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Boris de Vries

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Everything posted by Boris de Vries

  1. It's in Amsterdam's Vondelpark. I was just going into the bushes to take a piss and this weird google bike with that camera thing on it came by. This was 2 years ago and I sort of forgot about it, just remembered it the other day and found myself!
  2. We pay for Warp tracking and taking down leaks!
  3. raw vinyl (before the record is made from it) Yeah, looks like the artwork is all about 'the making of'. Speaking of— I wonder when we'll hear about the making of Windowlicker, as listed on the artwork.
  4. I took a nap at 8 pm and now at 2am I can't sleep.
  5. 'Established Elite Lifestyle Category'
  6. You know, I kind of got used to the feeling a new album is coming out, and that it's going to take a while for it to get here. I hope this feeling lastst until the 22nd
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Rndo8VOQuA
  8. What sources? [edit] Never mind, I found the wikipedia page with 5 sources.
  9. What is this? This is really good. The footage is from the movie Perfume
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQJFYuMqH6o
  11. Considering the artwork and the amounts of money on it- is there an explanation yet? for these amounts being so low? How should they be interpreted? My theory is that what's on the cover is what you paid for it, you know, the sum of all the expenses divided by the amount of copies made or something? How would this work with digital releases? I don't know...
  12. Sorry, when I was lurking, this just really bugged me, had to set it straight. Better to talk about fonts than about Kanye, right?
  13. I try to update the original post with useful information for as long as it feels relevant to do so. There is no track or performance apart from manchester, metz or singapore that's virtually confirmed, let alone suggested, although some members have baselessly suggested that the Barbican (suspended piano) performance might be aisatsana (track 12). There are two recent interview snippets by fader mag and pitchfork if you check back with the OP. Current news is that we have discovered the typeface on the album cover to be Norm Simple Regular. Nah, the font is definitely Decima Mono. Look at Norm Simple's W, it's too wide, The serifs on the I are too narrow. The 'g' is totally different from the one seen in the album artwork. Compare the lowercase fonts..! Here's Decima Mono Light And regular, which is probably used for the vignette I'm a typography nerd
  14. Hya guys, I'm new, have been lurking for about a year now (and have pretty much read every post in this thread). I know, read the rules. For those wondering about the font used: on the Syro webpage, if you check the CSS, you'll see that they used Decima Mono Light. I'm really sure that's the one they used on the album cover as well. Oh, and the page has changed, at least, the .com. There's links to the webshops on there now.
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