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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. ur middle finger looks out of proportion. it's huge! or is your ring finger just super shrimpy. sorry this has nothing to do with how i think of you as a person squee I think my middle finder was trying to stay out of my ring finger's way so that's why it's so close to the camera. yep sure okay likely story shrimp-finger [seriously though, you have lovely fingers]
  2. 31 posts deep and he's layin' down the law.
  3. Those are the best ones, you heartless bastard!
  4. They knowingly put you in the situation you are in. Just keep that in mind as you're dealing with the aftermath and wondering what to do.
  5. broken hearts across the globe. hehe indeed. What? You have a vagina? Squee, you have ******ed the vagina of my heart.
  6. broken hearts across the globe. "a real man loves his woman every day of the month" Fingerally speaking *wink*
  7. During their early morning stampede back and forth across my apartment, my cats knocked over the SH-101. I'm afraid to turn it on.
  8. My cat doesn't have balls and he doesn't know other things have balls so he's always unknowingly jumping on balls. Or he might just be an asshole. Or he might be controlled remotely by my girlfriend; I haven't ruled that out. Yeah, I take a cat to the junk like twice a day.
  9. GF appears to have discovered WATMM. Pray for me. *squint at post for further details* Squinty PostsTM are a registered trademark of LimpyLoo LLC
  10. Shit man, ex-nostalgia is the shittiest force in the universe. Good luck with yours.
  11. Sweet sweet Akai 12-bit crunchiness. Congrats, my friend. How's the sequencer?
  12. IMO there's is only an issue if there is actual exploitation. All of these girls that slept with me when I was drunk and they were sober...they are not rapists.
  13. Does that mean I can file charges against every girl that's ever slept with me when I was drunk?
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