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peace 7

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by peace 7

  1. Ahaha... Yah, I thought the vid was funny, as well. Like a really sharp skit. ...Vine. waaaaa
  2. oh! that's why i can't hack your monitor's camera... damn! First, that is actually my transforming arm that was (one of several modz) implanted in the great IDM Revolution surgeries of August 16-- evidence of either pointless paranoia or irony to touch chichiz of cute conspiracy-loving chicks. Second, you'd only see me as a tiny spec. Despite being my transforming arm, when I use it as a monitor, I do place it several hundred meters in front of me and use a telescope. Seems a pain, but the focus for getting shit done is intense. p.s. triachus- ahahaha...
  3. Awww shit-- this was almost posted as your ULTRA ELITE 13337 post. Instead, you used your ULTRA ELITE post to write: "but is it any good?", in regards to Lucy (film). Regardless, I feel lucky. Thanks for the 13337 + 2.
  4. Yah, this video is pretty good (in general for aesthetics! but some framing flaws with the one take and feet buuut...). Captures a subtle aspect of late-80's/early-90's-- average looking people and dryness (leftover from 80's). I've written some 80's era film shit, and every face is greasy, and all hair is dry or wet- cuz for some reason everything was like that. As for 70's influence...- sparkly shit and bell bottoms were still coming back until like 2000. And a lot of the "diva" type images of the late 90's were influenced by disco aesthetic.
  5. Doodle that I just finished like 10 minutes ago..... ~2"x3": p.s. Cool stuffs mangz and womangz~~~~~~~~~~~~~ keep it up~
  6. I want to eat nachos so bad right now. Eventually I will want gyros. Then I will want ganj. Fuckin' first world..... so..... So hard. *sniffle* NACHOS. Fucker.
  7. My hair was fucking perfect today. IDM as FUCK.
  8. Are you saying that you do beyond what is necessary to excel at your current job? Because that is what the Bale pics show. There are hundreds of actors in film, and only a handful push beyond what is necessary. If you do not go hardcore at whatever job you do currently, please don't be fooled into thinking you would gain/lose 20 kg for your "hypothetical acting career". Ouch. That could only come from a man with a thorough knowledge of his determinism. Unlike the rest of us sheeple. +10 spiritual points for peace7 My reply was for purposes of helping mental/physical-effort calibration, in hopes of promoting positive steps towards personally valued accomplishments. Because there is a popular, true-effort-paralyzing illusion that context creates results. That one missing piece of kit for album completion-- that last bit of confidence to ask the girl out-- if I only had a billion dollars I'd be so happy!!! ...etc. So, no- Bale did not accomplish what he did because he had the means--- Everything that was ever accomplished was because someone acted upon their desires. People who actually accomplish goals tend to credit context and general resources (+help, etc.), but the truth is that action to get vibez moving/coordinated is the only thing that can accomplish.. Every now and then, some child/toddler's artwork will sell for 4~5 figures (USD/CAD/GBP), and I scream and cry a bit on the inside when I read the article's comment section and come across the inevitable complaining comments. A common one: "My daughter could do this! I could just give her paints to splatter, and she'd do this in five minutes. Has the art world gone mad?! So this is what the sad world of art is coming to..." No- this is what your retardedness is coming to. So basically some bitch ass mom is stating that, if the context existed for her daughter to produce such art (have all supplies, etc.)- and the effort of action was put into actually accomplishing such art- then such an accomplishment would be easy. Then there's the undertone of having higher sensibilities than all art peoples involved; yet not really understanding it. In summation, this retard bitch's main point is: "If my daughter did this, then she easily would. I have a pointless sense of entitlement or lacking hugs or something mixed with retarded, so lemme make this clear: MY DAUGHTER COULD ACCOMPLISH THIS, IF SHE DID EXACTLY WHAT WAS REQUIRED TO ACCOMPLISH THIS!!!" My main point was to help da mindz realize this. It's quite a slap in the face by "this aspect of reality", to see some arrogant punk trying to start a fight, and then out of fucking nowhere his neck nearly snaps from a roundhouse kick that has 10 years of karate training behind it . Immediate knockout, ragdoll pure-gravity drop-- all because this punk thought: "This is easy- all I gotta do is MMA."
  9. Are you saying that you do beyond what is necessary to excel at your current job? Because that is what the Bale pics show. There are hundreds of actors in film, and only a handful push beyond what is necessary. If you do not go hardcore at whatever job you do currently, please don't be fooled into thinking you would gain/lose 20 kg for your "hypothetical acting career".
  10. Ahaha... About a year ago, after ~30 minutes of "Bill! Bill! Bill!" from the Bill Nye The Science Guy theme, my brain started to get fucked. I could not make it an hour. The loop is so short, that it easily induces trance-like state. Badass bassline didn't help sanity. There is a part of me that wants to candy flip and dance to the Bill loop for a few hours, but thinking upon that, I realize that I seriously gotta get my shit together. There's no fucking way I can candy flip rave to a loop of Bill! Bill! Bill! and simultaneously be a good father.
  11. Godfather of vaporwave: [youtubehd]JzZ49gQI_IY[/youtubehd]
  12. Yah- watching that reminds me of a time when ze interwebnetz wasn't... as connected? Like when shit got viral not due to bland social networks or viral lists or whatever modern means that makes one forget about something almost immediately. Like in 2000, the All your base are belong to us thing..... That fucking blew my mind away so hard. I had no idea what was going on..... So epic, and sincere. Nowadays- how many videos are produced with the direct intention of "going viral"? What the fuck, man..... Well, post-viralness, I do wonder what the interwebnetz has to offer, though. Some... "new thing".
