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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by diatoms

  1. Rain falls on peak of Greenland ice cap for first time on record

    Precipitation was so unexpected, scientists had no gauges to measure it, and is stark sign of climate crisis


    Rain has fallen on the summit of Greenland’s huge ice cap for the first time on record. Temperatures are normally well below freezing on the 3,216-metre (10,551ft) peak, and the precipitation is a stark sign of the climate crisis.

    Scientists at the US National Science Foundation’s summit station saw rain falling throughout 14 August but had no gauges to measure the fall because the precipitation was so unexpected. Across Greenland, an estimated 7bn tonnes of water was released from the clouds.


    The rain fell during an exceptionally hot three days in Greenland when temperatures were 18C higher than average in places. As a result, melting was seen in most of Greenland, across an area about four times the size of the UK.

    The recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded it was “unequivocal” that carbon emissions from human activities were heating the planet and causing impacts such as melting ice and rising sea level.

    In May, researchers reported that a significant part of the Greenland ice sheet was nearing a tipping point, after which accelerated melting would become inevitable even if global heating was halted.

    Ted Scambos, a scientist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado, which reported the summit rain, told CNN: “What is going on is not simply a warm decade or two in a wandering climate pattern. This is unprecedented. We are crossing thresholds not seen in millennia, and frankly this is not going to change until we adjust what we’re doing to the air.”

    Greenland also had a large-scale melting episode in July, making 2021 one of just four years in the past century to see such widespread melting. The other years were 2019, 2012 and 1995. The rain and melt on 14-16 August came at the latest point in the year a major event has been recorded.

    The cause of the July and August melting was the same – warm air being pushed up over Greenland and held there. These “blocking” events are not uncommon but seem to be becoming more severe, according to scientists.

    Global sea level would rise by about 6 metres if all of Greenland’s ice melted, although this would take centuries or millennia to occur. But the trillions of tonnes lost from Greenland since 1994 is pushing up sea levels and endangering the world’s coastal cities.

    Sea level has already risen by 20cm, and the IPCC said the likely range by the end of the century was a further 28-100cm, though it could be 200cm.

    Greenland’s ice is melting faster than any time in the past 12,000 years, scientists have estimated, with the ice loss running at a rate of about 1m tonnes a minute in 2019.


    • Sad 2
  2.                                                                                          Christopher Reeves

                                                                               Original SUPERMAN movie costume





                                                                                 Can someone let slim shady know its

                                                                                                Christopher Reeve




                                 Compilation of Eminem songs/freestyles that mention Christopher Reeves


  3.                                      one of the first effect posts i saw when i got smacked over the head with the matrix club

                                                                         i hadn't seen the vid or read the helpful comments since 2017

                                                                 thought i'd post since it was part of my journey

                                                                                      lots of awesome personal comments added since

                                                                              to help those experiencing reality changes



    mandela effect norway freaking out

    Jan 31, 2017

    i just need to vent my shit. its my first video, so please dont be mean if you stumble on this  -eirik



    Jewel Heart

    4 years ago (edited)

    Also, do be careful who you speak to. I have one or two friends who see it, but family, very close friends, some of them get ANGRY if you point it out to them, even with evidence, like really angry and it is so odd. So find who it is safe to talk to and stick to those people who understand. Friends will also convince themself you are crazy - you aren't !! Also this world is far, far, far more violent and hate filled. I also agree with the depression thing, I felt as if I had woken up from a stupor, almost like a drugged state. Anyone else feel this?


    Barbara Lainhart

    2 years ago

    I literally did just wake up from a drugged state lol And this is the world you guys have for me in my new found sobriety! ? almost 4 months off the horse, and I knew day 1 this ain't my world.changed at the snap of a finger. Crazy. So now I devour any scripture. Most protestant but even Hebrew and yes...Islam? mostly morality tales there though. I've learned enough to recognize bad ish coming already



    1 year ago

    Agreed. A more violent world. Watch Florentine Soccer. Lingerie Football League. Road Rage epidemic.


    It is happening NOW

    4 years ago

    It gets easier dude! I just laugh at a lot of the shit now. The one thing that really freaked me out though was the whole JFK assassination! There was never six people in the car in my reality, only four!!


    Larry Caldwell

    4 years ago

    It is happening NOW JFK for me, I was stuned. It was Luke!. You want to know what is really messed up. I remember Nelson Mandela dying and some years later being elected. I know the body and world changes. My ears ring at a very high pitch,anyone else? Sometimes the ringing stop suddenly and I feel numb and disoriented. I can't drink any more either. Beer straight up tastes like piss.


    Shawnierace .tarot.
    4 years ago

    Larry Caldwell, I can't drink, my appetite has changed and my ears do ring off and on. The Mandela affect is real some of the changes are explainable ie: marketing



    4 years ago

    It is happening NOW dude this one made me cal my family and friends who all said they thought it was 4 seats but shrugged it off, but me who has been studying that video for YEARSSS as kind of a hobby didn't notice that there was an extra row of seats with 2 people and a glass window this WHOLE TIME! I used to look at the driver because in the old video you could see him turn around and hold his arm up at the same time JFK got shot but that would have never made sense if the super obvious window was separating them. I'm almost too scared to see if the old videos that suspected the driver of being the shooter even exist ? It's almost completely impossible that I would have missed that but who knows....maybe I'm just that out of it lol....



    3 years ago

    It is happening NOW They enjoy playing this game on us if we all will just ignore it and praise Jesus it wouldn't affect you. It doesn't me. God bless



    3 years ago

    It is happening NOW dude I am right there with you ..always 4 people .. if you want some good forensic proof.. go to my channel..find the vid Mandela Effect- see JFK killed in the 4 seater Pt4 ..you will see the 4 seater ..take care


    Charlie Smith
    3 years ago

    I'm curious (I believe in all quantum or MandelaE's but tell me: in the 4seater reality --- DO ANY OR ALL OF YOU REMEMBER THE MAGIC BULLET THEORY? THE SEINFELD EPISODE/ THE 2ND SPITTER? GOVENOR CONNELLY GETTING SHOT TOO?



    3 years ago

    Charlie Smith well yes the ridiculous magic bullet theory was in the 4 seat reality..Connally was shot as well.. not sure of your other questions of what u meant


    Michelle Turner

    3 years ago

    It is happening NOW yeah that’s a new one. I heard someone talking about the JFK files and they said 6 people in the car. WTF. No it was 4


    Angel Cross

    2 months ago

    Not just that but if you slow the video down really slow you can clearly see Jackie shoot him right in the head and toss the gun behind her. Look at it...you will totally see her shooting him and tossing the gun!!! You can clearly see that gun flying back behind her! It's insane!


    Stan Dup

    4 years ago

    It can be scary at first, but the fear subsides and then there comes the wonder and the questions. Thanks for your courage in sharing this part of your journey.


    dave jones

    4 years ago



    M Rucci
    4 years ago

    I feel the same.. my brother and i remember the old world.. I've cried about this.. my dad... is from this world... he doesn't remember things I remember..But he raised me... And so he is my only parent.. Now i feel like he's not him. I've fallen in some kind of sucken place. And what's worst.... there's no going back. I'm beside myself.. all the things i know, are not right.


    Rick Sánchez

    2 years ago

    Me too.. what can we do?



    4 years ago

    Hey Eirik . . you are awesome. So clear and clean in your evaluation. Hang in there, it will roll over. That is the belief. It is believed to be many things but you are not alone. There are thousands now going through it. Hold on with us. Ok? Hang on friend.


    Chér Brión

    4 years ago (edited)

    You are not alone! There are many of us who have experienced the strange changes, and it is very surreal at times, know that what has remained is your awareness.


    Guardian Matrix

    4 years ago

    It may take a few weeks for you to settle yourself down. To get up to speed, I would like to recommend the following you tubers (in the order you should watch them): 1. Jacob Israel - to ease into it. 2. MoneyBags73 - best ME list 3. Dr. Tarrin P. Lupo - to chat


    eiriks conspirasy corner

    4 years ago

    thx seen 1 and 2. a weekend gives you lots of time to see way, way to much. im cooping surprisingly well. its been a while since things seemed right, i dont belong in this universe, somehow. i try to spread a bit farther than just its god though. i dont like to limit myself to possibilities. i have never been a "believer" does that look wrong to you? beliver look right to me. but im dyslexic, and its my second language. anyway. i just cant belive in a book, that has been controlled by humans for millennia. i dont belive what they tell me now, im not gonna belive an old book. i will listen to it however, it is a possibility.


    Guardian Matrix
    4 years ago

    eiriks conspirasy corner I can't say that I agree with people who think the changes are good, because when you compare the original memory with the changed one, the original is almost always better. I do believe our ability to see the changes is a good thing. The one thing I dislike more than being manipulated, is to not know that it's happening. As far as speaking with friends, family, and co-workers, I find people in their 40's & 50's have more correct (original) memories. Approach them with occasional "trivia" questions until you think it might have finally clicked with them. Once you're sure they've got it, then you can show them the entrance to the rabbit hole. Whatever happens, just remember you're not alone.


    eiriks conspirasy corner

    4 years ago

    i feel for some strange reason im meant to figure it out now. its strange, but since i found out about the effect, i have been able to finish things. i have been thinking about making a youtube channel for ages. did it the moment i wanted too after the Mandela effect. wanted to sell my apartment for a year, sold it yesterday. i have never liked thinking free will is an illusion, but its stange that i can finish things now. i never could, i have always almost actively stopped myself. why am i allowing myself to be seen now?


    TheTruth Faery

    4 years ago

    +Rich Cullen I believe the strong in spirit have been reborn to be in this alternate reality to help other like minded escape the slave matrix


    TheTruth Faery

    4 years ago

    +Rich Cullen I believe the strong in spirit have been reborn to be in this alternate reality to help other like minded escape the slave matrix


    Frank Anbeans

    4 years ago

    i like how you worded that.


    Marais Bouwer

    4 years ago

    checkout photohelix aswell


    virazae parza

    4 years ago

    Rich Cullen tnx.


    Barbara Lainhart

    2 years ago

     @eiriks conspirasy corner  you are correct, our instruction manual (Bible) has been man-handled and touched. The banned texts seem untouched by man's grimy hand. Enoch ch. 80 says at the end all things are altered. Freaky. I know u don't believe u say... BUT what would the harm be if you....sincerely talked with this 'entity' using His Holy Name or correct title (Father,Most High,Holy of Holys,etc) and tried this for say...6 weeks?? And being sincere in your attempt, let's say maybe no bacon, no ham, no hookers even ? Is it too much to ask, if it shows you personally, there is or is not a Creator who is what He says? See how u feel afterwards but u must be sincere. You will feel Him, or you will not. But you wouldn't wonder anymore would you. I have faith, you will know Him.


    Cool Blackguy
    4 years ago

    Welcome to this new reality where Trump is president. You are right when you say this could not have happened in our old universe. I don't belong here. I don't think we will be going back. You are not crazy, many things have changed. Keep doing the videos, it will help.


    Catalina Queen

    4 years ago

    I've been pondering lately if Trump protesters are really from a different reality, or timeline, or universe. No judgement here....but they are so adamant that he is not their President, they seem so angry and confused about everything. Even at the protests, you can tell that they truly hate him, but they can't explain much more than that. And their anger seems very real...like they can't just let it go and move on with life. Truly, I'm not trolling. I'd go to a political video if I wanted to do that. It's just a thought I've been rolling around my head for a couple weeks. Peace.


    4 years ago

    Not sound reasoning. I'm a Mandela Effect experiencer and no way - in ANY timeline or universe - would I ever have voted Trump.


    Cool Blackguy

    4 years ago

    Hi gilreyis, but yet here we are. In my old universe I think we all knew that nobody would have voted for Trump. But yet here we are. Should we blame the Russians, Mexicans, Chinese....something is responsible, any plausible ideas appreciated.



    4 years ago

    Hi - I've listened to all kinds of reasons over the last many months as to why we ME folks were brought here. And what the ME is, etc. The one that feels most right, to me anyway, is that we were needed here to avert whatever happened to the worlds from which we came. So a Disaster of some kind which ended our old home(s). I would not blame other nations for it; it truly feels like some kind of intervention for this world. Anyway... my 2 cents.


    Cool Blackguy

    4 years ago

    Hi - We don't even have a consensus or working theory as to what may have happened. We know something did happen, but as to what, or even proving it isn't possible. Seems to me that North Korea, USA, et al are all rattling their sabers and we have a clueless president that may release his. Plausible?


    Becky Keeler

    4 years ago

    I know that a lot don't want to hear this but, i think we came to the end of the book and now were waiting on Gods judgment and if you dont know Jesus Christ AS your Lord God its time you did .BECAUSE THE DOOR IS CLOSING BEHIND YOU!!!!!!


