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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Professional protestors... buddy is gonna go full Erdogan in no time.
  2. Post the facking headline (or an excerpt) if you're going to link an article.
  3. Hard to disagree with this. Considering his admin apparently has only started the hiring process for staffers, they'll be lucky if they pass any legislation in his first year. He won't be able to fulfill many of his promises. TPP will probably not get signed though. The Wall was always a pipe dream, and deporting immigrants is a multi-year project that no one knows how they're going to pay for it. Doublename: awesome. What do you teach? I teach middle and high school US History. My 11th graders are just getting to the Gilded Age now, so this article fits in nicely. Thanks for posting it. That's great. They are lucky to have you as a teacher! Do you play them the soothing aphex sounds when they write in-class essays? No Aphex yet, but I've played OPN's Rifts and Returnal for my 7th graders when they write. Some BoC too.
  4. Hard to disagree with this. Considering his admin apparently has only started the hiring process for staffers, they'll be lucky if they pass any legislation in his first year. He won't be able to fulfill many of his promises. TPP will probably not get signed though. The Wall was always a pipe dream, and deporting immigrants is a multi-year project that no one knows how they're going to pay for it. Doublename: awesome. What do you teach? I teach middle and high school US History. My 11th graders are just getting to the Gilded Age now, so this article fits in nicely. Thanks for posting it.
  5. Wow, a limpy post I can get down with. There's a great article in foreign affairs that should still be free today on the history of populism in the US. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/print/1118363 If it's not available, and anyone is interested in reading it, let me know. Gonna make my students read this tbqh.
  6. There's nothing inflammatory about that though. White people voted for Trump.
  7. He's gonna set a record for presidential golf outings and let someone else do the heavy lifting.
  8. But white people who can't let go of the past are what got us into this mess.
  9. lol all those berlusconi comparisons just became best case scenario.
  10. we failed to save white America from itself tbqh
  11. she was at like 67% 15 minutes ago. I wanna die.
  12. Philly suburbs are the fucking scum of the Earth, I swear.
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