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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Tele's have some sort of magical allure...my ex used to have a (lefty) MIM tele and I loved playing it so much...something about it just feels right I've been studying the more metal-y side of texhnique, and I stumbled upon some vids of John 5 doing some amazing shit on a tele...him and Greg Koch (pronounced "cock") and Danny Gatton...(I was always annoyed that jazz guitarists ignored techniques usually found in metal and country...lotta untapped potential there...speaking of which I started learning tapping lol) Oh man, I also really want that new Kurt Cobain jaguar...I've loved that design ever since I was 11 when Guitar World did a layout of KC's guitar design sketches...so sexy
  2. Bah can't find it...but it's a lefty version of this: https://reverb-res.cloudinary.com/image/upload/s--IPcw9wls--/a_exif,c_limit,f_auto,fl_progressive,g_south,h_620,q_auto:eco,w_620/v1465754310/clszl38wddgffbdzbssq.jpg I must say, i am usually a champion of "junk" gear, but this thing is a joy to play...I blew all of my savings on it a few months ago (after deciding to take guitar seriously again) and it was worth every penny... and you can't make the thing sound bad...with a wood pick, played up near the fretboard, with the neck pickup through a Fender tube amp...oh Jesus it's just like slow-motion honey
  3. Oh god the thought of running something like the new 909 boutique through the Deco is making me drool....that would make drum machines sound fucking amazing P.S. Speaking of electric guitars, I don't think I've shown WATMM my new guitar....I don't have a cellphone but the dude I bought it from made some videos with it, so I'm gonna try to find one and brb...
  4. Nice...nothing more satisfying than stepping on the RAT and playing a sloppy unison bend I'm thinking about getting some pedals for my "Jazz" (i.e. "Not rock") guitar setup I was thinking of stuff on the "subtler" side, like a tube compressor pedal, or a reverb pedal with an expression pedal... Any suggestions? I've been drooling over that VHS-simulator pedal (forget the name) and the Strymon tape saturation/tape echo pedal...but those are way overkill for my purposes
  5. Motherfuckin (turbo?) RAT is such a great pedal
  6. Can someone post the URL (not a link) of that vid so I can watch it? Or TLDR it for me pretty please...?
  7. I'd be shocked if ONLY one Beat said that But of course the Beats knew that blazing ganj a-most e'ry day was only one ingredient in the medicinal stew The Beats leaned heavily on comparative mythology and meditation and Taoism and civil disobedience and art and (radical 60's models of) psychiatry and mental health and LSD I don't think any drug can do all the heavy-lifting on its own (I was about to say Ecstacy, but fuck, everyone knows people who have done E 80 times and haven't matured one iota...so perhaps not even that) Even heavy psychedelics don't necessarily point you in the right direction...if someone is committed to guilt, shame, dread, pathological nostalgia, or resentment, it's certainly not a given that LSD will disabuse that person of their hang-ups...
  8. Well, merely getting high only does so much Neo-nazis and fascists get high Serial killers get high Gang members get high
  9. Weed has really helped me with self-analysis My models/conceptions about myself, the world and what a human being is have completely changed in the last year or so...very strange feeling, almost like waking up one day in an alternate universe that looks identical to this one, but with different clockwork running under the surface
  10. *pulls hair out* *realizes that probably a joke* *puts hair back in*
  11. I think it's clear that having sex with kids prevents obesity. Update the textbooks imo
  12. I am voting for Hillary, Chen Did you think I was gonna vote for Trump? Also, if we lived in an actual democracy (not confounded by superdelegates etc) then Sanders would've won: http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/pollster
  13. Btw Chen, how do you feel about Hillary lying to the FBI? Does that also not qualify as corruption?
  14. Here's today's FBI/Clinton email mega thread from Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/50utmo/fbi_releases_documents_in_hillary_clinton_email/ Aside from people conspiring to break rules/laws and launder money in order to subvert the democratic process, of course
  15. The charter? Dude they violated the charter in many ways And I'm not surprised about such corruption....I just seem to be the only one bothered by it
  16. I like a lot of bad 90's one-hit-wonder music like "If You Steal My Sunshine"
  17. Your argument seems akin to "of course the Russian Olympic judges were always ruling in favor of Russia...they're Russian!"
  18. For anyone looking for a refresher on how this totally wasn't "tampering with the democratic process": http://observer.com/2016/07/wikileaks-proves-primary-was-rigged-dnc-undermined-democracy/
  19. Are you sure you're familiar with all the details? Because planting stooges to ask Sanders about his Atheist Jew-ness in order to undermine him does not seem like a very impartial way to run the system lol
  20. And I seem to be the only person is this thread concerned about potential conflicts of interest In the practice of law, 'conflicts of interest' are actually taken seriously In this jaded post-Citizens United political atmosphere, if I worry about such potential conflicts of interest, I get told that I don't know how politics works..."that's just how the game works, brah"
  21. I don't think you're naive Chen (You know I don't) I'm just saying that we all seem so numb to the sorts of everyday, legal corruption that when someone points it out, nobody see a problem and we all just say "that's just how the game is played, innit" Hillary hires someone who tampered with the democratic process and we're all "hate the Game, not the playa" like since it's so commonplace it's not ACTUALLY a bad thing
  22. yeah, I'm sure opening them up again will be her #1 priority. you really have no idea how politics works I'm sensing. 1) I never said it was 2) you really have no idea how human beings work I'm sensing...people and groups act upon the world to improve their situation...I don't know specifically what goes through the mind of a prison lobbyist, but I know it's not "Hillary seems like a nice lady...let's give her $100,000"....whatever the REAL reason is, it's not charity, and perhaps it's not an implicit quid pro quo, but they certainly seem to think giving her $100,000 will improve their situation by at least that amount
  23. Why do groups donate money to political candidates? Answer that, and we can go from there
  24. a) Ok then tell me Chen, what is the ostensible reason for prison lobbyists giving money to a politician? b) federal laws aren't permanent
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