segments of something for 5 minutes each, until they are either perfect, or the 5 mins runs out. assuming the piece is 120 bars or so, you can get through the piece in about 4-5 hours. if you repeat the process every day for a week, its possible to perfect some pretty fucking hard shit in that time, however, you want to kill yourself and never play again. i used this technique to learn this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCkM2a4daZU in 8 days for an exam, and although i havent played it once in a year, i can still sit down and hit it just fine. I agree... With the caveat that certain types of 'motor learning' are longer-term (e.g. require weeks or months) And if you bail on them midway then the progress made gets rolled back due to atrophy So say you're working on sweep-picking 4-octave arpeggios with even dynamics/articulation/duration and zero string noise That's gonna take awhile to learn, ingrain, and cement in 'motor memory' But yeah aside from that asterisk I think you're right P.S. Cheers for the thoughts and the vid...I'm gonna watch it after I (try to) get some work done
  3. Auxien - I'm sorry, man...that sucks. All I can suggest is to try to remember: chaos may be where dragons are found, but it's also where revolution and enlightenment are found, too.
  4. and also because of the alt-right extremist group million dollar extreme. Sam Hyde is such a bummer of a human being He's like a meth addict who's been keeping the party alive for the last 5 years with hourly bumps, but instead of meth it's just non-stop toxic sarcasm Can't manage to twist that mirror around on himself (or any part of the Alt-Right) for even a second And after awhile you can no longer tell the difference between reality and all the anti-Semitic dank memes and so pretty soon you're re-tweeting InfoWars un-ironically It's really such a great way to spend your time on this earth
  5. Yeah it's not a *massive* deal But what I've heard from performance psychologists like Bulletproof Musician is that any recent progress starts to unravel if you don't practice regularly and reinforce it So it's like when coders complain about losing 20 hours of work due to a crash or some dumb mistake or whatever So, it starts to become a hell spiral, where I don't bother practice two hours today because fuck it I'm probably not gonna practice tomorrow and so today's two hours is gonna just get rolled back and so the whole system falls apart (And just to be clear, I love playing guitar and I don't see it as a job or burden like it prolly sounds, but there are things I wanna be able to do and so I make goals...so for instance I wanna be able to comfortably improvise counterpoint and polyrhythms and stuff like that so I do treat *that* aspect a bit like some obsessive gym-monkey or a lawyer who hasn't seen his wife and kids in 5 years...)
  6. I haven't played guitar in a week and I feel pretty guilty about it.
  7. I read all the relevant comments, I just need someone smarter than me to convince me I'm not crazy for entertaining the idea
  8. I don't go into the 'fave videos' thread so I'll just post this short video of a bird speaking Japanese here God forgive me imo:
  9. Good Shit I've actually been pretty impressed by Twitter today A lot of highly-intelligent people pointing their energy in good directions It can be a great info depository if you use it right So I don't know if you followed up on the WL stuff I posted, but the TL;DR of the case being made is that Assange is dead or detained or thereabouts And that Wikileaks is no longer actually Wikileaks Now, like I said, on its face that is a pretty wild claim But I dunno, can someone who knows about this sorta stuff tell me if I'm just being dumb?
  10. Oops sorry I forgot the best line of this journalism: "Hillary Clinton cannot be faulted, criticized, or analyzed for even one more second."
  11. Liberals like this make me embarrassed to be a lefty: http://www.lennyletter.com/politics/a613/hillary-clinton-is-more-than-a-president/ HRC is "More Than a President: She is an idea, a world-historical heroine, light itself." LIGHT ITSELF! She then goes on to compare HRC to MLK and defend her against "haters" She's currently arguing condescendingly with black people on Twitter Oh and she was employed at NYT A real journalist
  12. I'm usually pretty slow to start connecting proverbial dots, but whatever is going on is...well, something is going on. Also, check out the recent WL AMA...it's fucking bizarre (not to fucking mention, apparently the "verification" was as flimsy as you could imagine for the most high-profile security-obsessed whistleblower operation in the world)
  13. so they're saying Assange is maybe dead and the insurance files are suposed to be released but have been altered because the hashes (keys) don't match? wild. some are saying Snowden released a deadman switch too. craziness. Well, the weirdness doesn't stop there. I just bumped into this 15 minutes ago so I'm not the best person to lay out "the case" but just scroll through the comments to get a sense of people's concerns.
  14. How to change someone's bigoted opinion: http://www.vox.com/identities/2016/11/15/13595508/racism-trump-research-study
  15. Ummm....I usually am not freaked out by vague weirdness, but I was flushed with dread reading this (and the top-ish comments): https://np.reddit.com/r/crypto/comments/5cz1fz/wikileaks_latest_insurance_files_dont_match_hashes/
  16. For anyone interested in how to talk to people you disagree with: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9Ql5V7-OQo&t=62m1s (The 15-minute segment from 1hour02minutes until the end)
  17. Goddamn, the Conversation is a true fucking masterpiece Just really a perfect film That last scene gives me shivers it's so goddamn perfect The 'New Hollywood' films were so good with ambience and pacing The ADHD-ness of most contemporary films is kinda nauseating by contrast Wish Netflix would get itself more of a 70's fetish
  18. "The White Flight of Derek Black" and that episode of Love And Radio where the black dude befriended a Klansman should be the playbook here* *if the goal is changing hearts and minds and not merely winning a tribalist tug-of-war
  19. The Black activists in my town are using the same old guaranteed-not-to-work rhetorical approaches and as someone who wants to see them succeed, it's very very frustrating. Shaming people doesn't work. Throwing people's whiteness in their face doesn't work. I can't say anything, as I would undoubtedly get shouted down for tone policing and whitesplaining by the two activists in question. So I'm just calmly advocating that people actually *listen* to others, show them radical respect (especially if you despise their views), and speak to the highest moral version of the person you're talking to, as if you're trying to snake-charm their empathy and humanity (which yes, is in there somewhere). But that's gonna sound like "hey black people, show these white supremacists some respect, will ya?!?" so FML innit
  20. That will be a motherfucking Reckoning imo ymmv pta pb&j cia killed jfk lol ur doa dui is aok all the girlies in the club want my dna like csi on cbs byopp. It's like, either we embrace something resembling socialism or there's gonna be like 70% unemployment worldwide and eventually cash money dolla dolla bills y'all will become near-worthless and we'll all be [bleep]. I mean, not to mention that once the class hierarchy becomes too steep for anyone to claw up even a millimeter, that's when serious upheaval begins. Once the underclass no longer feel like 'the system' offers legitimate opportunities, they will happily tear it down.
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