  13. Belinda Bedekovic... Like 10 years ago when I first saw her vids, I was also watching this (pointless brain memory powerz, mang): [youtubehd]Ofn2A1p13Sg[/youtubehd] Fuck, I laughed so hard when I first saw that... That shit was also around the same time as Elektronik Supersonik, in my experience memoriez... They all kind of feel the same, which is an interesting point.
  14. Holy shit if he used a gear system on that spaghetti fork, he could get like 7,000 rpm per stroke.
  15. Corrected typo! Cuz I've been guzzling a liter of milk and was holding back a watery shit for like 10 minutes when I typed that out. It was either post my support for peepz with typos and take a toilet shit-- or post my support for peepz without typos and crap my pants bad. So you know, I chose the toilet.
  16. I am just coming out of a 8~10 weekish hard existential crisis, where I basically did about <10 minutes of "work", for the whole period. I haven't even e-mailed an invoice for a finished job to get paid, cuz I didn't give a shit. What became apparent is that even though I did almost nothing, everyone in the office space basically accomplished just as much (I work in an incubation space). So that's funny, and helps me "enjoy" part of the absurdity of it all-- even though absurdity of it all was part of the problem. Well- I used the time for tons of deep exploration, rapidly having revelation after revelation, which no doubt was helped by staying up for days on end (takes away self-protect filters). I consciously went over my priorities, what I want in life, what makes me happy, and ways to make all of those work in harmony; to benefit all involved. I focused on various potential futures as realistically as possible, to find one where I would be most comfortable. I explored as deeply and sincerely as possible, to find the potential sources of my unwillingness to do anything. I went back as far as early elementary school- I mean, the whole time was going back and forth- to break down foundations of beliefs that no longer serve me, and I replaced them with current values. One of my main goals was to harmonize all incarnations of myself in this life, to arrive at a purpose that was sincere. Simultaneously, a goal was to prepare for and open myself to, an abstract fulfillment in work that I previously saw as mundane/pointless. But everything came together in BAM fashion when talking to a friend yesterday. The final conclusion that has given me that spark that can never be faked, is that: my life, is my craft. LIFE CRAFT The fact that we can do anything, whenever, is a beautiful thing to realize for those who haven't. But for me, putting that idea-- putting my life in the context of a craft, made it a fun game of creation again. A craft like an art, and a craft like a cosmic ship. I got lost in goals, or values, etc. which made meaningless action feel painful and forced. But LIFE CRAFT, all those goals, value, whatever- all that became moot. In the pit, I felt like my life was the infinite now, HAVING TO work towards a future that I did not believe existed. But LIFE CRAFT has somehow shifted my perception of time, to where I am still in the infinite now, but the CRAFT is always in the now with me. So it's not about working towards something that I don't yet have-- I realized that I've been given the privilege to artfully craft what I already have in my possession. I dunno what part of your cosmic journey you're at, Deer (the quoted), but personally, I have lived "with money" and "with no money", "working hard" and "stoner cartoon life"-- since 2010, I've lived in Hawaii, Canada, Joshua Tree, Cairo, Tokyo-- that came from really living from my deepest values, letting go of bullshit, and when there is no self-judgement- acceptance of self!!!- so much shit falls into place that one cannot even plan for. For me, it's been pretty important to experience vibez of all types. Places can have mind fucking vibez, so sometimes, you just gotta get some new vibez in ya. I've had friends who willingly became homeless and lived on the streets and in the forests and shit. In recent years I found joy in things I would generally not choose, which made me realize that I can only think that I know what I want. So despite any sort of "coming out of the pit" for me, that is only the foundation on which to put LIFE CRAFT effort, towards a life that I cannot even imagine. I didn't see my rapid life changes coming the past few years, and I cannot imagine 2 years from now. Keep your body+mind strong, and if you have that, you might be at a point to experiment with lifestyle changes. Fuck, if you're mad into RPGs, a fun solution could simply be to convert your life into an RPG (which it actually is!). Yah, so we're all basically doing the same shit here, but the ones who keep enthused and pumped, they got some mad vision on why they're acting. See your life however you need to see it, to craft it into what you need it to be. STAY POSITIVE- ALL IN THIS THREAD! Thanks to ze electronic music communities for being the friends in need, in times of HWAT.
  17. One of the Latina chicks in that is my crush from elementary school, so when that randomly came up on TV when I was living in Cairo, I was like WTF. Pretty trippy to see an elementary school crush in a film. If I was on acid at the time, I prolly would've elbowed myself in the dick.
  18. Dude- lookin' quite testosterone pumped there, mang. Kudos to the functions of your testicles, perhaps.
  19. Type of mirror is also indicative of grooming powerz. Either that, or you wear makeup. Or you live with a female. Or you groom yourself, live with a female, and you wear makeup.
  20. To infinity... and beyond! Infinity mirror iz well IDM, mang.
  21. p.s. Thanks vincentvc fo votching! I thought that Chinaman looked familiar, and then I was like "oh snap das me dawg".
  22. My condolences to da family of fallen WATMM feline warrior. Makes me realize..... This whole thread is awesome in cuteness and helps improve my life, but all of a sudden, it's some memento mori shit. Like, cuteness can't last forever. Nothing lasts forever. In that sense, all of a sudden I'm more inspired to up my game. Long live IDM Lazer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Godspeed, muthafuckaz.
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