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Everything posted by olo

  1. It was atrocious. The dialogue between negan & rick...oh my... cg tiger/10
  2. Oops...Looks like Flynn is looking for immunity in exchange for his testimony about what he knows about his/Trump team Russian connections. Telly Tubby uh-oh...
  3. David probably tried to hook-up with Shaw, she denied his advances & sent him swirling into a deep despair. Instead of coping with not being able to nail Shaw proper, he went off the deep end and decided to wipe out the human race as payback. Straight up dick move David. also, this movie sounds shittier and shittier.
  4. Rubin, Who kidnapped David on Legion? You seem to be familiar with the comic is all.
  5. Seizure, obviously using the coffee as a prop to explain it & joke it off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhPu-kjtsWQ
  6. Wolol. What a shitshow. Finished this last night. Borrowing from the movie Home Alone saved the last act for me. Backpack catapult for the win. So the whole movie was about replacing your dog with a basement demon? Stupid kid's dance after his coin-into-dove magic trick /10
  7. Started watching The Babadook this weekend. Fell asleep half way through. The mom & son are possibly the 2 most annoying characters in any form of entertainment I can recall from recent memory. May try finishing it, who knows... 1/10 so far for the book illustrations only.
  8. So, by the looks of that poster, David basically wanted to wipe out the engineers for some reason with his perfecting the alien xenomorph recipe. What a dick android.
  9. Legion ep. 7 - Penultimate episode of the season. A lot of questions answered and became much more "comicbook -esque" as the episode unfolded.In a good way. I'm totally down with this show at this point. A few really quality sequences last night. Looking forward to where it all goes.
  10. Strangely, black helicopters were seen right before the fires broke out. Some say they're covering up the tracks of several cattle mutilations. illuminati.
  11. turned on the latest episode for 5 minutes while flipping between NCAA games. Sasha and Rosita were breaking through some fence or something & the action movie-esque score during that scene was fucking loooool. So bad. Only wish there was a cgi deer in that scene to give it a 10/10 or pure shit.
  12. And according to Ridley himself it takes place between Prometheus and Covenant... This is correct. All Engineer cast, subtitled movie. (It will explain how all the engineers got wiped out in covenant. We see their sea of bodies in covenant). It's a story that needs to be told.
  13. "I don't think three prequels truly serve the purpose of bridging into Alien. I feel shoehorning in three more movies serves as the proper way to fully tell and honor my intellectual property. Harrison Ford has signed on to star in the post-prequel prequels." - Sir Ridley
  14. so David was born with this parasite inside his brain, is that what it was telling him? Good to see a mention of Xavier finally, this one is really a slow burn. Sounded like it. Mentioned hanging with him in the womb. Who's the mom btw? Not a big comic fan, so I have no idea. Slow burn, but I wasn't bored by any means.
  15. hells yea! water with a splash of lead In real America, you pay extra for the lead. Trust me, they're paying alright. Especially the kids.
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