    Becky Keeler

    4 years ago



    Khlover Jai

    4 years ago

    Cool Blackguy I'd like to go back?..its depressing here...


    Cool Blackguy
    4 years ago

    khlover jai, Yup, it does kinda suck here. People here are different. It's as if we are in some kind of simulation. Doesn't feel real somehow.


    Lori Miller

    4 years ago

    Catalina Queen That is interesting, I wondered myself why people from the States were SO against him. Couldn't they see he was better than Killery ? What other option was there ?


    Catalina Queen

    4 years ago

    Thanks Lori. It's been a few months since I posted that comment, and my theory seems more valid everyday. Super crazy times we live in. Where did this large leftist group suddenly arrive from? It's like an invasion of some strange alien race. Hundreds of thousands of leftist women joining together for their pink pussy hat parade. Wtf?! It's difficult to get a group of 5 women to go to lunch together! Y'all know I'm right! lol. Don't get me wrong, seeing all those empowered women fighting together was so awesome, it brought tears to my eyes, even though I didn't agree with their politics. It was long overdue. BUT, I didn't see any female solidarity behind Hillary's campaign. Where were they then? An alternate timeline? Another universe? I don't know. But suddenly there are a bazillion of these angry, gender confused, bespectacled, rainbow-haired feminists who appeared out of nowhere. They don't appear to have jobs, because all they do is protest...everything. Most of them are only sure that they truly hate Trump, and that he is not their President. (super rant..sorry!) Are you not from the US?


    Sabine Katsavrias

    3 years ago

    the more time that passes the more i feel there is a connection with trump and all this ...stuff. I reject trump and so so much of this reality. it all got sooo soo much worse when trump put his tiny hand up for the job.


    billy smith

    3 years ago

    There was a youtube channel I can no longer find where an Australian man was claiming he remembered the timeline where Hillary won. he said the world went to war with russia and many died from nuclear fallout. He said he remembered dying then waking up here in this world a few weeks before the election.


    Rafi Oled

    2 years ago

    Well atleast hillary is not president


    Elizabeth Osborne

    4 years ago

    please keep making videos ..you're not alone .. you should be in America .. it will rock you hard.. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!


    Joe Trimble

    4 years ago

    Don't get upset, many of us have woken up. The programmers are freaking, hold on to your memories and wait the reality will correct itself and we will be restored. We know that we were stolen from the cradle of our world and our bodies altered , they are frustrated by the fact they can't change our souls. You are wrong in all the right ways. PLease hold on and don't bothered.


    Rosie B
    4 years ago

    I feel you on the nausea, me too. I get a lot of headaches too. Never feel rested. Glad I did finally find out about ME, even though I don't think knowing can or will change anything again and make it as it should be or as it was


    Roger Buck in the 25th Century

    4 years ago

    Be strong my friend ..your not alone. It took months to get used to, but this is the awakening we've been waiting for


    Thin crust Pizza sucks

    4 years ago

    I remember everything the way you remember it,I've been dealing with this for months. it gets better , think of it as living in your own mystery movie. I used to not be able to think about the Mandela effect without wanting to puke,but you get use to it. PS. just know your not alone



    4 years ago

    Thank you for your video. Your memories are virtually identical to mine, for what it's worth. I was similarly freaked out, disoriented and felt rather isolated, somewhat fearful and alone after originally discovering this. I was not aware of Moonlanding discrepancy though, that's been another jaw-drop for me tonight. (Though to qualify I'd have to say this is not an "uber strong" recollection either, but like you as I remember it, we set foot on the moon once only, and only returned several times with non-manned missions. And this seems to fit into my larger recollection surrounding this in that the moonlanding conspiracies as I recall focused on this detail somewhat, e.g. the question of "why we never returned"? Well the whole thing gets ridiculous if we did in fact return 6 times!)


    Ally Kat

    4 years ago

    Your not alone in this. I was exactly like you. Depressed, overwhelmed, no one to talk to about it, the nausea, the realization that body parts have changed and been moved. I'm just as confused as you are my friend. Hang in there.



    1 year ago

    I love Sci-Fi stories. I never expected to be living it either.



    3 years ago

    Hi Eirik. I just wanted to thank you for your openness and honesty in this video. I can clearly see how it affected you and I was going through the exact same feelings as you at the time. You helped me by allowing me to connect with you through your confusion, and also I found myself laughing too (in a good way) and you cheered me up. I hope you are dealing with this better now as time is going on. Take care and remain strong..


    Sheepdog in Bozrah

    4 years ago

    You are not alone man. I believe everything you have said. Hello from Florida!


    Desert Jewels Media
    4 years ago

    Thank you for posting this... it's been 6 days for me & I'm so confused too. I thought either I'm on a different Earth or I've lost my mind! All I can say with confidence is you're not alone... don't give up or give in. We gotta stay strong



    4 years ago

    I love how you talk about the Mandela effect! I see this is from back in January. I hope you're used to people seeing you now..you've got a nice number of subscribers. I subscribed and look forward to more!


    David Reitz

    3 years ago

    We are hear with you! The ME really rocked my world. I believe our reality was a parallel world that somehow merged with this one.


    Seventh Circle

    4 years ago

    I had a similar freak out last summer when I realized something was wrong with the details changing, not changing but were different and apparently had always been different. I can totally relate to everything you are saying and also feel I can't talk to anyone about it without seeming crazy. Are there any chat rooms or online groups for those of us from the other timeline yet? It's time to get organized about this.


    Cherri Wright

    3 years ago

    Love the video! reminds me of when I first found out, about a year and a half ago..LOL glad to know there is a bunch of us out there!! ?


    Cannibal Creep

    3 years ago

    I'm with you Eirik. I remember everything just as you do.



    4 years ago

    guys im legit scared i don't know whats happening. this is not a joke anymore.


    lunashyne sparkles

    3 years ago

    Erika Grissel sweet girl it is scary..gotta breathe through it best u can..but the most comfort is whn u know u r NOT crazy..or alone.


    Joyce Box
    7 months ago

    Do not be afraid. Read the Bible and find comfort in faith.


    R zONE

    4 years ago

    Hang in there. I can relate. It took me a few weeks to process the spookiness of the ME. I agree with you I want to know what's going on more so than spelling changes. It's the big things that get me, anatomy, map changes. Woe! Not my planet bro. Don't go mad, you got this. You're not alone


    Silvermoon Maggie

    4 years ago

    Thank you for noticing and expressing so honestly.seems like most people I know in foreign countries turn a blind eye to this phenomena. I noticed the Bernstein bears books were changed in about 2005/ 2006. so strange... I feel it must be shifting timelines.



    4 years ago

    Hang in there, friend. I had to go through the stages of grief when It hit me full-on in 2016. I had some inklings on and off these last 20 years but always brushed it off. I am still alone where I am except for seeing videos like yours online. I have long since accepted this as my new way of living/being. And now I am in awe of the effect. I look on it now as a positive thing for the folks who see it. We are "The experiencers ."Be kind to yourself and you will acclimate. And know that you are not alone. Peace.


    Judy Price

    2 months ago

    YES! Everything you said radiates with me. I am much older so age, apparently isn’t a factor. My body and I are okay but so many things aren’t what they used to be.


    Jlet J

    3 years ago

    Thank you for posting this - I feel the same way !!! And I understand everything you are saying


    Abnormal Truth

    4 years ago

    You're mind accepts it in time. Gets easier anyway.


    3 years ago

    Love love love your video! You're raw innocent and honest and that's so refreshing among all the vultures who went from not knowing what was going on to experts! Lol. For someone who's been here researching traveling to other dimensions,parallel universes as my only point of reference back on 2014 before all this m.e. Channels started to pop up you my friend are genuine and for that I like you! Hope you had cope to our new reality by now. Sending you love and lots of good energy! ??



    4 years ago

    Welcome to the new earth. We are living in extremely interesting times. I honestly can't wait to see what else is going to happen. This madhatter is going to enjoy her tea party whatever happens. Enjoy the show. We have front row seats that not everyone gets.


    Lynette Donna Day

    1 month ago

    My friend, in my world I only recall us going to the moon once. I live in Australia and I feel like we are closer to Asia and New Zealand is closer to Australia than I remember. I know how you feel, it's all crazy! Now in 2021, I think the roller coaster ride is only going to get worse. And yeah, I don't trust the governments either. You're not alone mate ?


    Bombaclaat Gatofish

    4 years ago

    you are not alone! hang in there buddy and thanks for the video! so glad you made this, it helps others who are feeling this way!


    Mark Buckley

    3 years ago

    Greetings from Ireland. Stay strong brother. I’m a year into this and it’s very hard to adjust at first. The worst thing you can do is tell your friends and family. They will think you are crazy. Find like minded people that you can talk to. Be strong.


    Insanity is Sanity

    4 years ago

    No need to freak out my friend, we are living in very interesting times. Keep sharing your thoughts on here man, it will really help you come to terms with whats going on and with the amount of lies we been told throughout our lives. Got yourself a new sub bro, keep em coming


    Insanity is Sanity

    4 years ago

    p.s. we have never walked on the moon, it was all fake.. the Earth is not a sphere like we been told either, they cant get into so-called "space"... look in to Flat Earth


    4 years ago

    the only thing is I am 57 , I remember them driving on the moon. Everything else I am with you. My wife is not able to drink like you . It fucks with your emotions too



    4 years ago

    Wow! the world map does look different. I always thought we had been to the moon once too, but then i googled it a few months ago, but didn't think more about it.


    John Williams

    4 years ago

    Imagine watching Bizzare Foods with Andrew Zimmerman and even hearing him introduce himself as such then the next night its Andrew Zimmern and always has been.The one that gets me, we were on the outer spiral arm of the Carina-Sagittarius Arm of the Milky Way and now we are on Orion's Spur in the middle of the Milky Way.



    3 years ago

    Im also freaked out, i was touched by your video. Me, your bro in sweden is with you. Im comfident that you'll get through this, im like half freaked out right now and this is my 3rd day discovering this. I have noticed weird changes , some minor and some bigger. I still feel that many things are still real, its like still real but different, but the core in everything is till genuine and the same. Many seem to experience this in various degree. Not all supposed mandela effects have affected me, for example, for me it's always been "Sex and the city" and the volvo-logo has always been a male-symbol.


    Becc Drew

    4 years ago

    Feeling the same! You're not alone ✌?


    Rhonda Soullier

    4 years ago

    Hey, hi! I am one of those affected, you are not alone many of us are experiencing it. You know there is an important spiritual aspect to all this. Reach out to others don't rationalize, accaept it as a gift. Fear not just keep putting love out.



    4 years ago

    btw it gets a lot easier as you get used to the changes. You are never alone remember that always. blessings on you as you go through this



    4 years ago

    God is the only absolute truth. This is what I remember when I start freaking out.


    Pippy Longstockings

    4 years ago

    welcome to the club?. I've been here for two years x I'm still confused. I'm hoping this is a simulation, therefore we are on the same planet but things are being changed to save the planet from distruction. Technology has leapt forward, no such thing as quantum computers two years ago, now we have three. I'm just praying that all of this is for the best. I now know that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, so no matter what happens we go on from here, this is probably the most exciting time to be alive, so try x enjoy the ride. Also, forget spellings, logo's ect What is important is map changes, physical changes and keeping a close eye on technology. That is where the answers lye. Take deep breaths, try to relax, this is a great community of people, we will help you through this. Check out Dr Tarrin Lupo.


    Massive Marbles

    4 years ago (edited)

    Eirik, I hope that you're ok. Yes, I remember, that we've only been to the moon, ONCE. And, I remember Queens ...of the world. At the end of the song!


    Array Sunshine

    4 years ago

    hang in there don't let fear take hold. its in amazing time to be here in earth , just go with the flow hold on to your memories and stay true to what you believe and feel.



    4 years ago

    The Apollo missions were faked in this universe, so technically, we've walked on the moon zero times.


    Walter Förster
    4 years ago

    You belong brother! Don't let this drive you crazy! I relate and caught it over a year ago! I know what you are saying! Like myself you feel you have been left behind! Or better yet like a fallen one! I think this is what you are saying! I enjoyed your honesty and subbed!


    Gojiman's sunburn

    4 years ago

    Takk for at du deler, spennende tider vi lever i gitt..


