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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. "Gay for you" just means she digs you. Irregardless, you should've took that shit home. For all intensive purposes, she was puddy in you're hands.
  2. my first world problem: when i see people who use incorrect words and phrases that mean nothing. irregardless-just a redundant form of regardless. doesnt actually mean anything and its "for all intents and purposes". not intensive purposes. Why do you think I want to use them?
  3. I really wanna start saying "irregardless" and "for all invensive purposes" but the opportunity to do so has yet to arise.
  4. (FWP: tried to drizzle on ChenGod's mom but she has a strict "no drizzling" policy )
  5. I drizzled all over your mom yesterday. When did you decide to pick on me, Chen? (FWP: ChenGod drizzled all over my mom)
  6. Honestly, yesterday I dabbled with some ear wax removal stuff--essentially just a heavy oil--and it drizzled all over the place, and it got all over my glasses, my keyboard, my drum sticks, my guitar, my bass... I tried to get rid of it but it's not quite gone.
  7. me too. ear problems suck. i still have ear-related weirdness to this day.
  8. You gotta figure that in all that time together, all those long lonely nights, two beautiful women, with no-one but each other, not certain they'd live to see morning...
  9. I strongly believe that music (or any art) should be a compulsory expression of some sort. Genres are for critics to worry about. So yeah, whoever said "uninspired"...spot on.
  10. I like how you put LOL in "closed"
  11. The best part (as usual) was Pennie's acting, and how they just dubbed some groaning over her half-assed performance.
  12. Protip: cut the governor's head off, then cut Andrea's hand off and apologize in the morning.
  13. I had an english teacher that had very well-articulated theories about the real Shakespeare.
  14. I think the whole point of life--the whole predicament--is that we have to create our own meaning. That's what plagued Sartre and Camus and Dostoyevsky and Kierkegaard and Kundera and Eliot.... Firstly I'd say narrow your focus. There's a quote from Adapation (which I think was directly yoinked from The Orchid Thief) which helped me out and brought some focus and clarity to my life: "I was starting to believe the reason it matters to care passionately about something, is that it whittles the world down to a more manageable size." Just find something that brings you joy and do that.
  15. I like Dr. Lopez I hope he knows I'm only teasing, playfully and that I wish him only the best in life and love (seriously)
  16. Ooh, how do you like the Boss Dr-55/110 (whichever it is?)
  17. Like rob brown and mike sandison fused together Timecop-style
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