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Everything posted by Blir

  1. A tumblr page or something should be made for these, give them a persistent place. Then send it to TDR and Warp.
  2. Don't let the door hit you on your fucking face on the way out!!! :( I still love you, babes
  3. Amazing. Truly amazing. Send this to AE or TDR. No way the actual Bull Wallet cover will top some of these.
  4. Don't let the door hit you on your fucking face on the way out!!!
  5. Blir

    Now Reading

    Recently read this book. It was really bloody good. Great pacing, interesting characters. I recommend it.
  6. I think I posted about this in June actually, but I was on a healthy living thing for about six weeks before I went off on three holidays and I hadn't felt so good in a long time. I'm a grumpy, miserly cunt by nature, which I suppress as much as possible in public but some days I haven't got time for people. However with the exercise and eating well I felt alert, alive and... serene I guess. I went way off it while I was away and just junked out, but christ I regret it. Been in a black hole since getting back from BangFace and am back on the healthy thing, for as long as possible really. I think there's a LOT in exercise and healthy eating to assist with depression and would recommend it. Not that I'm saying I'm depressed, but the mood change is noticable.
  7. Oh my god it's exactly how I envisioned it! Beauty. Thanks Randy! Also: LOL!
  8. Surely there's legs in an Autechrized version of the Ted 'by request only' cover, with the boys photoshopped in and "Ted" replaced with" 'Chre " and the album titled 'Bull Wallet', which is it's actual title. I'd do it myself but I'm at work and photoshop impaired. Sorry guys.
  9. This album is now called Bull Wallet. I can't wait for Bull Wallet to be released.
  10. If they're going to make a Mass Effect movie I only want one thing to happen, the rest is superfluous. Shepard must punch and headbutt that female reporter.
  11. The Strokes are better than Tool. More or less same genre. Listen to them instead.
  12. During the London 2012 olympics there will be a test for an upcoming alien arrival, the aliens of course coming to enslave humanity (apart from those in the upper echelons of humanity who sold us out to them). We've been planning for this with smaller things to make our minds prepared. Such as the olympic mascots, which just look like one eyed silver aliens. They are in fact subliminally preparing us for our new alien overlords. I'd love to admit that I just made this one up but in fact it's a current conspiracy.
  13. True that. Sometimes people will deliberately concentrate their rant on your grammar than on the message you are actually trying to send, to mess with us. But most people are cool with that, because most of the regular posters aren't native english speakers anyway... It's worth pointing out that I think your written English is really good. Puts to shame some sirch's I could mention.
  14. Oh yeah, this is fascinating. One was for joking about posting a nude picture of someone. Making a joke (lol) One was for unspecified "trolling" One has no actual reason attached to it. The other was for making a personal attack at someone. Which is fair enough. Still though, LOL
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