    Brad Montano

    4 years ago

    Hi there and Greetings to Norway !! I have been through the same thing... My girlfriend is also experiencing the same thing and this has been very helpful in accepting that this experience is a very real... We are in a separate reality, and I have accepted that this a different world with different potentials. We are in good hands and I am not afraid. I have not heard of anyone who has been negatively affected by this thing... almost always the opposite. Hang in there and spread the word. Trust me... you are not alone!! Peace and Light, BM


    Connie Moreno

    4 years ago

    I welcome you to this new reality and you sure sound like you are telling my story... I had to laugh a few times because I did the same things you are doing. I freaked out & couldn't function. I did tell my 22 year old son everything that was going on, because like you I had an awakening before this. So my son was there through the whole thing & he thinks I am crazy... So keep sharing here. We are all in this together & support each other.. Going to your next video. I think I am going to be hooked


    Changing Matrix

    4 years ago

    Hi Eirik! I'm really proud of you for reaching out with your video. It's such a hard thing to do when you feel so incredibly messed up, confused, crazy, and everything else. I know it's also hard when people post words of encouragement...because when you feel like you feel and just nothing seems to help. You will have to believe that EXACTLY how you are feeling right now...it is EXACTLY how many of us have felt or are still feeling. Please know you are not having a more severe time with this as many of us. It "is"a horrible...beyond horrible experience. You must, to help yourself, continue to talk and communicate with others who are affected too. Ok? It's a good thing that many of us are finding each other...because you WILL be understood and believed and supported by those who are going through this too. You are important and there is a reason we are experiencing this.


    Michael Harrison

    4 years ago

    Something strange is going on for sure, I can relate to much that you have to say.


    Evangelina .burns

    4 years ago

    it gets better - i was freaking out the first time i found out about ME too but now i've just accepted it


    Nancy Rose-Chism

    4 years ago

    Welcome Eirik. Take it one day at a time. You're not crazy and there are a Lot of us in the same situation. We can get through it together.


    3E’s with Bonnie B

    3 years ago

    I woke up the same time as you did. I freaked out the same way you did. Your video brought me so much peace at that time. It's been awhile since we woke up and I still feel alone. That's why I decided to watch your video again now. It brought me the same amount of peace. No one in my circle understands or relates. I have reached out to one other from you tube that I felt I connected with but they never replied. I have no one to talk to about this. If your still feeling alone and just want to have a conversation with someone that can relate please reach out. I just want to have one telephone conversation with one other human being that can actually understand.



    3 years ago

    for me is the Volkswagen logo that creeps me out. I had a few vw in my life and clearly remember,that there was no dash between w and v. now there is and wiki says, it has always been that way.


    lunashyne sparkles

    3 years ago

    I so feel ya on this ..I was freakin on tripped out effects..n so many my loves think I'm bat shit crazy


    Jewel Heart

    4 years ago

    I was very very scared to start with, Eiriks, and even now I discover new things. One of the latest is for those of you old enough to know, the late Laurel & Hardy, their catch phrase was "that is another fine mess you've gotten me into", now, what ever video you listen to, Hardy said "that is another NICE mess you've gotten me into" - WRONG WRONG WRONG.



    4 years ago

    I have gone through almost exactly the same thing you've gone through. But finally the chronic pain and nausea issues and digestive issues and everything else has gone and now I can just go go go and do things and I feel good and it blows my mind. I believe God is helped me through all this and healed me from all of this crazy stuff going on that they're doing to the world and to our dimensions.


    Rodney MacFarlane

    4 years ago (edited)

    Welcome to the new reality, the first time I noticed was in the early 90's when the term did not even exist. However, enjoy the ride you are noticing its not for a bad reason. Its time to wake up, and your going to be alright.


    renee cerroni

    4 years ago

    I know ive going through it for very long time.the changes have been accelerated its like slaps in the face left and right.YOUR MEMORIES ARE CORRECT TRUST THEM. hang in there buddy!YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!this is so confusing.and Yes we are living a sci-fi movie out a horrific one!


    Eva Nie

    4 years ago

    I feel for you! Many of us are in a similar boat. I see most of the MEs including the 1 trip to the moon only ME. I have noticed that my body no longer tolerates crap food, it makes me feel weak and have nausea. I strongly recommend that you try eating only fruit, meat, and veggies as much as possible, make every bite you can have nutrients in it, and you will probably feel a lot better. No more chips, candy, soda, etc. It's hard at first but then after a few days, it's not too bad and you will not crave the crap foods as much. Also keep in mind that the ME does not seem to directly hurt those who see it, we all continue with our lives and pay our rent. The %#$%X seems to hit the fan with Trump and all, but it seems like we as individuals can be observers without being directly hurt by it. Yes it is lonely but try joining some of the ME chat groups like https://www.reddit.com/r/Retconned/ that are designed for believers of the ME (polite believers only please, i don't run the show there but I've been there a lot). But it seems like the only actual serious damage the ME does is freak people out, if we can just learn to deal and accept the new reality enough to not be too long term traumatized by it (short term trauma is normal and common), then we are OK. If you have only known of the ME (mandela effect) for 3 days then it's normal for you to be in the throws of major freak out. Many of us have been through it, lost sleep, etc, but it does get better with time. You will realize that you are still fine, and somehow all this happens and we can still live a good life. I still miss my old reality and am more confused now, not having a good feel for this reality, but my life is still good overall, rent is paid, job is fine, food on table, shelter over head. All you have to do is keep basic functioning in your basic life and not freak out your family/friends too much and you will make it unscathed. Or even if you don't, you will still make it but I recommend the former for obvious reasons. ?


    Victoria Sebanz

    4 years ago

    Breathe. "I am going to be hospitalized". That would be a choice. Accept the change. Our minds have a great deal to do with this. It is happening everywhere. There are reasons. And it is real. Exactly...things are feeling better....so why give up? Ride it. Trust and believe that we are evolving quicker. Keep your thoughts in compassion, truth, love, freedom, wisdom and joy. That is your power. This took bravery for you. Know that you are just conscious of the changes.


    4 years ago

    It gets easier! My husband and I had each other going through this thankfully! You should check out moneybags73 he has really good videos on the Mandela!


    Kalle Kanin

    3 years ago

    Hello my fellow Norwegian! You are not alone ? It's freaky, but fascinating and cool and a bit scary and then it feels crazy again. This blows my mind ? Like, wtf happened to Australia (on the map) ? Position and shape has changed drastically. The heart's position in the middle of the chest is one of the more freaky things, - suddenly this Mandela effect is all too close and real ? But i think we should remember to breath deep and remember that we are MANY people that notice this. So. If we are crazy (which we are not), then we are at least MANY together.


    Array Sunshine

    4 years ago

    I was really sick for awhile as well. it's comes along with shock I think. it will go away when yoir more grounded and more conscious about your real surroundings.


    Wendy Schale

    4 years ago

    I have also experienced the same problem with alchohol. It had been about six months or so since I'd had a drink and have always had a tolerance of consuming three mixed cocktails to achieve that nice buzzed state. I have attempted numerous times (4-6) to drink socially and I can't even finish one without feeling ill. It's really strange and in some ways I miss "being the life of the party." I hadn't put the two together before. I also have a Mandela that I haven't seen talkes about and am curious if anyone remembers the Ruinite commercials from the late 70s. I vaguely remeber their jingle to the tune of Peaches and Herbs reuinted. I can't say whether this was just something my then six year old mind merged but I'm curious if anyone else recalls this. I can find no residuals let alone anyone I know who remebers the wine, which, by the way, has some other fabulous ass but just not with the song I remeber.


    Karly Pearl

    4 years ago

    Hey man.. I see that you made this video a few months back. I hope you are feeling better bud. But in case your still havein a tuff time with it, I just wanna say- Your right. This shits real. Your not goin crazy. And you definitly are not alone. The first time that I consciously experienced the 'effect' was when I was a young kid back in the 80's.. It was well befor it was labeled ME. And it was a very personal experience. It tripped me out like nothing else ever. It got me questioning the possability of alternate realities..and like I said, I was just a little kid. Point being, this has been happening for a very long time. Longer then any of us know. It very well could be a perfectly natural part of universal process. We dont know. I dont think we Will know in this life time. All I know is , at the end of the day -at the end of our lives -no matter what universe we are in, all that matters is what is in our hearts. So keep your head up.. Dont worry! Have no fear ok? Let love keep your heart full and let go of the rest. ❤


    Lori Miller

    4 years ago

    Karly Pearl Hi have you read any of Dolores Cannons' work ? She talked about dimensions and that this was occuring all the time.


    Agent Mothman

    4 years ago

    I'm from the same universe as you (by that i mean the 'old' universe) and I've always known that humans have been to the moon more than once. As a very young child I was taught about Neil Armstrong bring the first in the moon and Buzz Aldrin was second. Weren't you taught this?



    3 years ago (edited)

    I just realized 4 days ago I was affected . I thought through the years companies were just making changes in how their products appear . How I find out that it has always been that way , but not for me . No trespasses in The Lords Prayer , six people in the JFK car , instead of four . Unreal !. There's many more . Good luck .


    Minnesota Silver Roll Hunter

    4 years ago

    I'm in the same boat as you are. keep your head up brother.


    The Well in the Garden - Laura Crean

    4 years ago

    First of all you are not alone, you are not going mad and give it some time. I'm a year in to it and I'm still a little freaked out but acclimated a little better. Keep searching, keep questioning and noticing the changes. I will pray that you will be filled with joy and peace and that understanding will come your way. God bless and I'm there for you ❤


    Cynthia S.

    4 years ago

    hi, it will be ok, all your memories are correct, things have changed. The spiritual world is getting your attention. If you are right with God you will be safe. Ask God for wisdom and peace, the world may be over soon and God promises a new world with no spiritual wickedness. PS you will get a new body too! Only trust God not man. Apocolypse means "the unveiling of truth". Don't freak it is only truth. The truth sets us free.



    4 years ago

    cynthia Sobel well said. It can feel lonely but stay strong- much is happening that we can't see. God Bless.


    Leah Monday

    4 years ago



    Hallvard Viken

    4 years ago

    Maybe we have been presented with the Mandela effect so that we can bring the world back to the original timeline with our collective consciousness? I.e., we were jumped to a differen dimension to fix things, and now it is up to us to make the timelines merge again...


    Monique Corish Rodriguez

    4 years ago

    there's many of us effected. I'm still adjusting and trying to hear about all the evil too.



    4 years ago

    It gets better my friend at first it is devastating. It shows us that things we just took for granted are more than what we see. You are not alone there are millons of us. Believe what you remembered things are different they have changed. Everything we where taught is a lie here.


    Steve Luiting

    4 years ago

    this has been happening to me since 1972. the difference is the Internet and I'm not the only one anymore. the weirdest thing is when things change and then they change back. I'm cool with it now because it is what it is.



    4 years ago

    Hello there. I'm from Malta (Europe). I heard about the Mandela Effect in mid January. I was frustrated because of the stuff mentioned that I too remembered them differently. I only talked about this with my close friends, more than half of them don't even believe me. Since then I started to join groups on Facebook. I feel alone in this but I don't want to give up. I want to know the truth and not just live a life that's thrown to me and live like a robot without questioning anything.



    4 years ago

    we are moving into another dimension. thats why our body's are changing, its because out frequency is changing.


    Mohabbatein Rang de

    3 years ago

    I just found out that we've been to the moon multiple times... thanks... that is so unreall... I visited air and space museum so many times in the U.S.A (washington D.C.). How could I have missed. And I reckonize other things you say. Body, Mona Lia, Lots of Stuff, Too Much.


    Jessica Heim

    4 years ago

    I feel the same way. I was up almost all night researching.


    James Green

    3 years ago

    I agree with every change you mentioned. I woke up about 5 years ago but things are still strange. Stay calm, and go with it.



    1 year ago

    We'll get through this. We are in a strange place, but we have to adjust. God is watching.


    M Judith G. Sv.

    3 years ago (edited)

    great video. We are many coming from that same world you belonged to. Me included. I was very, very, very shocked when I found out. However, something happened during my sleep and I woke up knowing that this change is you know... normal..? They opened my mind in my sleep so I could adjust better and keep calm. Makes sense? Open your mind, let it flow. Don't hold on to the past. Peace.


    jakeicha kea

    3 years ago

    Thank you for being so honest. Don't be scared or unsettled you are not the only one who sees these changes.?


    Florametista H

    4 years ago

    welcome on board! I freaked out for 1 week, badly.. badly.........then I accepted it and I am enjoying the ride on this new earth timeline.. I just heard you saying something interesting: HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN IN THIS UNIVERSE? I am pondering the same question. I agree with you on everything you said, the moon, geography, Mona Lisa, "of the world", the anatomy of the body.....kit-kat. Do you know about our new position in the galaxy? We are in Orion Spur, not in Sagitarius Arm. Closer to the center of the galaxy: spooky, eh? Ps: ohhh No! do not talk to people about it. .....they will think you are crazy. You are not alone--:-)


    Teddy Nakawoya
    3 years ago

    Aha! my heart is stil in the same place left. i can feel it.


    The Yore Dragon

    3 years ago

    you will be aight dude.. battle lines being shown and the final choice is among us..


    Joyce Box

    7 months ago

    The Queen song change hit me when I saw 13 yrs old. I'm 54 now. You get used to it.



