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Posts posted by Schlitze

  1. The ones that defy explanation are magic. Shin Lim, he's made a pact with a demon or something. Incredible. Also the youtube vid's where Teller talks are fascinating, he doesn't give too much away though. David Blaine's shit is just crazy, he just puts himself through physical hell. I just rewatched his last show where he's freaking out all the celebrities. A lot of it is him sticking needles through his hand and bicep muscle and it's for real, that must just be scar tissue all the way through, he doesn't bleed or seem to feel any pain.

    Watching some great Jeff McBride tricks just now.


    A demonic nun unleashes holy hell when she summons the devil to possess a great white shark.






    This was a good premise and I looked forward to see what they'd do with it. They failed. Turned it off after 5 minutes. They couldn't even afford a crude CGI shark with red eyes. Just some burnt out ex porn stars who'd been bitten off screen vomiting into the sea.

    Maybe we can get a kickstarter to make a real version with a good script and a real shark.

  3. I like it for what it is. Never thought a pitchfork review would speak for me but they got the review good. Good headphones and it comes into it's own.

  4. People often seem to respond to those not digging this release by saying that not everything needs to be innovative, Aphex doesn't need to always reinvent the wheel, etc...(or something in that vein.)


    'Reinventing the wheel' or innovation isn't really even the issue for me - I so love Plaid's last album, and that one seems more a continuation of what they do best. The issue for me is that this E.P is just SO raw and bare-bones and seemingly basic (to these ears) that I can't really hold on to anything. There is a good kind of simplicity and minimalism, and some of this does touch that zone, but not quite enough or quite often enough for me. Honestly, if anyone else played this to me, or rather if I heard it in another context, I would assume the tracks were at the most half finished or a lot was missing from them.


    Perhaps it's very special how he programmed this synthesiser or something. I am just struggling to see anything exciting here.... I suppose it has groove. It could still have a bit more content and musical interest and have groove for me.


    And also, as a side point - about the innovation stuff - why no release some stuff like that now? There's lots of producers out there making good, solid tunes that aren't pushing things. That's great for what it is. There's only one Aphex Twin. I'd love to hear something that makes me go 'wow'!


    Whatever... Each into his own!



    Thank's for that insight Lianne. Is Richard James & Sean Booth still swearing too much in their interviews and undermining the power of music? Oh the little arty Lianne!

  5. I'm just here to say that exai is a fuckin pop album compared to elseq. And that i like both.




    best n00b 'testing the water' post ever. Go back to deadmouse.

  6. Yeah, i'm finding some Hooper gems on there. 'Eaten Alive' and 'Lifeforce' have been on i think...and they say Hooper lost his touch in the 80's. The acting and writing isn't as good as he used to do it but he still has his creativity and creatures. Best film i've seen on horror channel though is Henlotter's Frankenhooker.

  7. ...there is a short and slow version of 7th slip in Krems, at 47:11...

    Indeed. There's a little 7th slip at 48:05 but it gets cut off rather abruptly

  8. I keep planning on listening to some other Autechre stuff.... like revisiting Exai or some live sets, but then I just end up listening to Elseq instead.


    Yes, damn true Poiman. I can't seem to get away from my faves. I'm hooked on the elseq 1-4's but not listened to part 5 at all. I didn't download it, 4 was enough. It can only come as a disappointment after the immensity of the previous 4... Poiman, i'm sure you felt the same.

  9. Freeheld_Movie_Poster.jpg


    police lieutenant, laurel hester (julianne moore) is fighting a local new jersey town of freeholders to secure her pension funds go to married partner stacie (ellen page) after she is diagnosed with terminal cancer.


    interesting story but not very well done. there are some dodgy casting choices (like steve carrell as some kind of gay jewish equality advocate and whoever played hester's sister). anyway, this is more made-for-television standard fair


    six out of ten breathing tubes


    It sounds awful. I'll watch it anyway just to see what Michael Shannon's doing. Also, that poster threw me somewhat, I didn't see Ellen Page I saw a shaved Haley Joel Osment.

  10. _suburra-1377711299.jpg

    Watched this this afternoon at the filmhouse on a screen not much bigger than my TV. For the most part it's ace, I have a few squabbles with the ending but the intensity and pacing draws you in... you cocksuckaz can't afford not to check it out.


    Also read tonight it's being developed for a series like Gommorah! These guys don't waste their time.

  11. 7th slip sounded amazing last night when I was out of it. Still sounds good, but not as good as last night, I was zoned out on all the frequencies.

  12. Haha, no too garish. I was really tempted to buy that tDR poster when I saw there's only 10 left now, opted out. They should have made more if they're selling out at such a rate and they're making so much profit.

  13. hated Dogtooth. Really liked the Lobster until the last third. They didn't develop the ideas to the max and it fizzled out..


    Before I wake - 8/10


    If you thought Conjuring 2 was scary well hot dang, put this on with the lights out and the volume up.

  14. It's not Jev, he's laying low after it was revealed he was living a lie. Pretending to be living on Christmas Island. He's very guarded and coy underneath that dimwitted exterior. More so now that i'm going after him.

    Yeah, those reviews are dumb, why do these geeks even bother when they clearly don't get it? I think it's because they've got the Fantano mentality. They just want to boost views and get hipster cred, they don't even know the music. I hope they get power-slammed in the comments.

  15. Bing still being crap. Are Microsoft still happy for this shit engine to be Google's retarded brother after all these years?

    I googled 'Barnaby Joyce' earlier to see if the Aussie agricultural minister had taken a stance on his live cattle exports and their untracability when they leave Oz. Truth is he couldn't give a shit about them when they leave, they ain't his problem any more, he only cares about what's coming in.

    Google gives me this info, why can't the eternally appalling bing bother. Why does Bing even bother existing? I'd rather have Jarvis.

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