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peace 7

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by peace 7

  1. Well, when you put it like that, it is pretty trippy to have those shapes several meters in front of me whilst focusing on ze scenery. If you made them really blurry, it would be like in my eyelashes.
  2. Awesome shapes and colors. But something a bit off about the blurriness of the shapes? Maybe render at 3 times the resolution and scale down? Question mark?
  3. lol lol lol lollol lol lol lol lololol lol lel lol Laugh... silently. I laughed silently. I ran into the backyard tool shack, turned off the lights, and went *tee hee*, whilst covering my mouth so nobody would know...
  4. Tokyo is well IDM in some regards, but at the same time, Tokyo is like Tiesto trance followers trying to destroy Goa to erase the evidence of their travesty; to replace roots with duplicates of a different make. So I was walking on the streets at around 12:30 AM, and with every step I took, the building lights would flicker cuz my IDM lazer would penetrate the streets (plus, Tokyo streets have good IDM conductors). And taxis started to levitate when I picked up the pace to reach my destination in time, so it basically became Blade Runner on shrooms. So then out of nowhere the police came by like, "Oooh, sunappu! WHAT'S HAPPEN?! WHERE FROM COME RIARU AI DEE EMU???!!!" I was like, "Fuck all's y'all muthafuckaz, lemme get mah groove on 'fo I slap jo silly facez-- you know dis ain't world war II right? You know you guys lost that shit right? You know nobody won, because nobody wins wars right?", and then I started tweaking the resonance high with cutoff low on my perpetual acid line, so that shit was SQUELCHING and BUBBLING like it was fucking 1989 with some dude's greasy ass face, on vinyl, on wood, on gold. Then the Tokyo police were like, "OOOH MAI GUDDONESS!! WHAT'S HAPPEN?!?! RIARI AI DEE EMU SOOOOOOhhhhOOOooOOOOhhhh HHAAAaaAaAAWWWWWDO-KOA!! WE CANNOT TAKE!! WE STOP YOU NOW!!" I was like, "ええと。。。日本語話せますけど。。。”(I speak Japanese bitch ass punk chicklet dingaling firecracka ass tool nuggets), then they replied with, "OOOH RRRIARRRRIII?!?!!? WEA YOU ID?" So then I showed it to them and they stared at it for 45 minutes shoving their fingers up their assholes, one by one, until they both had both fists up both anuses. Then I took that snapshot.
  5. About 1 AM this Sunday, taking a pic of da po po that stopped me on Tokyo streets for being too IDM, spending 45 minutes to confirm my ID or someshit, what in the fuck:
  6. Aah, yes- the ol', grandma who skates and grafs and raves and trips and shit. Naw man-- but really cool. Pretty IDM to give this to your grandma, mang. Looking forward to color update.
  7. Sorry about the lack of NSFW warning! But realistically in original Robocop, that dude's crotch had to be fucking low for that to work, or maybe he had really REALLY low balls that made his jeans sag or someshit.
  8. what the shit: VERY NSFW https ://vimeo.com/86014703
  9. Yah, kudoz to all in diz herrr' thread. Luv ju all.
  10. BILL BILL BILL for 10 hours, I loved that vid for ages. Listened to it for like 15 minutes, before I was too much in a trance. Kind of want to blast that shit in da club and see what happens. *listens to it now
  11. Thanks. Shoot in raw, work on a super-flat raw processing, post in PS manually (though I do have adjustment layers saved) with one of my main intentions to achieve the dynamic range and light/dark perception of film. Digital cameras capture the information that is required to achieve film aesthetic, but camera internal processing forces the data to be basically linear, whilst film tends to have high dynamic range in the lows and blown highs, etc. Been doing digital-wannabe-analog since early 00, which started with video. ANALOG(ish) 4 LIFE. It's like how digital analog (synths) is not as good as analog, but if you know analog, you can work digital analog to be analog perceived.
  12. After seeing this, it has been decided: A happy hardcore version of Orinoco Flow, will be made... Just realised that you're that guy who did Rep Yo Clique acoustic cover. I'm your lifelong fan, not gonna suck your dick though. Thanks for reppin' mah clique.
  13. After seeing this, it has been decided: A happy hardcore version of Orinoco Flow, will be made...
  14. Iiiiiiin ze photo realm..... Took these this evening: stress buttz: maggot ting world: tokyo wing wong:
  15. Lastish selfie 2013... Gowd dayumz, 2013 was a hardcore mowfuggin' year, dawgz mang bwoi, fuck. IDM hardcore next-level lazer shit ass fucking fuck-- and when it gets that IDM, it's like, not even pleasurable anymore, cuz it's so next level. 'Tis life I suppose. Cheers, all.
  16. Did you put those t-shirts on stretchers, or how did you stretch them (if you did)? ...you know, keep them tight to draw on..... etc.
  17. ASMR vids can be pretty good, except sometimes it's just some girl showing her cleavage and whispering with tons of noise in the background. Due to my extensive recording experience and IDM Ultra mixing tech, I thought about making the best ASMR video ever, until I realized that nobody cares about some Chinaman staring into the camera and rubbing their head. But also, I thought of an ASMR-esque series, that eventually becomes me punching your face and stabbing your head, for all those out there who want to experience binaural 3d experience of such a thing. I used to love watching massage videos, and that shit actually works. Watch them, and your brain eventually thinks you're getting a massage. Loosen ju up, mang.
  18. . . ...artwork?: [youtubehd]r8tRTY6eETc[/youtubehd]
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