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Posts posted by Schlitze

  1. Read a cracking interview with Lynch in Variety the other day. Apparently tone wise the new series is very close to Fire Walk With Me, this little snippets seem to match that vibe. That excites me... This might actually be good!


    Yeah, everyones seen it. Even Rubin Farr posted it up.

    Rubin Farr tells you the things you already know. Did you know that Blade Runner was running 15 minutes over time and then they used old Shining out takes.

    Different ways Rubin Farr will find use for himself while the world laughs.

  2. on my last day last week I noticed his interest in what I was saying to others

    union jack since 1801


    You've completely run out of ideas. When you messed up on the Coleman's post 80% of the people here thought it was a minor blip...but you never really recovered. Now 60% believe there is no future in diatoms ''he was a fraud, he's not holding his philosophies together well at all, why did he get 6 pages, who are the fucking morons who buy into this'' and ''diatoms is running on empty, the light of love which shines through his thick lensed glasses is opaque and dense''

    When no light shines through one must retire to their den and recalibrate. Clean the lens and still find grains of dirt? Then it's the soul which must be cleansed.

  3. Sounds twice as good on headphones :cat:  if my findings for this evening are to be believed instrinsically. My speaker system isn't good enough to pick up all the detail of my expensive Sony in ear's. That is when that shit is at it's most intense paradoxically.

    I conclude it's headphone enhanced somehow

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  4. This really has the potential to be one of the best films of the franchise if Ridley and the writers get this right. We're going deeper into the engineers ideas, why did they want to wipe out humans they created. We're seeing the black goo airborne, what is that stuff? David's set up a science lab in paradise and is doing experiments on the dead engineers.. in effect playing god. David comes face to face against his new version Walter Weyland. In the trailer I saw the Deacon and the Neomorph.

    Dorks say ''I hate this film, the alien comes out of his back, that's not real, an alien would come out the front'' or ''the alien would never attack when a couple have sex in the shower, that's so b- movie horror``. That's dorks trying to appeal to fellow dorks..what a cuntish cliché.

     But theres just something about this film that tells me it's going to be awesome. Papering over the cracks of the weakness in Prometheus. I'm seeing Prometheus as a film which held back just the right amount to see this flourish. I hope i'm right. 

  5. Ditched the cassette deck last year, not being used at all really and takes up quite a lot of space, i just need minimal size receiver + cd / usb / Bluetooth / dab and all that shit and i'm fine. the tape decks gotta go. No room for nostalgia.

  6. Been meaning to get a decent cam for a while but I haven't used one since my bad experience with the Hero 2 back in the day. It didn't have a viewfinder so I was just guessing where it was pointing, got home and looked at the footage and it was pointing too low. The helmet mount isn't great for MTB, to can hear the branches hitting the cam. I'd use chest mount, more stable.

  7. That's pretty shit if you guys are having trouble with traffic that's putting you off getting out on the bike, I guess some cities are set up for cyclists better than others. I'm out pretty much every day on the bike for the last 15 years and haven't had any problem, don't even bother with a helmet most of the time. I just try to stick as close to the kerb as possible and follow the highway code. And use bike paths to get from A to B whenever possible.

    The cyclo road bike I got 18 months ago has been excellent. So low maintenance / fuss. All I've needed to buy for it is a new shimano rear mech and chain and a new back tyre.

    As a result the MTB has been getting neglected, gonna give it some TLC this week and put it into the shop for a fork service and rear suspension service then try and do the rest myself. When I was using this thing regularly off road it was costing me more than to run a car. But I do miss trail riding so it gotta be done.

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