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peace 7

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by peace 7

  1. If you were a film actor, something tells me that you'd be typecasted... That being said, if I were a film actor, I'd also be typecasted: Asian man (only options: yakuza punk, martial arts dude, computer dude, strong accented funny man) Just once, I want to see a Hollywood film where an Asian man plays a black woman. Hollywood is fucking racist.
  2. This..... This is amazing: [youtubehd]K19G0LmOJNk[/youtubehd]
  3. So... I imagine most posts to be pretty casual on WATMM. But often, my longer posts are actually-serious posts in a joke-post disguise. So then I read this line... And then I thought, "Fuck- what if this guy is serious? What if he's talkin' literal shit?!" Framerate of Far Cry 3 on the laptop is just "way better", but looks wise, "infinitely better" than Skyrim has been achieved!!!!! That is some hardcore shit, and I thought, maybe this needs more consideration. Because infinitely better looking than Skyrim, means infinitely better than anything ever possible. Some new high-level shit comes out? Nope- "infinitely better" beats it, cuz it's infinite. It seems, autopilot has come across some God-level setup, so I would not fuck with configs or anything like that..... 10 years from now, graphics for video games will be better than we can currently imagine possible. But when PS6 rolls around, all I will be able to think is: "Fuck- this is NOTHING. Autopilot on WATMM got infinitely better graphics on a laptop, 10 fucking years ago. This PS6 ain't shit." Fucking my great grandchildren will be playing something that looks better than life itself, yet, autopilot's laptop from 2014 will still have output better looking graphics than any of my descendants will ever be able to experience. "Infinitely better" looking is...... I cannot even describe a proper reaction. All the nano-technology in the world- and even after The Singularity- this laptop circa 2014 will have produced images far beyond anything.....-- far beyond ANYTHING. I'm not writing this to make fun of autopilot-- I'm writing this to say that infinitely better graphics blows my mind sooo haaaawd (that last bit, possibly intended to be read in a racist generic Oriental accent). To know that the multi-dimensional visions I've experienced when in the deepest depths of psychedelic consciousness paaaale in comparison to some Far Cry 3 rendition-- fuck, man. All right fine- autopilot was prolly being casual with writing. BUT WHAT IF HE'S NOT!?!??!??!?!! Motherfucker, what if he's not..... Not listening to homeless people who claim to be God is the reason why we can't have world peace. I've read one-line posts that are infinitely funnier than this. Considering infinite funny would result in infinite laughing, you'd be so unhealthy from constantly passing out from oxygen deprivation that you prolly wouldn't be using the internet. You would, however, have amazing abs. So good job.
  4. So... I imagine most posts to be pretty casual on WATMM. But often, my longer posts are actually-serious posts in a joke-post disguise. So then I read this line... And then I thought, "Fuck- what if this guy is serious? What if he's talkin' literal shit?!" Framerate of Far Cry 3 on the laptop is just "way better", but looks wise, "infinitely better" than Skyrim has been achieved!!!!! That is some hardcore shit, and I thought, maybe this needs more consideration. Because infinitely better looking than Skyrim, means infinitely better than anything ever possible. Some new high-level shit comes out? Nope- "infinitely better" beats it, cuz it's infinite. It seems, autopilot has come across some God-level setup, so I would not fuck with configs or anything like that..... 10 years from now, graphics for video games will be better than we can currently imagine possible. But when PS6 rolls around, all I will be able to think is: "Fuck- this is NOTHING. Autopilot on WATMM got infinitely better graphics on a laptop, 10 fucking years ago. This PS6 ain't shit." Fucking my great grandchildren will be playing something that looks better than life itself, yet, autopilot's laptop from 2014 will still have output better looking graphics than any of my descendants will ever be able to experience. "Infinitely better" looking is...... I cannot even describe a proper reaction. All the nano-technology in the world- and even after The Singularity- this laptop circa 2014 will have produced images far beyond anything.....-- far beyond ANYTHING. I'm not writing this to make fun of autopilot-- I'm writing this to say that infinitely better graphics blows my mind sooo haaaawd (that last bit, possibly intended to be read in a racist generic Oriental accent). To know that the multi-dimensional visions I've experienced when in the deepest depths of psychedelic consciousness paaaale in comparison to some Far Cry 3 rendition-- fuck, man. All right fine- autopilot was prolly being casual with writing. BUT WHAT IF HE'S NOT!?!??!??!?!! Motherfucker, what if he's not..... Not listening to homeless people who claim to be God is the reason why we can't have world peace.
  5. Holy shit impotentwhitecapitalist thanks for those glass whatevz vids. Badass. Wanna buy. "Coolness."
  6. uh huh wow..that's debbie harry.. Oh, shit! what... When I look at that film frame, all I can think of is Cheech and Chong pissing on that dude's leg.
  7. Out of curiosity, checked me G+ ting: couple thou views, which is great cuz it means nobody is constantly jacking off over me. I haven't checked it in months, and it's like..... What in the fuck is all this shit. WHAT THE FUCK IS THE INTERNET WHAT IN THE FUCK?!?!?!!??!!?!?!?
