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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Boxus

  1. #1 for me is absolutely Confield

    I love how varied it is - each track feels like its own distinct sonic world. And it has a perfect balance of complexity and minimalism. It feels open, airy, cool. Not quite so dense as their post-2010 albums.

    After that it's too hard to rank, but LP5, Quaristice, Oversteps and Tri Rep would probably fill out my top 5.

  2. I'm among those who got into Aphex and Ae via the Pi soundtrack. I was 12 or 13 yo at the time. And I was just lucky enough to have a friend with great taste who discovered that movie and bought the soundtrack. THANK YOU MAX. He was really into the Orb as well, and I listened to them and Aphex a lot at first, then got more into Autechre the following year after limewiring a bunch of random tracks and finally buying Tri Rep.

  3. On 9/28/2019 at 10:03 PM, Bubba69 said:

    I've been really into puzzle games. Good puzzle games. I prefer first person, but there aren't many of those that aren't garbage and I think I ran out of titles in that genre to play.


    Right now I'm playing Recursed. This is a 2d platformer with the ultimate brain-fuck mechanics. I don't want to explain it because part of the fun is jumping into it and learning the mechanics as they come. it's about recursion, it's weird, it's well made.


    I Finished.

    1. Quern which is in incredible myst-like game. Really good, probably better than obduction IMO.

    2. Supraland. This is a reason this game is 10/10 on steam. One of the coolest first person puzzle games I've played. It's a puzzle/metroidvania/FPS game that takes place in a child's sandbox. It's insane. Play it. It rules.

    3. Obduction. Really good.

    4. The witness. Really good.

    5. The Talos Principle (+ road to gehenna). This is a good game and the DLC is even better. I need to replay this soon, it's been a few years and I missed out on the bonus stuff.

    6. Anti-Chamber. This game ruled.

    7. I've started many zachtronics games. All of them are cool in their own way. TIS-100, opus magnum. Haven't played exapunks yet.

    8. portal 2.

    9. Quantum condundrum - decent but not the greatest.

    10. Myst/Riven

    11. Minit (added last minute because I was thinking of outer wilds)

    Games I want to finish but haven't:

    1. Outer Wilds - This game is basically minit but instead of 60 seconds it's 20 minutes and the fucking sun explodes and you die and start over. And it's insane and chock full of exploration and secrets and I still haven't beat it because you have to be in the right mood to dig into it but it's basically a big open-ended exploration game that has puzzle elements. It's just very cool, I don't want to spoil anything about this game because it's just that amazing and surprising as it unfolds.

    On my list to play:

    1. Fish fillets 2 -- yeah this game looks super jank but it's supposed to be really fucking good and hard. pc only.

    2. stephen's sausage roll --- Only on pc. Seems to stay eternally at $30 so I'll probably wait on this for a while. Heard it's quite good though.

    3. Whenever the supraland sequel/dlc comes out I'll play that, probably what I"m most excited about.

    4. baba is you. Heard this is really good, just haven't gotten around to it yet.

    5. Obra Dinn, I have heard this described as a puzzle? Still want to play it eventually I just haven't gotten around to it. Loved papers please.

    6. Manifold garden. Whenever this game comes out I will be all over it. Looks like Antichamber folded into a hypercube level of crazy.


    Games I haven't finished because I thought they sucked:

    1. Qube - I just, couldn't get into it

    2. The Turing Test (got really far in this but the puzzle design is just bad and the puzzles get repetitive and annoying, I can't quite put my finger on it. I'll probably try to finish it because I think I'm near the end it's just a disappointing experience).

    ❤️ the best genre. Check out Matthew Brown's games if you haven't yet - especially Hexcells Infinite, one of the best numerical logic puzzlers ever (basically a really, really good version of minesweeper). Also worth playing the other two hexcells games (though I'd start with infinite) and CrossCells. But maybe skip Cypher - it's interesting but a little too obtuse to be enjoyable past the first couple puzzle sets imo.

  4. huge fan of this from day one, i've played it a ton over the years. i agree that nth dafuseder is the weakest track (still enjoy it tho). iris is a pupil is one of my favorite of the oversteps-style tunes, with that nice squiggly glide on the melody. pce and rew are incredible. cep is a fantastic closer.

  5. Re: l d and r, started watching the first episode and it looked like a video game opening sequence ? Started watching the second one and fell asleep . Was watching it with my wife who wasn't into it which I'm sure didn't help ... may flick thru and check some of the ones u listed above . I am a big fincher fan for the most part so want to see what is up with it


    lol yeah, i watched some of the first episode and just found myself looking for the "Skip Cutscene" button. probably worth another look at some point tho

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