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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. What is going on in your life, sirch? Sounds like a girl left you.
  2. Can't tell if gf has ptsd or depression or something else.
  3. Sometimes, in social settings, I can't tell if girls are flirting with me or playfully teasing me because I'm game for silliness. Once again, I am afraid to take this test.
  4. can someone shop the pretzel into the lake photo? We need this.
  5. If I hear someone randomly complaining about hipsters again I'm gonna throw a mason jar at them.
  6. You could try to isolate or enhance 1-2khz (which AFAIK is where the comprehensibility of speech is)
  7. Nice vid, but I suspect that halfway through the vid the piano music is dubbed. The audience gives it away.
  8. You did good, kiddo. You did good. It's just simply time to move on.
  9. COOL TIME-STRETCH, BRO. Seriously though, this has officially become insane.
  10. That's what I do, hire someone to draw all my cover artwork, for consistent, professional branding. I think it pays off: That's a rad idea. I really like the idea of a group/artist having a (more-or-less) consistent palette (e.g. BOC, Flaming Lips) or even having a recurring artist (e.g. Yes, Molly Hatchet, V-Snares).
  11. The record I'm working on will be done in the next month or two. I'll need all the usual art for cd's and cassettes (and perhaps vinyl). (Was also looking for some manic mspaint squiggle video stuff)
  12. Does anyone have any advice for what I should do for cover art? Should I pay someone to do it for me or what? I've always just had my friends do it in the past but I'd like to step it up a bit.
  13. It's probably time for us both to close the book on human contact altogether. We gave it the old college try and it just didn't pan out. So, now all have to do is accept our Howard Hughes-esque fate of seclusion and misery and soul-crippling OCD and Guinness-Book-of-World-Record-grade fingernails and rows upon rows of jars filled with urine.
  14. Sometimes I feel like an actual hunchback when I message 3 different people on 3 different sites for 3 different reasons and nobody responds. I probably just have a severe form of mental retardation and can't tell when I'm being offensive or inappropriate.
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