  8. Hmm... Scott Pilgrim vs the World Never read comic, but stylistically and storytelling wise, this film is pretty solid and fun. Yah- I loved the aesthetic. 8.7/10 Run Lola Run Haven't watched this in nearly 15 years, but, it was as fun as when I first watched it. Still got tha psychedelic knowledge and secret wizdomz and points to it. Fun overall, seemingly fast paced due to great fluidity. Good job. 8.54/10 Ted Lotta laughs, good points about living life, solid overall. Gave me more hope for Hollywood film quality. Made me realize that a Family Guy film could be amazing and possible to execute. Also made apparent that stoner-esque films don't have to be stoner-centric, story wise. 9.2/10 The Kid With A Bike This reminded me that simple storytelling alone, could be a film. Haven't watched such a simple story with simple messages in aaages. Pretty solid, but not one of those films you tell your grandchildren about 50 years later. Slight editing issue in the beginning made apparent that I was watching something put together by people (who make mistakes/mis-judgments)- and being such a humble project- somehow brought out the beauty of effort itself. 7.8748951/10
  9. Yah, I consider the Sabotage music video a short film, so you win! Street cred +1. But if you actually named the video that that bit originally came from, you would have some sort of obscure-geek-muthafucker pointz right there.
  10. Yah, I watched that video like 20 times the other day. Fucking ridiculous and amazing at the same time. It's weird because the "this is your brain on drugs" USA commercials were over the top and retarded, but they never made me somewhat insightful and laugh like this one did. Perhaps because this one is based off of stats, when the anti-drug ones are just based on "potential general negative shit". But anyway- as a filmmaker- I'd be pretty proud of myself if I just made that commercial, but with no narration or focus on safety. Just the intro, barrel-roll, kids-crush, The End. Fucking 5 stars. Maybe the credit roll would have "Walking On Sunshine" playing.
  11. Yeah, well that's specifically for crotch masturbation. My Max/MSP project is for full-blown full-body cum-with-your-elbows shit. Unfortunately you prolly can't disconnect yourself with what I designed, so if you send Drukqs through it, you're in for 100 minutes of no-mercy forced-orgasm, forced-piss-and-shitting-- possibly forced-hospitalization.
  12. Haha... Flashbulb Hero. Nice. Oh yeah?!?!?!?! OH YEAH?! Well here is a concept of mine for a Max/MSP patch that connects to pneumatic pumps and pipes to different parts of your body. So then you have your track split up or whatever, and then it rocks your body hard based on your input, by rapidly inflating and deflating airbags. "The future of feeling your music.... is to FEEL YOUR MUSIC." Yah, I dunno. Like, half a game, I guess. With the goal of getting rocked by choonage: Mix that with a DAW sim, and you got yourself an awesome game. Okay, I'll get a kickstarter up and running for our project: $12million budget.
  13. Man, those kids got lightning reaction time. Like cats on lightning.
  14. Haha. Yah, interesting point. Me, too. Perhaps fantastical works seem more normal to children, because they feel that is the purpose of having arts created. If one is going to emulate life in art, what is the point? (kind of thing) Like a Saturday morning cartoon of a kid's dad who goes to work and finds life miserable, so he goes to the supply closet and masturbates about a co-worker cuz mommy left a few years ago to pursue dancing. And then nobody would buy this unfit "Timmy's Cubicle Dad" action figure, etc.
  15. gotta love the real abrasive ones Tango n' Vectif vibez.
  16. What would be scary, is a game that's a first-person DAW music composition simulator, where the goal is to make your ultimate album. You spend months in real-time in the DAW simulator, to make tracks, export the best tracks from dozens of project files, etc. And then, right in the middle of bouncing the last track to your ultimate album (with "Almost There!" Achievement Unlocked), muthafuckin' the (in-game) workstation crashes and your hard drive starts clicking hard like a rollercoaster chain. And then you're like "FUUUUCCCKKK!!!!!! NO NO NO NO NO NO~~~~!!!!", IRL+in-game. Since you've saved enough money in-game by flipping burgers, it gives you the option: "Your hard drive has crashed. All songs have been lost. Would you like to order a new hard drive online and start from scratch?" At this dialog screen, a heartbeat loop would be playing increasingly loudly and rapidly. Then all of a fucking sudden a roaring zombie busts through the wall in front of you and destroys your workstation. You have to use your MIDI keyboard (in-game) to kill the zombie. Then the game becomes a "kill the zombies in your house and neighborhood to acquire a new DAW" game. So after the HD crash, it's like, scare upon scare. The lighting would be dark like Doom 3. Basically can't see shit, with pointless scary noises in 3-d space. Published by id Software: IDM Superstar: Zombie Apocalypse
  17. Perhaps the young generation, their brains are running so fast, that this is actually what they hear... And older people who have slower brains hear a sped up version, which was totally unintentional. This slowdown is quite beautiful.
  18. The Lone Ranger 10/10 Now- that's a pretty fucking rare rating for Hollywood films, so kudos. Fantastic everything, and it made me feel happy that some people understand the beauty of actual STORYTELLING. And TRON Legacy was solid, as well, so maybe Disney is somehow... oh, I dunno- quality. It's fun to hate them, but dayum- some solid films.
  19. Yah, right now I'm saving up for my Lamborghini Countach. I have about $5 so far. But I might just buy a vintage Lamborghini poster and drive that around (save time + gas money).
  20. AHAHAHAHAHA..... Anyway, this thread is pretty good. Again-- better than Hollywood.
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