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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. https://mnlth.bandcamp.com/track/farewell-frenchman
  2. Just in case anyone was wondering, my earlier issue went totally shitshaped. Why break the habit of a lifetime?
  3. I've been working at my new job for 9 months now, and none of my co-workers have seen me drunk. Only once got slightly tipsy at Shoreditch house after umpteen margaritas. But never drunk. WINNING!!!!
  4. Just finished Fleabag, the fact it doesn't have a happy ending is very cathartic for me. *stares out of a window with rain falling down it*
  5. I love when he's talking about Pinot Noir, but actually about himself. Great script for this film.
  6. Oooh thanks for the recommendation!!! I'll give it a go.
  7. took this mid blink and look like Tommy Wiseau and Courtney Love (bad era) had a love child.
  8. Sainsbury's Apple Cider, it's only £2.50 for 4 so a real bargain, *takes a huge swig, spit takes* cough, cough, cough!!!!
  9. I've taken up tarot, and it's going pretty well. Have had some spookily accurate readings and so will continue.
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