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Posts posted by Schlitze

  1. Such an awesome big chunk of music. I can't thank Ae enough.

    Shit dawgs, serving it up to us like this means we can binge listen, like a TV series as Booth alluded to...i'm skipping from track to track so much i can't remember the names of any of them. The format they have given us is more rewarding than we care to acknowledge.

    Top 5? Same as i posted earlier in the thread.

  2. No, i think you're just going mad, but thanks for getting me to listen to that last chunk of Katowice again. It's hard to put into words how good that is.

  3. This week at work I ain't been able to sit at my desk and listen to the headphones too much so I've been getting tracks stuck in my head, tracks I've listened to the previous night and are in the subconscious. First thing I do when I get home is try to find the track in my head, but I have no idea what its called or what elseq chunk it's from. So I end up immersed in the whole thing, and forget the track I was looking to begin with. And so the weekday cycle continues.

  4. I get the feeling they won't be inclined to talk about it at all. There won't be the same pressure from warp to do interviews with this being bleep only so less promotion, which is fine. The music does the talking. And yeah, this is great for shuffle, bouncing around the tracks, not knowing the name of them or what album they're from, just loving the music.

  5. That question is so futile you should have known better than ask it. Even a newborn baby would understand that, never mind a ''Time Tourist'' who jumps from time to time like Ethan Hawke in Predestination. You've seen civil wars, the fall of the Berlin wall, Putin's unveiling, Trump emerge from the womb. And you ask a question like that expecting an answer? Maybe your brain was fried during your last time jump and you didn't have the presence of mind to realise it was a terribly generic question that wasn't going to get an answer.

  6. First listen to elyc6 and I like it, this could be a top 5 contender. As I said earlier Autechre are on absolute bloody fire with the music they're making atm. Would love to know what kit they're using. It sounds computery.

  7. I still haven't listened to all the tracks. I'm still stuck on my fave five. acdwn2, artov, pendulu, eastre & latentcall. It's hard to imagine it can get any better than those tracks! Gonna check out the rest tomorrow

  8. I always loved those reverby sounds on the Confield bonus track MCR Quarter which is why I cant get enough of Artov Chain. I can listen to those noises all day long.

  9. These teaser trailers are annoying as fuck, they have literally no footage to show. Because they haven't even filmed it yet! Go and make the film instead of wasting time teasing people and we will see you in a year when you have something to show. FUCK!!!

  10. I don't care about having a physical copy at all, it's just sounds. But what is with that best answer? Is that hip internet man promoting pirating these in the first sentence of the second paragraph?

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