    4 years ago

    It is real, bro. You aren't crazy and you aren't alone. I went a little crazy after finding out but now I honestly feel grateful to be one of the minority that sees them.


    Exaiver Sandiego

    4 years ago

    If you look at human Anatomy, the old esophagus used to curve it seems this new one just goes Straight Down into the stomach that might be the reason you're having these effects with the drinking.. Stay Strong brother.


    Woody Murphy

    3 years ago

    I feel your pain brother. I've been dealing with this too.


    Jessica Memer

    4 years ago

    Champions was my wtf moment too.


    Random Citizen

    4 years ago

    Yes. I was singing it really loud with friends while drinking.. and I got to the "of the world" part and sang it and everyone looked at me like I was crazy.


    Barry Miller
    3 years ago

    what is wrong with you stupid fucks? Freddie sings "of the world in the middle of the song. The last "we are the champions" is followed by the guitar chord that ends the song. If he were to sing it again, the song would necessarily continue ad nauseum. The song has to resolve to a finish somehow. That is how it was recorded in 1977 and appears that way on the studio album News of the World. There are a few recordings of live shows where Freddie does sing "of the world" at the end...because it was live and therefore it had a certain effect. That is the ONLY time the song ever appeared that way. Please get a fucking clue and a fucking life and shut the fuck up with the bullshit.


    Truth Seeker

    3 years ago

    Yes brother Nordic you're not alone the struggle is real!


    Papa Noel

    4 years ago

    Im there with you brother...Im from Denmark and i feel the Mandella Effect to.


    Jennifer Wainwright

    3 years ago

    Hi Erik. I'm wondering how you are today? I'm currently at the same point you were when making this?



    4 years ago

    I think we all freak out at 1st but after a while it becomes quite amusing although you do tend to double check things in case your own past events are different i like to think of it as an upgrade whether we are in a simulation or have just evolved in some way ?


    Dino pharis

    4 years ago

    HOLY SHIT!! I totally missed that one about the moon!!! Yes cause there was a video titled "why we've never gone back" damn.I was thinking yea this video is a guy going off I'll hear all the effects I know.but Thanks for bringing it up.I KNOW we had ONE Lunar mission.WOW!



    4 years ago

    As others have said, it gets easier to accept and you eventually just smirk and chuckle at the oddness of it all. Your video is the first I've seen to mention the moon thing, and clearly we come from the save previous time line because it's only once in my history as well, so thanks for messing with my head some more. lol Enjoy what you have today, for it may be gone tomorrow.



    4 years ago (edited)

    Eirik, I want to give you a hug. Once you can accept that "reality" isn't really real then perhaps you will be able to make peace with the changes. It does freak you out for a while, but hold on to your Self and sooner or later things will be o.k. Not long after I started recognizing changes, I had a dream that the earth and the sun were being projected up on a screen (like a movie). Then the scene changed to a non-projected big image of saturn (which led me to believe it was the source of the projection). It reminded me that we are in a matrix reality and the way out of it is by going inside. Recognize that none of this is real, so if it changes it is not a big deal. Don't be upset by the changes you see and stay focused on love and peace. Many Blessings to you!


    Peter Andersson

    4 years ago

    Welcome to your new home. It is frustrating from time to time but you have to deal with it and try to enjoy the ride. I live in Sweden so I am really close to you.


    eiriks conspirasy corner

    4 years ago

    do you see the change in denmark? didn't it use to be rounder? and whole? i just cant be sure on that one, and way to few know Scandinavian geography


    James Smith

    4 years ago

    Eirik, Relax, it is okay. It freaked me out too, but when I told my wife about all the examples she wasn’t freaked out at all – at first I thought that she didn’t believe in the Mandela Effect because she wasn’t bothered at all. After a lot of conversation I found out that she she knows, and believes in the Mandela Effect but then she said something that made a lot of sense. She said in life the only thing we really have any control of is ourselves. And the Mandela Effect doesn’t change the control that we have of ourselves. Just like every other day before the Mandela Effect, life changes – and what is important is NOT what happens outside of ourselves but how we react to it. So what if the world isn’t the way that we may remember it, what’s important is what we do. Just because this is something new, something that we have never experienced we cannot allow it to freak us out. My wife then said something that I had to think about. She said that the only reason that we even know about this Mandela Effect is because of social media and computers. Eirik, I don’t know how it is where you are but here in the United States we have not heard ANYTHING about the Mandela Effect on the mainstream news (TV or Newspaper). What if this is not the first time that this kind of Mandela Effect thing has happened? If this had happened fifty years ago people would not even know about it! Fifty years ago if we came across some fact that was different than what we remembered we would just think it was our memory or that the movie or product had changed. Today the reason we know about all the changes is because of YouTube and the other websites that list all the changes together along with the ability to research the history of all the logos of a company and the original script of a movie. The important thing Eirik is you, you have the same mind and are the same person. So the question really is: the world has changed, but the world always changes – granted the Mandela Effect is a big change - but you are still the same person – so what are you going to do? You are a good guy. You deserve to be happy. Smith


    Adam Dubard

    4 years ago

    most of the Mandela effect things i don't remember like the other-worlders but i do think that this is real, based on how many remember so many major things such as body anatomy incorrectly and there really isn't any other explanations for it


    Sylvia Farley

    3 years ago

    Comfort from a crazy old lady. Time and Again. Another day of extreme lethargy, trying to conjure up energy from the world matrix to share with others and to renew myself. My nose still runs, my chest still wheezes, my tummy still wobbles, I do little and sleep a lot. Although I feel a bit more healed each day, I cannot access enough light and love in this world which seems to me to be becoming dimmer and dimmer, and more and more distressed. I looked closely at all I hope still to do, and decided that the most important thing is not to explain or research, but to share the knowledge of what we can do to heal ourselves and our world. But how can I do that, when I cannot even heal myself? Then, once again, I understood that I have been learning new lessons even while I seemed to be lying idle. Yes, things appear more complex by the day, with new problems arising so fast that it is difficult to keep up with new threats and new technologies. Take the Mandela Effect for example, and all the work I have done on Quantum Theory and Alternate Universes. How can I clarify it all and show how it all fits together? The answer is right there. Things can be, or not be, simultaneously here and there, then and now. Suddenly, I see that it is really very simple. I no longer have to explain things in terms of where and when. Energy is not only to be harvested from today. I already know that I can remember wellness and use the memory to recharge from the past. What is that, if not bypassing time?. Co-operative work does not have to be organised for any particular time and place. All times and all places are the same. So I can move my consciousness, not only outside my body, but outside my Universe, to bask in vibrant light and harvest the life force, passing it on to wherever and whenever it is needed. I may not see the effects in this reality, but I know it works. After all, what else is prayer? What else is music, or art, or happiness, or love? They are forms of converted energy having effects distant in time and space from where they begin, hours, days, decades, or even Millennia away. I can link in to the World Matrix, and even the Multiverse whenever and wherever I choose, knowing that the connection is always available, not only at 6.00 p.m. on Sunday, but always, because it is one single continuous event, not divided into isolated sections, So I am expanding my morning visualisation beyond the places and people I know, beyond the history and geography I once learned, beyond gratitude for everything that once touched, or will touch my own life, and floating out on a cloud of green, (heart consciousness, or love), into a golden solar plexus quantum cosmos, breathing in glowing clouds of sunshine on snow to irradiate my mind, lilac light to heal with understanding, blue to clarify communication, orange to regenerate my body, and red life energy linking me to the Earth. I feel such joy and happiness, like bathing in sunshine and listening to the laughter of children. Slowly, over decades, I have learned to navigate the chakras, vortices, and magnetic toroids of my own body, and the force fields of the earth. Now I am ready to swim in forces between time and space, a simplification and a new adventure. Join me! We can have fun, " tramlining worlds that were, or might have been: communipooling, in the vast unmind." (That is a line from a poem I wrote about 50 years ago, long before I really understood what I was talking about!)


    Pippy Longstockings

    4 years ago

    Yes, that is when you switched. I suffer with terrible depression, then two years ago it just lifted, just stopped, I feel energised too.



    4 years ago

    I am going through the same thing... It's hard to relate to everyone close to me.


    Cal Ral

    4 years ago

    Im experiencing the exact same things . We can remember for a reason . Maybe we are the ones who are going to help to change the world for the better


    eiriks conspirasy corner

    4 years ago

    i go real deep, real fast man. be sure to be ready if you watch more videos. but yeah, i think we are supposed to fix the damn system. its gonna be good this time, damn it!



    4 years ago

    You are not alone in this mate. If anything, the portion of "Old Earthers" now have a greater bond than ever ? albeit we all be existing in a timeline less relevant and relatable..



    4 years ago

    I feel your pain brother!!



    4 years ago

    Looks like we have been on a similar journey, my friend. My channel is just ME videos sorted by category. Good resource for beginners. Best of luck! Hang in there. WIth love - JCExplorations.



    4 years ago

    Bro, be strong, what ever is going on is even messing with the Bible



    3 years ago

    we are with you in Canada, we love you, your not alone.


    La Sonn

    3 years ago

    guys if there are many of us experiencing this, why don't we all direct our collective consciousness towards a reality we feel more comfortable in? Why don't we get our minds to work together?


    MoniMoo Variety channel

    4 years ago

    checked out the map to see for myself and i am sure that Fiji was "North" of Australia, not north east.. a bit fucked.. anyone else remember this?


    Jenny Huot

    4 years ago

    Also Jinx Cat..I am going through the same..my boyfriend showed this to me about two weeks ago. It's like a grieving period like you lost someone close to you I have been told. But to me I lost myself, or you feel like you lost your mind. I knew something was wrong a few years ago with my body..I was diagnosed with anxiety, depression and fibromyalgia..I am in constant pain. Now it all makes perfect sense to me..changes in my body too!



    4 years ago

    Keep Calm. If life is a Sci-fi movie, lets live it!



    3 years ago

    You are not alone bud ..I enjoyed your vid as it was your first and it was raw and honest .. I'm sure by now you're more comfortable with this phenomenon...take care



    4 years ago

    Wait, hang on... you can't kidney punch any more? So much for that self defence technique...


    Millionaire Re-seller

    4 years ago

    Great video bud ??✌?️


    tommy crosbie

    4 years ago

    Haya eirik all I can say is I see all this too an a few times it began getting in on me I was worried all the time ,there was only one person that understud me we talk alot about it an we also have a laf too ,when it got too much for me I had too stop watching YouTube an stop thinking about it ,see I told myself that everything is the same it's just some people put all this shit out there for us to see I know there more too it for a lot of people ,but whatever it takes to put it out of your head do it ,you need to find someone that you can meet up with that's on the same level ,keeping it in an not been able to talk to anyone will do that ,all that rubbish with names changing fuck that who gives a shit ,theres way more deeper stuff ,anyway stop looking up Mandela effect an find someone that knows what your talking about ,if I'm any help, I'm here .


    Furlock Furli

    4 years ago

    Eirik, nice to meet you. Just one hint, so you may start to laugh or feel at least confident. "... of the world" has gone, because the concept "the world" is an invention of the system. There is no "world", but there is something much better. The ME changes things that are wrong. Feel a bit more relaxed, please. Also you should look at yourself as someone who is really going into the change, not looking at it from a fake safe position. So you will experiment many more changes yourself. This is very good, a great signal. Congrats, and not crying or feeling bad. I'm proud of you, so share this feeling with me. You may want to visit DrVirtual7's channel for immediate relief. Nice and helpful. You may also start detoxification by 1) drink green tea 2) take some activated carbon 3) take some eatable clay In less than 3 days you will start to smile broadly. Kindest regards, M.


    Robin Gilmore

    4 years ago

    you are not alone....so many of us have woken up... don't be afraid...


    Feral Mathematician

    4 years ago

    Dude, It's going to be fine. Our perception is expanding. Those who do not perceive it are our brothers and sisters. We are traveling equal souls.



    3 years ago (edited)

    You are right my dear friend. May God bless you, in this Strange times. We completly understand you. I'm like you, I don't know what is causing this. I listened to many theories, but none makes completly sens. I don't also what to believe about this. I try to find an explanation, I'm still searching.


    Thomas Larsen

    3 years ago

    Here in Denmark we have some huuuge Mandela effects, I made a little video about them. My first video too, so its not so good. I have the ME, but on my old world Apollo 11-17 went to the Moon, 13 didnt make it and had to turn back.


    Ger NWD

    4 years ago

    More and more I guess, we all came from the same world and went all together into another, similar to the old, but not identical new world. But only a few notice it, that´s all. It´s not to explain with concepts we have learned at school. It can freak people out, therefore many people would reject this ME, if you would try to explain just your thoughts and memorys. Maybe there is something good in it. I think we are not anymore on the hard way time line of ww3 as many predictors like Nostradamas, but also others had seen this time. It´s still a crazy world, now with ME, but better then "real war". Some powerfull people still want to start a war, but they get weaker and weaker and we all can do our part to it. So yes, freak out, but just a few minutes per day, the rest think positive ?



