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peace 7

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by peace 7

  1. Finally obtained modafinil again after like 7+ years. Reliable and safe personal source from factory. If uh, any of you DON'T need some of this magical magic, then please DON'T pm me, and I might be able to NOT hookup da hookupz. p.s. Please don't ban me for NOT PROVIDING OR OFFERING ANYTHING TO ANYBODY EVER. p.p.s. I DO NOT got yo modafinil back.
  2. 65~70k/year. Kudos, and good luck. That is definitely good money for ganj and hardware, man.
  3. Ahaha... Though I do like to imagine WATMM existing in an underground world where everything is grainy and black and white. πDM
  4. About as real as Investopedia stock simulator can give! Man- I've been doing this shit for years, and was planning on starting with $10,000, but Investopedia gives $100,000, which is obviously easier. That being said, I'm pretty good, and uh, when I have $100,000 to just burn, I will prolly use it for mad blood money gainz. I'd do aggressive short term trading with penny stocks, but the commission fees are too high to make that feasible. There is a brokerage in Tokyo that has no commission on trades under $10,000, so I might give that a try; but only for Japanese market. But anyway.... Anyone else here think they're fucking Max Cohen?
  5. Fuuuuck..... CATS WITH MUSIC HARDWARE-- Seriously- can life get any better than that?! Along with MDMA and LSD/shrooms, I now believe that cats can also save humanity and unite the world in PEACE.
  6. carpenter's Memoirs of an Invisible Man I thought it was Jurassic Park 4: Invisisaur "...This time, they're invisible. And this time... they're armed."
  7. What the fuck am I looking at? here you go For those that can't be bothered with links, they are horseshoe crabs, their blood is being extracted due to the fact that it contains a compound that causes liquid to form a stable gel in the presence of bacteria. It's very useful for the medical industry, but methinks no so much for the crabs in the long term. Horseshoe crab farming could be super idm. Yah, fuck I was also thinking WHAT IN THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT. All I know is, fucking humans are so fucking retarded, fucking fucks. EVERYTHING is possible, but doing what is necessary for Happiness is the Ultimate IDM True Intelligence. Most other animals are way smarter than humans in this regard.
  8. Some notes on still life whatevz..... All objects are perceived relative to their surroundings, so actually completing the background could give a much better idea of how the objects you've painted actually turned out. For color perception practice, it might help to stay away from using black, because black rarely exists. Not using black will force you to actually study shadow/dark colors, which you can then depict accordingly. For this abandoned piece... Might as well practice by filling-in the background! I think it might turn out aiiight.
  9. Anti-foot-stink=soak your feet in a bath of vinegar. Well, and wash them with soap regularly. I sometimes dream of how beautiful my feet would be, if I cared for them as much as my hands... One can only dream.
  10. A chubby Mike P for you: Yah, BTTF, but like, the Eric Stoltz version (which is pretty trippy to me for some reason).
  11. So close, yet so far... (p.s. Is this smiley: a chubby Mike Paradinas?)
  12. I fucking hate working on projects that aren't pure pleasure or some awesome lazer shit. Mutherfucker. I know that's some spoilt shit, which I suppose is what this thread is about. Cuz I have free working hours and all.... Fuck muthafuck. I just wish I could just sit around all day and work on my own music and art and lazer projects and smoke up and have a wank without having to look at the clock. I did that for a few years, but I had to sell my whole music studio to support it. But apparently now I need like 5 million dowla to buy my fucking apartment or house, just so I can have a cat and a Lamborghini Countach. It's times like this that make me realize that drugs and discipline are actually interchangeable. Sort of. Fuck, brah. Someone in Tokyo hand me free mdma and ganj. YOU MOFOZ KNO THAT GANJ IS $40~70 A GRAM HERE?! Fucking hilarious and painful at the same time. Like life itself.
  13. Iiii dunno..... Most of this thread is ideas that are actually pretty good.
  14. Terrible idea for films? How about this: Fucking spend hundreds of millions of dollars for a forgettable, no-depth, no-narrative, no-emotion, no-creativity production. Yes, Hollywood-- you are terrible.
  15. Yesh. I did a remix of Slip for an ae remix contest like 10 years ago, when xltronic was functional. Good times. Good track. "His poopoo so haaawd..."
  16. Baselitz read this post, closed his laptop, walked to the window to watch the sun set in the horizon, and as a single tear rolled down his cheek he whispered "mission accomplised" Fuck, I bet.
  17. This thread has taught me that sideways and upside-down portraits can screw with the brain in weird ways... Seriously, I was looking at the upside-down photos from a couple pages ago, and after looking at them for quite sometime for some reason, I got dizzy after looking away.
  18. https://soundcloud.com/colin-dyer/most-recent-pic Dyamn son-- pretty cool, mang. *A single tear rolls down cheek into the Earth... where a tree grows to shade the children. Thanks to anyone who watched this shiz and nice comments, btw, mangz/womangz~! Please Subscribe to my YT channel for phuture ballz, because in several months time (to 9 years time), I will be releasing the ultimate IDM series, based on over 80 years of research. YOU WANNA KNOW HOW DEEP THE IDM HOLE GOEZ?!?!?!?! Then subscribe to my channel, because that is how you get the knowledge. The MIB have been on my tail for knowing such knowledge for years, but I have charmed them enough to smoke a casual spliff around a drum circle without them tripping out. And I mean the real MIB, none of this Fresh Prince Of Bel Air disinfo.
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