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Everything posted by criss

  1. The resulting file is >12:00. there's about 1:00 of silence in the beginning of the mp3 I downloaded.
  2. Thanks for the platform coverage there yaknow how websites try to remove the user 1 or 2 steps from a regular UX download, thought I'd drop a chrome pathway sometimes it's: window.open(document.getElementsByTagName('source').src); //open up a new tab with the downloadable interface present. or for youtube it can be: $('video')[0].playbackRate = .07 //playback at 7% to check out chrome's current timestretch algorithm.
  3. If you use chrome: press ctrl+shift+j Choose the "Network" tab on the tools console. Refresh the browser page. Click the play button in the webpage Look for "base.mp3?..." somewhere in the network list and you'll get to the streamed content URL. and get something like this (which will probably expire based on the URL args) https://mixlr-production.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/audio/cf0da6c7abca6d7ad9cdf0df340cb918/base.mp3?response-content-type=audio%2Fmpeg&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIALT23DHJEO3FGYA%2F20191014%2Feu-west-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20191014T143914Z&X-Amz-Expires=21600&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=0f7f9570e6ce78a85ba24658063eafe2c1ae96efa65d6f634e3027d8c5d079ce From there you get the default Chrome player, right-click, save as. Then you can courteously upload it to a 'more' persistent and accessible platform, but mixlr.com is a pretty badass website.
  4. http://mixlr.com/autechre/showreel/autechre-on-mixlr-2/ Thanks to jaderpansen for already linking it. I'm double-posting hoping for some positive constructive interference to get that classic oakey, phased-HREF timbre
  5. This made me lol irl, f'in brilliant very nice
  6. A lot of my life has been influenced by aphex twin, autechre, squarepusher. Were it not for crazy-ass people, I would get an address or a wire, some kind of confirmation of authenticity, and send my cash directly to them. I like the idea of the barter -> exclusivity (in the digital domain? oxymoron...) for work/value. As in, their shit for mine. But in my old age, the meme "shut up and take my money" is too vulgar; and they don't have time to hear my life story. So, have some of my cash, and thanks for signing my hoodie back in Chicago in '08, Rob. I've pirated and purchased their music many times over, as a conscientious fan it's difficult to abstain from both. It does need to be spelled out clearly, as otherwise is being stated as already listenable tracks via Wikipedia's track listening of 'caustic window', that these tracks are things that haven't been heard. "Unreleased" is a term that was important before the digital age hit. All in all, it seems like hype - but once again, the deafening roar of ascii chars typed and data pushed in response to it is still quite exciting :) I stay neutral on this, but it's great to have something to have a response to.
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