    4 years ago

    Humans have imperfect memories...



    4 years ago

    Dude I have a question for you.... DO you remember the buggy the astronaughts drove on the moon?? They drove around the moon right? sure Im sure you rememeber that...... Now the buggy wasnt brought to the moon until later missions. The heart, Luke I am your father and Queen song.. Im totally convinced of it too! but the moon I know weve been there 6 or 7 times... Let me know if you know the buggy



    4 years ago

    Don't worry that "freaking out" feeling wears off.


    Clay Hunter

    3 years ago

    You will find yourself by looking within and finding the LOVE you have buried...Learning to LOVE yourself as you are sharing this message with others Know this : The Greatest Explorers are the One's who are searching for the LOVE in an others HEART...(.Trust not in the flesh..)."A quote from my friend Jesus..".Trust in self and GOD the Creator of ALL.....So-let-it-BE...Come to America...


    gorilla twist

    4 years ago (edited)

    hey me too! I want to move back to Norway!! If you can help me out let me know-This is interesting- I can't eat a thing either,,, Everything has changed... Everywhere- THANKS!!


    The Smallest Light

    4 years ago

    hold tight my brother and lean on Jesus he gas your life in his hands. I pray for you your a good hearted man and I am experiencing all the same. we will be gone with jesus soon !


    lorenzo koa

    2 years ago

    I am experiencing this in a extreme level. Like a saw a woman walking in the street and then suddenly she just disappear. I think that I just gonna tried to adapt or I may go crazy.


    Clay Hunter

    3 years ago

    Hey...This is a New World to be Explored....A Journey...Finding new Frontiers...New Worlds with... Worlds...You may Follow Learn and Grow...So-let-it BE....


    Marais Bouwer

    4 years ago

    I feel you dude.


    Random Citizen

    4 years ago

    You are not alone my friend. ❤️


    Craig Cowell

    3 years ago

    We've shifted into another reality on another earth of the multiverse it's all this quantum computing and also cern


    jack siscavage

    4 years ago

    Lol, Stop sweating it. I nearly fell out of my seat when you mentioned Trump though. Our race had one way or the other to go. You my friend are one of the lucky ones. You get the reality where God rules. The other you goes where the Democrats won creating a one world order and demonic control. Lol welcome to your new, better life. Enjoy it!


    Always Thinking

    4 years ago

    been going through this for about 7 months now. don't freak out, it gets easier. I view this as my new way of life now, and I am actually quite fascinated by it. my mission as of late has been to find out the why and how. anyhow, try to relax and enjoy the ride ?


    eiriks conspirasy corner

    4 years ago

    i dont know if you have watched how i progessed, but im afraid i did not do it in a relaxed fashion. i like to gain info fast. i think you will enjoy the journey if you watch true them in order. talk about some things very few others do


    Luna Chick

    4 years ago

    Awe...sending u love n light. I'm Mandela effected too. It gets easier.


    Steve ODowd

    4 years ago

    if I can tell you one thing to do, keep your vibrating up, don't think of hate , anger, anything that will lower your vibrating, if you think of happiness and love it does get a little easier kinda


    Mandela effect- Quantum stuff Texas - Danny .

    4 years ago

    Hi , don't freak out ! U are not alone ! Peace.df.


    Empress Lilith

    4 years ago

    Holy crap! In my reality we've only been to the moon ONCE! And YES, it's always been THE QUESTION of "WHY only once?!" And now it's NOT ONCE?!?!?! Lol oh fuck that noise because NOPE once and only once....ffs I'm not afraid, I actually am fascinated but some changes are soooo much weirder than others for me


    LindaJ Moore

    4 years ago

    Small doses sweetie, small doses. It gets to all of us from time to time.


    Matt Walker

    4 years ago

    your whole country has moved along with Sweden and Finland from the map in my head to what I discovered on google earth a few days ago and I couldn't understand how its sippsidly always looked like it does now the Mandela effect is real but it it just memory manipulation by the world elite


    EyE AM

    4 years ago

    Hang in there my friend things will get better, also you are not alone by any means don't let the cognitive dissonance get you down it will pass. You are rising and we are one.



    4 years ago (edited)

    Things are going on with that cern collider... weird stuff they are doing there.... and what about the changes to the Bible? I think that is the worst thing ever.


    Sheepdog in Bozrah

    4 years ago

    You mention the Bible...ive been tripping on how it has changed.


    jen justjen

    3 years ago

    Hey Sweetie... You are not alone. After being in shock and feeling creeped out, it will becom easier. We are pioneers & we will make the passage for newly awakened easier. Meanwhile, we need to continue supporting each other as this continues to unfold. Thank you for your vulnerability. Love to you and all of Humanity.


    dave jones

    4 years ago

    Hey brother, it gets easier, there's thousands of us.


    Jaiden Mikulich

    3 years ago

    Sending love and support I'm sorry it's affecting you like this


    Josée Cousineau

    4 years ago

    I hope you feel better. For me it's day 3 since i found out about the Mandela effect. Everything is changed and it's freaking me out too. I have to accept that all i know and i take for granted can just change overnight. I talked about it to one of my friends that have an open mind. He is not affected but he listened to me and believed me. I always been a special person and I always been one of a kind, different but now i fell VERY different and I have to rebuilt all my beliefs in life. I don't know you but your video touched me and sort of confort me. Thank you and good luck in your NEW life ...


    Class2 instructor

    4 years ago

    You are too far away from home to even think about it, we are halfway to the center of the galactic core we were on the edge. Just learn the new differences or you will stand out. They don't know we are here, or they believe.


    Evie Elliot Gerzio

    2 years ago (edited)

    Most of the body's Mandela effects seem to be for our protection. Our kidneys are protected, our heart is in the middle so our lungs will have more space, our brain is more protected, our liver is bigger so we can more efficiently get rid of toxins, we regrow ribs so that we aren't left with unprotected vital organs. Those are just some that I can name.


    Shelley Tremper

    4 years ago

    omg I was wondering what was wrong with me?? I can't drink or smoke weed anymore, I get horribly sick. The changing of the bible is what freaks me out the most and ya how do you bring the subject up to people



    3 years ago

    You must understand these scientist know what they are doing it's a game to them they are getting kicks out of it ,,so stay close to Jesus he's the one I control of this universe don't fall for deception because if you read the Bible you will get comfort. God bless


    Randy Colby

    4 years ago

    Also, concerning Trump. Look up "Kim Clement Trump Prophecy". There is a God, and He is still in control.


    Sunny Smiles

    2 years ago

    This vid has changed since last time I watched it


    Fleur de Lys Québec

    3 years ago

    D’ont worry we are a lotte with you we love you


    Dahamraj 108

    4 years ago

    Hang in there...The Alpha wave ..god wave will help, remember God


    natasha jaggernauth

    4 years ago

    This is my 4th day trying to process this shit too! I don't know how to "react" these days too....


    Joshua Moore

    4 years ago

    The first time this happened to me was when my girlfriend and I were looking at a map of Texas. For some reason I was always absolutely certain that Dallas was more in the center of the state. I never thought it to be odd and just thought it was bad memory. The Berenstain bears too seems odd but that one makes more sense. As it could just be my miss remembering. There are a few others but, not as odd to me that stand out. Another small one is, building or places that seemed to appear over night that I never noticed on streets I drove on all the time. Meh I don't know lol.


    Truth Seeker

    4 years ago

    Joshua Moore nah Bernstein bears is one of the main ones for me that n Ford symbal


    Joshua Moore

    4 years ago (edited)

    I hear you. I like both versions of this. The one where it is alternate realities is a interesting idea. But, I also think it more than likely bad memory. I mean I always had a pretty decent memory and rarely forget some things but, then again the mind has it's moments. Jif and Jiffy was another one I remember as a kid and thinking it was odd that it changed. I did actually think, as a kid, that it was just a re-brand or something, like when McDonald's up dated the way it looked and what not. But, apparently it was always Jif. Odd. Kit Kat kind of got me too.


    Truth Seeker

    4 years ago

    Yeah but if u remember choosey mom's choose jif commercials they were around before the Mandela effect but I remember seeing it an thinking back than like late 90s it looked funny


    Joshua Moore

    4 years ago

    Yeah, I hear you. I thought the same as a kid. But, either way it's fun to speculate on the possibilities of something like this happening. I mean honestly with all of the stuff going on I could actually imagine something like that happening. Oh, my brain hurts when I think about infinite different realities where the only slight difference is 1 atom. Another 2 and so on into infinity until we have infinite amounts of different versions of reality. I could imagine some of them being tied to one another so it doesn't seem completely irrational given that quantum mechanics and etc is correct. I honestly don't see how that would be completely impossible I mean we do live in a universe, why would we assume that it is the only one? It sort of seems intuitive. Fun



    4 years ago

    on day 3 myself. this is nuts!! Kennedy and the bible are the obvious ones for me.


    oohjuuxun [세라][seera]

    3 years ago

    Me and and my mother have been exhausted and sick for around two years with messed up memory and sickness. I suddenly developed lung problems and an array of health problems i never had before(practically overnight) and have been dealing w them without solve since. We both feel like we're in some sort of twilight zone. The people around are cold and clueless to not just this but jus emotionally or in general. Stuff like brand changes i can say meh who knows but i cant deny that some things just prickle my instinct like 'smth is wrong. This place is not right.' Like im a puzzle piece staring at a puzzle i dont belong in. I wonder if all of us feeling off or remembering life differently are either evolved enough to sense some sort of mandela, or in the least are awake enough to see that smth is messing w us in some way. I'm saying that, if there weren't people like us, then we wouldnt question anything. There wouldnt be anyone to wake anyone else up. Be happy that you arent one of the zombies, even if it sucks!


    Ana G.

    3 years ago (edited)

    Does the mandela effect alter memory too? Because if it does, it explains why I don't remember most of these changes, assuming this is the case for a lot of people. It didn't affect your memory, which is incredible and we are thankful for it. As you mention some of these things, I am recalling them too. The Queen song did finish with "of the world", as I sing it I know its melody. The heart position change is freaking me out, I remember growing up the heart was always on the left until one day it hit me that the human anatomy pictures always show it in the center. I felt so stupid, but you are right, I remember my parents teaching me it's in the left and ppl saying their hearts are on the left. Take it easy though. Sometimes these changes can be confusing, between what we really know and what we always "assumed" one way and just never looked it up until it caught our attention. Just ask yourself what experiences you had with the original version, to serve as your proof. I worked in JcPenney when I was in high school 20 years ago, it was my first job so I clearly remember it always spelled with the E because I always had to write it as my past experience in job applications.


    DanjA zonE

    4 years ago

    EXACTLY!!!! mona lisa never smiled


    Amelia Barton

    3 years ago

    You're not alone. I became aware a year ago of the Mandela effect. I started noticing things in 2014 but didn't know what it was. No one in my family believes me. I'm most concerned about the changes in the Bible as I'm a Christian and it says it's inerrant but I know it's changed. It's all a hard pill to swallow. Someone needs to start a support group.


    Stouthuyzen Bob

    4 years ago

    i like the new earth very much! everythings going better and better for me, things that were unthinkable on the old happens now with ease.


    eiriks conspirasy corner

    4 years ago

    its because you have noticed this is not your reality, the same thing has happened to me. it open you up, makes you able to change how things are. keep working on it. watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFk8qKO-Z50&t=5s if you want to clear up some of the info around. its super long. but its worth it. alien at roswell explaining the universe. changed everything for me.


    Stouthuyzen Bob

    4 years ago

    youre totally right, thats what i feel to. hopefully it works out for the best for you too, my best wishes, keep safe. ?


    Nimble Saint

    4 years ago

    God bless you young man, I love your honesty and purity. If you weren't shocked by the Mandela Effect...... that would be shocking all in itself. You will get your sea legs in good time and I hope you continue to research and stay alert since we don't know where this is going. Many, many good people are struggling with this phenomenon and we are lucky that you are part of our small community. You are not alone, your observations are solid.


    Kristine Mcnary

    3 years ago

    love your vid. i am like you. mine started in 2012. pay attention to your nausea, i have found there is a new big mandela effect after i am not sick to my stomach any more!!!


    Alexandru Breazu

    4 years ago

    You being from Norway I guess Svalbard was always there, right?



    4 years ago

    If you go to google trends and look up the "mandela effect"; you would see that some people searched it all the way back in 2004. However our current events state that mandela died in 2013. The term 'mandela effect' didn't even start until after mandela had passed away. How is this possible when people searched 'when did mandela die' all the way back in 2004! and also the same situation with the term 'mandela effect'. It's very strange. If you look at where the search came from you would say it was in cape town where mandela is actually from. Don't you think that they would be the best to know when he passed?. You can also compare the common effects like flinstones & flintstones and so on. You will see a very strange pattern. Almost like two worlds colliding.



