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cruising for burgers

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cruising for burgers

  1. tarkovsky the mirror.... but maybe i'm wrong... You were wrong. blame google images and yourself for not being kind enough to post the movie title...
  2. eugene is addressing the right topics! i don't like people, therefore, i got 32, perfectly normal, i'm a twat, now, aspergers??? ffs...
  3. sorry but this test is bollocks, really, most of the stuff doesn't even make any sense, each question depends on so much factors... Your score: 32 0 - 10 = low 11 - 22 = average (most women score about 15 and most men score about 17) 23 - 31 = above average 32 - 50 is very high (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 35) 50 is maximum
  4. you got it all wrong dude lol the intentions were excellence acting between two buddies, and it succeeded in that 100%... now, of course you saw it coming, it's on the movie synopsis... manipulating viewers?? you obviously haven't watched biutiful and incendies...
  5. YES!!! read YOYO review to know what you shouldn't do to fully enjoy this movie...
  6. sorry my ignorance, but it looks like/sounds like if in the intro of memorex video, you actually spotted where the vhs head samples came from and glued them with the original videos... did you do that??? or is it just a awesome case of synchronicity???
  7. donnie darko fan? don't you happen to have a mix of donnie darko scenes or something?
  8. please don't i'm not looking for artsy movies (whatever it means), looking for interesting flicks that came out and had something (somewhat) new to tell well, maybe i don't know what the word artsy really means... well, maybe i do know after all...
  9. please don't i'm not looking for artsy movies (whatever it means), looking for interesting flicks that came out and had something (somewhat) new to tell well, maybe i don't know what the word artsy really means...
  10. seconded. doesn't need to be 2012 though... try this one: beyond the black rainbow... you're looking for artsy stuff right?
  11. dredd would have worked way better with some comedy on it and mr silvester stallone of course... now that's some bad ass expression...
  12. she was 18 at lest, i checked, lol movie had a bit of investigation lols all around...
  13. there's no fucking color contrast!!!!!!!!! and richard kelly doesn't even have a proper signature...
  14. dude, lol, you know you're completely wrong.... isn't it you who's studying cinema and who made hilarious critics on lost? mirezzi? how can you compare the cinematography of both movies??? u silly bear! donnie darko has a trashy 90's touch to it: [youtubehd]3mbBbFH9fAg[/youtubehd] that trailer reminds me of a work of a friend of mine which i hate: :( [vimeo]56823554[/vimeo]
  15. yes, i don't even think i like the cinematography on primer anymore, i'm afraid of revisiting it... and this new one looks exactly like most student projects these days, that constant blur in/blur out geez awful... it's so bright and sharp looks like a polished car commercial...
  16. yes i think i watched it, but couldn't get much sense out of it, and it was a crappy copy... i feel terribly sad when watching movies lower than 720p... :(
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