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Everything posted by Blir

  1. Who's going to be recording their shows? Just because it's unlikely we're going to get a soundboard doesn't mean we shouldn't take a recording. I would but I have nothing to record with!
  2. Welcome to a shit thread. If I was ae forum mod this messy shit wouldn't go down. No sir. Not on my watch.
  3. I'm pretty die hard. However I'll chime in when the album is out.
  4. Rob hasn't paid much attention to ae recently. He's been putting the finishing touches on his balsa wood battleship.
  5. Who are you, again? Hows about I have my own opinion and not fall in line with all you sheep fawning over Joe Electronica's "My First Whack At Reason"? Obvious Sean Booth is obvious. Actually Sean Booth is round my house right now playing Outrun and he said that isn't him.
  6. Back of the net!

  7. Why don't you wait until Oversteps is released first...
  8. I dont see why? I wanted Autechre to do something unexpected and thats what we got. They dont have to be abrasive and super complex to get their point across always. I'm fine with that. For me, they've always presented two paths upon listening... either awe at the mindfuck beat slaying or a deep-rooted nostalgic, yet alien sense of haunting at their melodies. I got the later with this release. I didnt quite get either with Quaristice. Take Confield's VI Scose Poise. This album is a natural progression of what we got there. Same goes for Fermium, then Simm. Perhaps those sounds are more bright and sharp, but they are also more "holographic" or 3D in how they cut through the listening space. I'm enthusiastic because the album deserves to be. If it was just another beat slaying album, I'd be sitting here saying, "..Albeit good, its the same. Where's the melodies?" I agree, and after hearing the first 20 minutes or so, I had to stop in excitement cause I knew it was legit. Then I checked watmm and saw all these doubts, and at first thought it was hilarious, but then I went and finished it, and some of the tracks do feel a little bizarre for me to say with confidence it is ae. And with the weirdness of this being one long track and one song playing twice, idk... its an odd situation to anticipate something, and then receive something that could or could not be it, to feel good about it though, but still unsure if its the real deal NO d00Dzor it's defo real im hardcore ae og I should know
  9. How ironic, Just A Souvenir sounds just like the Oversteps artwork looks like. A black hole.
  10. While Sean was wiping a poo moustache over dans top lip I managed to sneak into his studio and take a disc titled "Quaritour SBoard wav" but he must read WATMM because when I got home it was just a 400bpm gabber bassdrum for an hour. Sorry guys :(
  11. Yep. Absolutely. All this leak gayness put me off three fake Oversteps ago.
  12. Thisis the one everyone is listening to right now.
  13. Gee willackers. Reading this thread makes me so glad I'm content to wait for the album rather than sitting here tickling my prostate and arguing if it's real or not with a group of people who admit to loving spreading misinformation (while ironically constantly complaining about US government misinformation) :prostatetickle:
  14. I heard this on the blogs today too Actually I heard it directly from Sean Booth. He ziplined through my bedroom window just to tell me this.
  15. I heard that Oversteps is just fake tracks from Gl0tch's next album.
  16. I'm going to take that as an enormous compliment so I'm not forced to doing pistols at dawn.
  17. If I was the sheriff of the ae subforum shit wouldn't get out of hand like this.
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