    3 years ago

    TheAwake.end the 2004 searches meant effects mandella has caused. Just mistyped but the rest spot on bud


    d hui

    4 years ago

    I was like you about 2 years ago, all confused, scared and angry. But as you adjust your brain to realizing that shit can change just like that all you can do is laugh at the changes cause you are right it don't make sense. In the past, reality was as straight line but now i know that reality can change... and it makes no sense.


    Malieka Joy Rowlette

    3 years ago

    Thank you you are saying exactly on what I'm feeling. I don't worry about the logos and shit but the physical stuff snd geographical stuff pisses me off and then I start freaking out. I just don't get what the fuck is going on. I don't care what anyone else says or believes I just want to connect with those who know something is wrong/different. I get nauseated out of no where and I'm not okay with where my heart being in the middle. Uhgggggg. This is so difficult to grasp and it freaks me out that everyone is just walking around cluesless. Idk I guess???


    Sabine Katsavrias

    3 years ago

    the thing that blows my last braincell is ... i get advice like "oh you need to find somthing to study to get your mind off it!" i cant help but think ...whats the point... study your arse off on somthing and its different tomorrow.


    HR Beebe

    4 years ago

    Whats happening is we are being shifted between parallel realities..some are closer to our own some are farther away. Research Multiverses, Parallel Dimensions,Cern, DWave and if you need to talk ..there are Mandela Effect groups on Facebook. You are not alone.


    Walter Förster

    4 years ago

    You are right brother! Dead on! 100% and Mona Lisa didn't smile,the heart was on left side all of it! I'm subbing to you because these things have been happening to me for over a year and everyone thinks I'm crazy or forgot! Not a chance brother! The bad boy is working OT!


    Freeda Peoples

    4 years ago

    Welcome to the club! It won't do any goid to try and convince thise who have not experienced it. only us who have know that it is real, those who have not will tell you that your memory is wrong and various other things. It still freaks me out, and the moon landing, this is the first time I heard about this. That is a really big one.


    Weird al uil

    3 years ago

    I had 5 headaches for the past few months to the point I vomiting Never had this before And I had back pain Never had this before Then I suddenly noticed the Mandela



    4 years ago (edited)

    I'm new to Mandela effect. Between your ribcage (in front) there is now an "arrow" type thing, which wasn't there before. You could earlier push your finger between you solar plexus and the ribcage - not anymore. My wife noticed this skeletal change few months ago and ofc was terrified, I din't pay much attention at that time. About 6 months ago we relived same news in tv for 2 days in row, we knew upcoming titles etc.. and we were laughing if they fucked up the tv news. Apparently not. This is real.


    leo BC/AC

    4 years ago

    Do not worry.. God is Lifting the veil on alot of us..


    El Taco Mex

    4 years ago

    you are not alone, dont feel crazy!!! you are not alone dude


    TheTruth Faery

    4 years ago

    those of us with strong empathy are being tested. we are hear to assist with the awakening and evil hates us and are messing with us so we won't trust our minds thoughts and memories. don't let it get you down. its all a facade to take us down. quit trying to figure it out, trust your heart..regardless of where it might be


    mat ric

    4 years ago

    He right about the body being different here i was always thought in school that 70 % of the body was water but now i look it up it says 50 to 65 but hight for children under one that like 20 % to 5% difference thats a lot like wtf i know what i was thought in school


    Marie P

    4 years ago

    You are not alone and you don't need to be hospitalized. Just believe in what you know is true.


    whitehorse rider

    4 years ago

    just hang in there, you are not alone. I'm here in San Antonio Texas and I've been dealing with this since about August of last year. you're not crazy you're not losing your mind you're just in a different place, dimension, reality call it whatever you want. as far as the sickness and stuff that's going to last for a while. Just hang in there it does start to get better a little bit at a time. When it really hit me was when I realized that my heart was in a different place like you, and when I reached up and felt my throat and realize that it moved forward. check out Moneybags 73, Lone Eagle, in harmony Mandela effect, and new arrival, all really good channels and it'll answer a lot of your questions and don't worry about feeling lonely you're not alone you're definitely not not alone. also it's a really good thing that you're seeing the changes, in my personal opinion, it's better to see the changes than to be one of the ones that doesn't. I'm not exactly sure where this is all going or what's going to happen when it's all over but I'm pretty sure that the ones who don't see the changes are going to be basically screwed. so welcome to the new world. glad to have you along, much love from San Antonio Texas.


    jef kooper

    4 years ago

    Welcome to the club.


    eiriks conspirasy corner

    4 years ago

    thanks, i dont like it that much.


    ilovethis much

    4 years ago

    it sound like another mk ultra mind controlling



    4 years ago

    it's difficult for those of us who awoke to this. we're aware. however, it's not easy to talk with others who are not awakened. you'll notice many changes the rest of us have seen. you'll notice changes in your personal life. stay strong and don't let it bring you down. this is not our reality, but we are indeed here. there's no changing it. hopefully it'll go back, we simply don't know. it is like a virtual twilight zone. stay strong, talk with others here or on other YouTube segments. there's so many of us who know, you're fine as we all are. don't let it work on your mental state, that's a possibility of whatever or whoever"s it is that's doing this agenda. peace and light!


    Regina Peterson

    3 years ago

    You are not alone...Many of us are experiencing these changes. Yea, it is strange, but don't sweat it too much, because we can't do anything about it.


    Niki A

    4 years ago

    if parrelle universe's are joining....we are joining with different versions of our own reality...so really merging with ourselves....I hope your mind has settled down on the physical issues and reclaim your heart and soul...release all negativity...oh and I do not believe anyone has really made it past the vanallen belt to 'outerspace '......



    4 years ago

    i understand what you feel i am filled with wonder and joy anout this. message me and i can help



    4 years ago

    You are not alone! Check out all the live versions done by Freddy Mercury on Youtube as they are unchanged.


    TheTruthWill SetYouFree

    1 year ago (edited)

    Same... you’re right, we don’t belong here. The end is nigh, thankfully.


    Weird al uil

    3 years ago

    I can relate


    A Hulett

    4 years ago

    It is quite bizarre to look around and see so many people experiencing this. The change for me was two years ago. Out to dinner with friends, and realized they were drastically different. I didn't know them. That's how it started. Then the logos, maps, history, ect. Even myself. Always a musician. Now I paint. Like I've been doing it for years. Still exploring this realm. With caution.


    A.J. Whelpley

    3 years ago

    Im with you in this mate, dunno what caused our shift in our world and things to change but its real...


    Jayda J

    3 years ago

    The heart is on the left. Maybe you came across heart chakra. That's centre.


    Robert Quinn

    4 years ago

    march 2016 was when I found out. shatered my world too. there is alot of conjecture as to the cause. as of this post I still don't know. hang in there.


    Darlene Lake

    4 years ago

    Relax..let go let God....things have changed...actually they are still changing....its not over yet....Welcome to new Earth


    Picmewith Makeupon

    4 years ago

    It is spiritual warfare. One day you will laugh. be on the winning side!


    eiriks conspirasy corner

    4 years ago

    im all about being on the winning side! or i am, if that is the good side. winning true "evil" will only backfire in the end. hoping im gonna laugh about it.


    Monica Aasen

    4 years ago

    were all with ya... i went through the same thing. and worse, people will think your crazy. but it will be ok. we just need to stick together. thank you for yoir post.


    L Ray

    4 years ago

    I have the same problem. All my memories are twisted now because of these weird changes. I have learned to just shut it out. You cant let it consume you.


    Stanley Smith

    4 years ago

    I'm still trying to resolve the Stanley Steamer commercial. I'm a LOT older than you and I can clearly remember how it was spelled. It now is spelled Stanley Steemer (2 e's). WTF1


    Picmewith Makeupon

    4 years ago

    Yeah, what's the use of a larger liver, if one can't consume alcohol.


    Douglas Koch

    4 years ago

    Your Not alone and your absolutely 100% Correct, body, heart, kit-kat, ALL of them, there are great groups of Mandela groups forming, join the craziness, but remain Possitive my friend!


    Steve ODowd

    4 years ago

    we r here for u and all new comers I've been here i think for 3 or 4 yrs?



    4 years ago

    Yes I agree, so many things are different. So what's happening. Is it just a big trick ? I'm in Australia and the map has totally changed, I'm sure New Zealand was down more closer to us. It;s all crazy but you just have to get on with it. It helps to connect with other people that are experiencing it too. One other thing that seems odd is people I knew aren't here, and I'm sure they didn't all die or go traveling at the same time.



    3 years ago

    im with you and im so confused and i dont know how to move next



    4 years ago

    your definitely not alone man we don't belong here


    Sheeple United Network

    4 years ago

    Your not alone..... hold on .... theres more to come .... I'm sure of it. Be Safe. Your memories are correct.... this is a different reality.


    Dwain M

    4 years ago

    Bro, go to the movie "Chicken Little" around the end of the movie he sings I am the champions and he says the last line"Of the world" go check it out.


    Michael E.K.

    3 years ago

    Be strong.



    4 years ago

    Var til ultralyd av hjertet på fredag. Det tok 15 minutter og han sjekket hele tiden på venstre side. Jeg måtte ogs ligge på venstre side, fordi han så bedre da. Var ingenting galt, heldigvis.


    Crunchy Bee

    4 years ago

    wow only three days? I'm almost a year in. wait til physical objects start appearing and/or disappearing right before your eyes.


    Picmewith Makeupon

    4 years ago

    Ben Vickers, right.


    Erin Janus

    4 years ago



    Crunchy Bee

    4 years ago (edited)

    Erin Janus do you really want me to go into detail about my experiences?


    The Edge Of Here

    4 years ago

    Ben Vickers Yes please!


    dave jones

    4 years ago

    I also need to hear more please.


    The Edge Of Here

    4 years ago

    Let me also add that there is something strange about "3 days". Don't give him such a hard time about it because I've noticed a weird pattern and I am NOT into numerology or gematria AT ALL (well, it's starting to interest me) but, I've been tracking subscriber comments and noticed a 3 month, 3 week, and 3 day pattern This mostly revolves around the first experience, then really getting hit by it, and then finally a flip flop, most notably the Apollo 13 line changing. Something did innocuously disappear in front of my face but it was on a website and nobody gave a damn. I know for a FACT if something physically disappeared in front of me I would have to be institutionalized!


    Crunchy Bee

    4 years ago

    The Edge Of Here speaking of websites. I was looking for movies on a torrent site and saw something call Kinds In Love. I thought that sounds weird. it must be a typo supposed to be Kinds Of Love but there were 8 other people that uploaded it the same so I went to the IMDb link and it said Kinds in Love, read the description sounded boring so I didn't watch it but left the IMDb page open and went to pick my son up and when I got page the IMDb page said Kids in Love. it messed with me cuz I knew what it said and all the torrent sites still said that. in fact I couldn't find one torrent that said kids. and they are uploaded by all over the world. a couple months later people started uploading it the correct way. Anyway about physical objects. the biggest one was when I was at work. i worked at a grocery store. I had just got back from vacation and there were 2 bulk bins missing and two empty bulk bins I had to fill and put in the holes where they were supposed to go. I filled one and put it up, I turned around to fill the other for just 1 sec and when I looked back there was a full bin already there. I asked the only other person I was working with "wasn't there 2 holes I had to fill?" she looked puzzled and said yeah. I was like "how do I have an extra bin? that blows my mind!" but she was able to shrug it off easily and go about business. I asked my dept manager who's been working there for 30+ years if we ever had any extra bulk bins. she said no. I said well how did I end up with an extra one? she couldn't say. I told her what happened and she looked at me like I was crazy. at that time I couldn't figure out which bin it was or what had been replaced but a week later she said a customer was complaining there were salted macadamia nuts in with the raw. I said I didn't think we had salted macadamias, she said me either and nobody else I worked with did either. - a week or so before that happened they started playing a new ad over the speaker and I remember it well because I must've heard it ten times in one day and I cracked up every time I heard it because his redneck accent sounded fake/forced and I thought that had to have chose that on purpose cuz I live in ky. anyway the ad ended with "that's my store, my stores the best!" which I also laughed about cuz I thought this store def. isnt the best. the next day it changed to "that's my store, my store's a family store." not exactly the most shocking or unexplainable but thought I'd mention it since it related to work. - I bought a carton of CIG paper tubes/filters to roll my own and had 4-5 that I'd already smoked gone and I accidentally kicked them over spilling them all on the floor. when I picked them back up there were 3 more than I could fit in the box. I tried to rearrange them the but there was no way. I took it outside to show my gf, "look I ended up with more than can fit. I can't close the box anymore!" then I went inside and left them then when I went back out to get them there were 5 missing like before and I could easily close the box. - I swear I bought salami and the next day it was bologna. ive had other things happen and I know some of these are laughable but I know everybody has experienced things like losing their keys or socks missing in the laundry. I had a website at work look completely different to someone else's and turned to some weird looking IBM site I'd never seen and couldnt explain why it said IBM when it was supposed to be a site that had nothing to do with IBM. a Walmart and chic fil a changed overnight. it goes on and on with other thing we've collectively noticed. this all started happening right after i learned of the mandela effect but luckily I haven't had anything too strange happen for months.


