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Everything posted by IOS

  1. oh my god, this is epic "IT'S A TRAP!" REWIND
  2. wav flac mp3 cover 1.5GB DOWNLOAD NOW https://we.tl/t-BJrunHJo8a
  3. oh yeah, perfect fit - I'm thinking especially the 15:00 mark when the superlush Nord enters Amazing photo dude
  4. Very tempted yeah. I prioritised the replica because it is what we've all been looking forward to first and foremost ? I keep thinking how awesome it'd be to set up a very broad collaboration, like 10 people working on a short Nord segment each, another 10 on MD patterns etc. We'd end up with several variations, and then we could somehow automate rendering all the possible permutations ha
  5. yeah, there're a couple more bootlegs lying around, so we'd go through the same process. I reckon it'd take a bit less time to complete
  6. Here's a 24bit wav render with no master bus effects i.e., no limiter, compressor etc. I does have however all the level tweaks and effects in all the stems. https://we.tl/t-ftWAX27t4K Donations - I tried linking to the same charity that Sean Booth had mentioned during his March 2020 webcasts on mixlr. That link seems to have expired now, but it was for this organisation: https://www.crisis.org.uk/ Lovely people, all your thank yous and comments are massively appreciated. Any suggestions about this unofficial mix, PM me, I'll make a list and share with digit. Will give this a break due to uni work, but looking to return to it in the near future, most likely mix it at a friend's studio; a couple more replications would be fun as well. As always, respect to RB and SB for the incredible music throughout the years
  7. All I'll say here is, this was effing super-challenging material to mix; Ae make it so effortlessly awesome-sounding in their live sets/releases. The more you work with this material, the more you think "WHAT THE FUCK, I could tell just by listening to it that it must have taken a lot of work, but this is bonkers!!" And then you go and compare what you've recreated/mixed to the boot, and you realise there's fuckin MORE to it. And then you remember that you never had to spend time crafting the sounds on the various synths they used.
  8. freaking lame.exe mp3 (125 MB) https://we.tl/t-7mJEn7BUiI
  9. If it wasn't for digit insisting on making the nord/mpc louder, the mix would be bassdrums and hihats
  10. AE 2008-04-04 Live @ Echoplex replicated by ios / digit from the original 2008 tour patches supplied by Autechre. wav 24bit (842,699 KB) https://we.tl/t-4Np8cXcBZQ flac (615,778 KB) https://we.tl/t-s6jY6zXoS0 mp3 soon, I need to locate lame.exe ffs artwork by @jules and @digit Much much love to Sean Booth & Rob Brown for making the source files available. Whilst you're downloading, IO spoiler
  11. Uploading wav24 & flac as I type. Will post separate wetransfer links in a few minutes. mp3 320kbps to follow shortly afterwards
  12. Friday 04/12/2020 19:00 GMT for the wetransfer URL. @digit and @jules want a few days to finalise artwork and notes, I may do some final tweaking.
  13. Went to the uni studio this week for auditioning. digit and I both reckon it's sounding really good. I took some short videos from that listening sesh at the studio, and yes I could upload them provided that digit and everyone is cool with that.
  14. wetransfer for sure, and hopefully here on watmm as well. I had tried with the incomplete replica a few months ago, but it wouldn't upload here. Will try again
  15. ^^ this fri eve / sat / sun is scheduled for v007 mix > sent over to digit for feedback.
  16. Sorry for the delay dudes, we're both on it. I gave it a couple of days off just to let the ears rest and catch up with uni work. Just dealing with the levels in a few tricky areas. Shouldn't take long now,
  17. Hey Karen, you know exactly what to do
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