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Everything posted by olo

  1. his piece is a little too heavy I see. Should switch to suspenders.
  2. In Michigan, our legislature is ramrodding a bill through that would require no training whatsoever for a concealed weapons license. Currently, it's a mandated 8 hours, which really isn't much of anything. But it's something. Nobody wants to pay for that training because they can learn on their own basically. Problem with that is, there's a lot of dumbfucks in this country who have no clue what laws are when it comes to firearms use. All the 2nd amendmenters talk about "responsible gun owners". While I'm sure the majority is true, it's the minority I'm worried about.
  3. C'mon Jimmy, that was some cold-hearted shit with poor Eileen.
  4. Fargo ep: Who rules the land of denial - I've been up and down with this season, but last nights episode may be one of my favorites of the whole series. Definitely up there. At least those first 30 minutes. Fucking great stuff. Props to Ray Wise. He is the yang to Varga's yin. Love the cosmic bowling alley as a place of judgement. 2 more episodes left. edit: Big fuck yea to Mr. Wrench.
  5. I didn't see any mention on Todd's facebook, where'd that image come from? I'm in the Detroit area and should be able to knab them. edit: got it, reddit.
  6. B3 is probably my favorite right now. +2 on your other points.
  7. Those last few bars in A1. More need. Such soothe. Damn it Rich.
  8. Yea, he done. He was going full Bravado just the moment prior with his dinner party to full on shit the bed with the cop. Nice also seeing Mr. Wrench on the bus next to Nikki. wtf DJ Qualls indeed.
  9. Fargo ep.7 - Quality episode with things falling into place. That bus crash with Nikki was nicely done. Wondering if there's more to her character in regards to Varga than just a loose end. Also Ennis is looking more important than just an accidental kill...
  10. RedBull Music Academy Vid on Todd & his shop. Couple little interesting things pop up in the vid. https://www.facebook.com/RedBullMusicAcademy/videos/10155417165843217/
  11. From the Trump visit, do you think Pope Francis finally realizes there is no God?
  12. Agreed. Poor Ray just couldn't gtfo of his own way. Just take the stamp asshole. Nice call back to NCFOM. Thewlis is great. Chilling in his semi listening to Chopin. Still want to know what their gonna do with this Gloria Burgle/no technology thing...
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