    The Edge Of Here

    4 years ago

    Ben Vickers #triggered #shook I made a vid weeks ago about a weird online incident... has thumbs down and guessing either they don't understand or don't like me. If what has happened to you happened to me I'd be at the ER raving like a lunatic and would be locked up, which wouldn't be so bad if they didn't take away my cigarettes!


    dave jones

    4 years ago

    or your Thorazine lol


    Crunchy Bee

    4 years ago (edited)

    The Edge Of Here ive come very close. actually went to the er but ended up leaving before seeing a doctor. i know they wouldnt believe me and put me on my meds plus I dont need more bills. its been a struggle to hang on to my sanity. in a lot of physical and emotional pain on top of it but I'm trying my best to persevere. its gotten better. if things like that were still happening regularly I'd have no choice.


    The Edge Of Here

    4 years ago

    dave jones I've actually never been in a psych ward as a patient and I'm not on thorazine. I don't think I need it, at least not yet ?


    Crunchy Bee

    4 years ago

    ive also had a lot of UFO, paranormal/spiritual experiences I feel might be related but who knows. this world is crazy. not me. lol I hope at least.


    The Edge Of Here

    4 years ago

    Ben Vickers I'm on a few mild meds for well over a decade but I don't have insurance. I'm going to assume they would send me on my merry crazy way unless I used the word suicide and they would be required to hospitalize me by law. I don't think they hand out cig patches. Nicotine withdrawal would be worse than this emotional rollercoaster for me, today. Tomorrow I can't predict.


    dave jones
    4 years ago

    The Edge Of Here, hope you know it was only a joke, please don't feel like you have to justify yourself : ) PS I think you look lovely.


    dave jones

    4 years ago

    The Edge Of Here, Hi I have put you on the follow list, that has doubled your followers so you have to make another video for us now. ?


    The Edge Of Here

    4 years ago

    dave jones Thanks! I just came out of hair and makeup (Ha!) and I'm about to film about The Mandela Effect, cults, and you tube community drama. It's all relative and related.


    The Edge Of Here

    4 years ago

    Ben Vickers Me too with those experiences, we should do a younow live broadcast to talk face to face with people. No cult crap, just experiences. I'll touch on the topic in the vid I will be filming in an hour.


    dave jones

    4 years ago

    The Edge Of Here That's good i will look forward to your Mandela effect video, I am really intrigued by it, I mention it to some people and it seems like they just don't want to know that something is changing entire realities! I would especially like to know who's behind it. It's definitely something sinister and I believe we have only just seen the beginning of it.


    The Edge Of Here

    4 years ago

    dave jones I know exactly what you mean. When I try and talk about it I'm looked at like I'm insane and all conversation ceases. Sinister for sure, great word. Scares me!!!


    Allen James

    4 years ago

    Ben Vickers thats sooo true, been tbere done that....lol lol i am one yr ten mos.....into living in mandela effected now,......just sayin lol lol



    4 years ago

    To anyone commenting here, and to not be believed is even worse, right? I don't talk about this publicly either and it's frustrating I feel like I am alone. I even had paranormal experiences and always felt different, a fish out of water and that I don't belong in this world. Then a month ago I hear about the ME and I realize that I got affected too. Also I would ask: wait till you realize that your memories are decreasing, even though you have been always someone with a good vivid memory or seeing a different movie that you have seen two weeks before.


    Allen James

    4 years ago

     @TheAntagonista  bud, its just my o.p. but i think alot of the bad memory thing might just maybe something to do with the shit thats droping out of the sky aka chemtrails that whole genicide thing....just sayin....lol


    The Edge Of Here

    4 years ago

    TheAntagonista Don't beat yourself up over it. it's not a memory issue... it's much more. We are dealing with some really strange stuff. I made a video Called Ben's Story (he is the original poster on this thread, up above our posts here). Feel free to discuss your experiences, I would love to hear them!!!



    4 years ago

    The Edge Of Here saw it and commented.


    Lori Miller

    4 years ago

    Ben Vickers Yes I saw my Ford decal or logo whatever you call it change right in front of my eyes. I've had it for 20 years. I read about it changing and said no way I've noticed the swirling thing being there when I bought it. So I walked outside to have a look and it just appeared, poof, right there and I saw it happen. So far that's all I've witnessed first hand.


    K Johnson

    4 years ago

    Lori, do you remember when that was? I'm curious when the change happened. Thanks.


    Noah Coronado

    3 years ago

    Ben Vickers that happened to me, why??


    Silke F

    4 years ago

    Yes the data of the old dimension changed because a new dimension appeared and our old one is now fused with another one, so body anatomy has changed and I have now suddenly different eye color, suddenly a sister at age 15 (existing out of nowhere) and our deep woods suddenly are a city with houses and streets. Old reality is gone. And it will change again. Our sky could be green suddenly and (almost) everyone will say "Oh it was ALWAYS green".


    Daisy Duck

    4 years ago

    Hi, I am from the same world as you, I am making exactly the same expiriences as you. Take it easy and with humor, we have no other choice , we can't change it, it is how it is. Light and love, Lightpoint


    Daisy Duck

    4 years ago

    Take care, dont get hospitalized, they will make it worse with medecine !


    Jacqueline Rolinski

    4 years ago

    it's freaky for all of us ..i think.. hang in there.. you are not crazy!


    Steve ODowd

    4 years ago

    dude we've all have felt what your feeling someday its gets ok and other days its a real mind F.... we all get it, but what can you do? just pray and speared love from your heart, and mywife of 35 yrs doesn't see it so I've been alone for about 4yrs now glad for Youtube its little easier,


    Silje Olsen

    4 years ago

    Jeg har det helt likt!! Å jeg fant det ut inatt, har ikke såvet inatt, prøvd å snakket med noen om dette idag men de ser bare på meg som om eg e blitt gal?


    Erna Ream

    3 years ago

    I live in America and it has always been JCPenny. There is no extra E!!!!


    Room 33

    4 years ago

    Welcolme to the party from hell brother!!!!


    Mark Spain

    3 years ago

    my opinion is that there are more than two realities coming together. can't say or imagine how many but i think more than two.


    Class2 instructor

    4 years ago

    But if you want to freak yourself out try to feel your heart beat like when you were a kid and it was beating hard.........weird huh?



    4 years ago

    Has anyone experienced pain. it's all over. my doctors are just throwing pills at me. I'm struggling with the thought of eating meat. Its not the meds.I loved a great steak! Now pork, chicken,ughhh The sleepiness. People in my life don't remember things the way I do. Honestly I look at my fiancé of 8 years and he seems different. It reminds kinda of like that Jim Carey movie The Truman Show. make sense?


    Random Citizen

    4 years ago

    Eating too much meat makes me sick... I have more pain than ever. Everyone I know has a different personality. All I want to do is sleep. I am in a daze when I get up. The only time I don't experience this is when I visit and stay with my grandmother. Nothing changes there.



    4 years ago

    Random Citizen It's creepy. It's like "is it me". I get it. The pain is crazy and it came out no where. Test after test yet all I get is the deer in the headlight. Thank you for replying.


    Jenny Huot

    4 years ago

    riebug 1 I have fibromyalgia..a pain syndrome. All of it makes sense to me now. Also very tired constantly. Yes has been changes in my body the past few years....



    4 years ago

    Random Citizen I have noticed the different personalities. It is like suddenly a few people I know act totally different. They are either nice now or suddenly selfish and lie. It is like the core of who they are has changed over night. Some even look slightly different now all of is sudden.


    Lori Miller

    4 years ago

    Jenny Grainger Me too. What a terrible thing to happen. First no one believes you, then you're sick, tired and hurting. It's been over 10 years that I've spent lying down.



    2 years ago

    It’s interesting you bring up Jim Carrey... he is woke, and he is telling the world. Search for videos of him on YouTube. There are some who see the videos and say he’s depressed or crazy. He’s not. He has a very interesting perspective and the majority of people commenting on the videos are like the people commenting here... we believe him, and we believe you. What helped me is researching quantum physics, the fourth and fifth dimensions, and watching videos from other people who are woke. Pain? Constant. Drinking? Ha! I can barely eat without getting sick. Lonely? Yes. I spend more than 95% of my time alone in my house with fewer and fewer friends because they just don’t “get” me anymore. Watch. Learn. Remember. Make new friends who DO get you. I don’t believe in coincidence... today The Truman Show showed up in my Netflix recommendations. I watched it for the first time in close to 20 years... it was a very different movie... before it seemed impossible. Fiction. Not anymore....



    4 years ago

    You're not alone. its happening in Canada too.



    4 years ago

    Mona lisa was explained like this to me. When you looked at her eyes and its where you normally look first, you see the mouth in the corner of your eye and that way you see a smile. Like an optical illusion with the shadows and also the aging of the painting cuz the painting didnt age well. When you move your gaze to the mouth you see how it really looks and there is no smile. That is how the mystery smile was explained. I know i looked and it was exactly that way. Now when i look i expected the same thing but now when i look at her mouth she has a smirk. The smile doesnt go away. Did the painting get a brush up cuz sometimes they do. Otherwise im crazy too.



    4 years ago

    I have not lost my mind. It's backed up on disk.



    4 years ago

    It is the small things, the everyday things that alerted people that something is wrong. Geography, history, anatomy, sacred text, are all changing, the list is endless. If you are not experiencing M.E. Then everything seems fine to you. Interactions with others experiencing the ' Quantum Shift Phenomenon determine there are 3-4 maybe more ' realities ' converging here. Some say this is due to a catastrophic event in our former realities. There are many theories why those of us were spared the catastrophe but we can not deny we are here.We do not know why a Matrix like phenomenon exist in this reality. We only know that this reality is in constant flux. Quantum Memories influencing Reality: If we accept merging realities is dynamic.The dominant memory imprint ( consensus memories ) will determine which reality prevails at any particular moment. The memories of those not included within the consensus memory may be numerically higher.This may help explain the residual evidence which is influenced by those not of the consensus memory. People and things indigenous to this reality are subject to being altered. So with each alteration to reality, in conjunction with the simultaneous butterfly effect, the memories and things indigenous to this reality are updated to match the new reality. Those not experiencing the Quantum Shift seem to remain oblivious.



    3 years ago

    I can't eat junk food anymore. If I do, I get serious headaches.


    Jay Kingston

    4 years ago

    Ur okay bro just remember there's 100,000's if not more that's been affected by the mandela effect. Try joining facebook groups and google plus communities and just chill out coz there's nothing worrying about it.


    Michael Hutchins

    3 years ago

    I don't get why people are blowing this out of proportion I find it more very interesting than scary also kidney punch was just a nick name for getting punched in the gut


    Clay Hunter

    3 years ago

    I feel the SAME ...I do not belong in this world....I am not of this World ...So-let-it-Be....


    Rich Poor

    4 years ago

    So this is what happens to the liberal mind in its maturity.


    J Bishop

    3 years ago

    We never went to the moon...


    JA S

    4 years ago

    Being that you are from Norway, what are your thoughts on Svalbard, because that is a landmass that i do not remember at all. It looks so strange to me. I remember the Global Seed Vault was Sweden, because i was so interested in that, i kept tabs on articles that talked about it... So for the Seed Vault, something i was so excited about, to be in a completely different place now... a place that did not exist to me, it really stands out. You don't need to be hospitalized, talk to others about it... we are in this together. I will admit that it is nice to have other people close to you that remember as well, and i'm sorry that you feel alone. But reach out and find others you can talk to about it. I felt sad at first too, but i have my Husband, my Children, my Mother, and some other friends and family members who remember as we do... but then there are some friends and even my father who just doesn't get it, and they think we are bat-shit crazy. But the fact that i have so many people who do remember as i do, makes me feel much better about it. Also look to your own area, My mother had discovered things locally that people don't talk about on the internet... things that were in our face on a daily basis. One really big one was the house i grew up in was on Mershon Street... Apparently it has never been called Street, but instead is listed as Mershon Avenue. That sounds so strange to me, especially being that we lived there for 15 years!


    ML2 L

    4 years ago

    Genevieve Serafina im from Norway and Svalbard has always been there.it not an Mandela effect...


    I wickerman

    3 years ago

    My theory is we died and this is paradise earth.


    Erika Beachler

    4 years ago

    Settle in buddy.......there's more!!


    Randy Colby

    4 years ago

    It's okay man. Cry out to Jesus. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.


    Love Family

    3 years ago (edited)

    Mona Lisa took a Selfie? Rotfl! You gota laff at all of this or we will all need a straight jacket soon.. 52 States or 50? We are shifting but Im not forgetting.. What happened to the F and the Y on the Jiffy Peanut Butter Jar? Jif doesnt even sound right saying it like that..



    4 years ago

    It will be okay....First thing I did after realizing this is not our time line or earth was question my wife to see if she was from this moment in time. She wasn't so she understands. She had the perfect answer to the problem. Nothing we can do about it so accept it, live with it. Then study this new experience, and be amazed at how much more the universe is now. I look at it as a gift, a new challenge. I have always believed that life for my last 68 years has been a test..and this one that God has put in front of us is a zinger! Think of it as the ultimate roller coaster ride and it is going to be a little bumpy....before it completely changes study the Bible. Put your faith in God and Jesus...You are not alone...this has happened to a lot of us...


    Allan Andreassen

    3 years ago

    Du har helt rett


    Roland Hatton

    4 years ago

    you are not alone, this is something that you will adjust to.


    princess ?

    4 years ago

    OMG ON SOUTH AMERICA IT WAS BELOW US ..now it's way off to the side



    4 years ago

    It is like the stages of grief....if you were alone you'd be mad but you CERTAINLY are not as MANY people are having this. PLease don't panic....I believe GOd is purging the world of the lies and veil is tearing. His way of waking us up to our reality. Stay strong!!!


    Lisa Proff

    4 years ago

    also you do belong here there is a specific reason why certain people experience it so just calm down



    4 years ago (edited)

    Apparently the universes are arrange exactly like harmonics (see Nassim Haramein lectures). See also the 13 year old physicist, he has some good ideas. According to the fractal theory, there are infinite ways that self similar levels can exist. The key is to figure out when it happened and what caused it. I'm thinking 2003, only because Haramein suggested we couldn't have survived a certain event he talks about when a huge object came around the sun. Life as usual is dependent on consciousness, so the theory is we all just moved to a different level in order to continue. I remember a blinding light and heat in 2003 I think, but I kept driving like, "wow, what was that?" Could it be? Who knows. If you're worried about who was here before, don't worry about it, wave potentials only collapse to manifest when they are observed, and someone has to be there in spirit to make it real. So settle down, accept the possibility of a new paradigm and relax, ride the wave. I miss home too. Also, you should believe in God, he loves you despite what you may be thinking.


    Rick Sánchez

    2 years ago (edited)

    I think we should embrace this and not be afraid


    Ed Ray

    4 years ago

    There is a doctor and nurse in the group and we have a live roundtable every thursday at 5 I think tomorrow night


    eiriks conspirasy corner

    4 years ago

    your channel? il check it out



    4 years ago

    Please stand by... your reality is adjusting to this one.



    4 years ago

    we are taking over earthling, submit


    ja c

    4 years ago

    look up dr.lupo he has a chat room i havent been there but its there for us



    2 years ago

    Bible says God's people are a peculiar people, and it also says we will see signs in the Sun the stars the moon, and the Earth the oceans. Check it out buddy we are one don't worry.



    3 years ago

    You belong to a very special group of people. These are clear thinking, solid, loving individuals who love to learn and know new things. You are not alone,,, this is a great community and we are marching into the future together. We have learned so many things, our world is so much bigger than the others. There are so many great people I call the teachers and the watchers,,, Welcome to this very special club. Hold on to your hat we are in for a bigger ride. There is still more to come I'm sure....Don't lose your seat. if you have only looked into the Mandella effect, there is so much more...... There is the Flat Earth, There are no Trees on Flat Earth, There were Giants in those days and still today..... Don't lose Faith.....The Door is Open .... come on in......


    princess ?

    4 years ago

    kidneys aren't protected heart is still on the middle. the apex of the heart is a tad to the left. Mona Lisa always had a little smerk JCPenney has always been that way . for me anyway.. bless your heart I'm sorry



    4 years ago

    im having fun with it now,, learn to enjoy yourself,,,


    leo BC/AC

    4 years ago

    Just Breath.. Live the Now. leave the Past behind you do not live there no more. there is No future. only Present. only Now. Enjoy it!


    The JeanJeanne

    1 year ago

    Do you have an email address to reach out to you please


    Lisa Proff

    4 years ago

    it will be ok BUT do not let it TAKE UP all your time. that's the trick. I thought I may have been misquoting until I read the Bible changes. it's real! but it's ok. ignore it for now and concentrate on peace and love. we create our own reality so concentrate on that!


    doubleslit experiment

    4 years ago

    do not go to the hospital.


    Kat Tastrophoe

    3 years ago

    if youre affected its a good thing. it means you see through the lies now. dont worry. you should stop eating meat. youll thank me in 7 years


    Shawnierace .tarot.

    4 years ago

    You're not alone.


    RR Warrior

    4 years ago

    You are not alone!!!


    princess ?

    4 years ago

    of the world wasn't the last words of we are the champions ? really ?


    Michelle Turner

    3 years ago

    Trump is one of us. He knows what’s going on. They want to say he’s crazy. Well he isn’t.


    Jeff Lee Bass

    4 years ago

    the earth is flat, nobody went to the moon


    Paul Fallon

    4 years ago

    Dear aliens, if you are reading this, please feel free to come and destroy us, we deserve it, we really do. Please leave the other animals alone. Thank you.


    House of Wolves

    4 years ago

    Watch The last UFC and tell me there is no such thing as a kidney punch. #GTFOH. She is famous because of Leo, numbnuts.



    3 years ago

    All you say in this video is true, but it hurts me to see people confused. When I realised the mandela effect it was back since 2011. Even if it might sound weird, I have also witnessed some changes in front of my eyes. I found it helpful not to think too much on the past and be grateful for today. If I may share to my understanding ; every time we made choices we've created a different consciousness... A different reality. Now at the end of times (what some call judgement day) all those different realities are merging into 1. It's just our evolution. Same as our physiological changes is happening for us to integrate into earth's evolving to a higher energy frequency. That's the basic. Lots 1 can add to this but this comment is becoming lengthy.


    House of Wolves

    4 years ago

    LMAO you are still a kid. You also did not buy that record when it came out, so how can you tell what version you heard? Are the words that are supposed to be missing said anywhere else in the song?


    Beyond This Life

    4 years ago

    You're not going crazy. We have shifted, because the multiverse has collapsed/blended into each other. It's been happening for yrs, but now more are noticing & our consciousness is not able to match up with the changes. I have the same problem with alcohol & have a lot of pain. However, remember... even with all the differences in this new world, your consciousness is the thing that hasn't changed. So you're still you & you will be able to understand soon. Keep up with the research. Good luck young man & many blessings.



    4 years ago (edited)

    I will say most important dont live in paranoia, clean up your diet,meditate go with the flow,even if its totally un-real. many of us had digestive issues then bones moved,it took few yrs. i could not drink booze,now i CAn??? my liver grew! my kidney pain went POOF gone. no more. course its up high now so? no more back ache.. you wil get past the wierd stuff..dont worry millions are with you...thanks for upload. wierdest thing for me..is feeling DETACHED and trying to re-attach to people differently you are from earth #1 "luke i am your father " your family may not be!!!


    Teddy Nakawoya

    3 years ago

    Haha mad? you made my day


    devon h

    3 years ago

    Hello, friend. You are correct. Read the Hopi Prophecy- it talks about the thinning of the 'veil' between dimensions. "Things unseen - will be felt strongly. Strange creatures from the past will walk the earth before the purifier leaves its mark..." Apocalypse means the 'lifting ' of the veil, so.. anyway,..The FIRST time you learn about this-will yield a tremendous 'exaggerated effect' as you link up with the morphogenetic field (morphic fields- Sheldrake)-or 'non local' memory of 'others' who have had the same experience. The same applies for 'smudging' and masturbation(ok to say?). the first occurrence is not like any other iteration in one's life. A non-local memory is an external 'field of experience' you receive on the species level. ie. Birds can fly south in fantastic formations but with no rehearsal? DNA can 'differentiate itself' - from animal to person and from eyelid to leg by what means? This is an 'aspect' of what this is... My first 'linking with the Akashik record when I awoke after attending four to five lectures on the subject was met with LOST LINES in a famous Bewitched episode I was watching on DVD during breakfast(we still have Bewitched in syndication, here, do we not?? hmmn. I haven't seen it at the library in months!). The episode involved a 'bewitched 'doll' that made 'mortals' love it- and need to possess it. ..Darin became rich and whilst in Tate's office, he says.."..Larry! This doll is going to sweep the nation!" Larry Tate says.." Darin, I agree that the nation needs sweeping." Then it goes to the next scene- WITH NO PUNCHLINE! The correct retort was/is.."Darin, I agree that the nation nation needs sweeping, but this doll is not going to do it!!" Now- I sat up and took notice. I replayed the scene three(3) times. Two out of three times the line was correct. The second replay it was missing- making no sense. What does it mean? It seems that our consciousness is able to 'modulate reality'-more so than it has ever been able to in the past. This is a benefit and a plague to people who do not get what they are now capable of. Don't sweat it. JC Penny's is where we shopped in Upper Darby- Pa. ..I couldn't get ONE pic of the store which was there for 30 years+! "Luke -I am your father -is the correct line" . There is..the possibility that this is happening via the same people who keep Dr. Judy Wood from having an 'entry' on wikipedia. Both for her forensic background prowess and/or her involvement with the 911 Truth Movement. I fear the SAME people who brought World Trade Center One down- where I worked in EIGHT(8) seconds-with ZERO(0) resistance under those top ten stories-which is faster than free fall, are involved. This is probably to distract us from the hundreds of stellar cores in and around our sun as our "publicly know solar system" intermingles with more than a SPATE of HUGE brown dwarf stars huddling near our sun- and heating/tilting our earth to death. (notice the odd behavior of these super hurricanes, the increase in global quakes increasing from 4500 per year. to 118,400 in 2014(89,000 in 2013.). The tilting of our earth is up to 59 degrees and allows the 'atmosphere 'and whatever hurricane is 'there', to slip BACK over dry land in an unprecedented manner creating utter devastation as a series of cat 4 storms destroy everything! 52 inches of rain in a single day- in Houston?? The waters have receded from most beaches in Brazil, Africa, France and Tampa- as well as Mexico- while the Mississippi river has lost the ability to to float barges in a long stretch of it. Planet 9 is a red dwarf star with seven orbitals and a SLURRY of small dead stars- rejuvenating themselves in our sun's corona. Add 12,000 volcanic eruptions last year as compared to 2,000 and current induction heating our mantle due to these star's proximity- interacting with our sun, certainly,... needs to be 'hidden', somehow? Maybe - in a lost sentence or two?


    Dino pharis

    4 years ago

    I'm an artist & geography fanatic,I can draw by memory almost anything.I was kind of disturbed when I noticed South America further to the east and Australia is now farther north and many other.but the 1916 bombing of the statue of liberty in 1916 by German spies??? and 6 people in the Kennedy limo? I have a lot of theories besides C.E.R.N.we are like God we can collective and individually create.and if someone can look at time like a train and one observer sees it as it passes,but an other if they were high up could be able to see the whole train,or reverse it or hop on it and dis connect the caboose.time is just like thought and matter.it's energy and it will never go away but it can be changed.IDK that's the case but the bible changes freak me out.The Kennedy assassination with two other people now in the car(I have found video of 4) and I'm taking a pic of it and see if it ever changes.I'd loose it if I ever saw it change while I was looking at it.You're not alone in freaking out,I question everything now & even some family laugh but some people don't take time to care enough.But it's like everyone is right(Bigfoot believers,Christians,Muslims,Jews, ect:)the Koran teaches that Jesus was a better prophet than Mohammad.idk that it ever said that.I would say just keep your memories and truth's and keep them.The universe seems to have a way of correcting itself.


    Marco g

    4 years ago

    don't forget who you are


    Shari Hayward

    4 years ago

    once for me too!!!


    Miekhel Avlenzo

    4 years ago

    The first 3 days i thought that i was dreaming. Like i thought i was hit by a car and in a coma. And id wake up and tell everybody about what i dreamed about. Then when my mom told me that i wasnt dreaming while looking at me like i lost my mind. Then i thought i died. Since then i tried to reach out to my closest friends and they disappeared from my life. They avoid me or dont respond to anything i text or send them. It doesnt make sense. I tried to explain it to others i know other relatives or old friends and they all just blow it off like its nothing or treat me like im slow or retarted or have a mental disability. I even called a doctor and i explained it on a voice message but i got no response at all. I stopped talking to people or stopped trying to ask people stuff because i know they will say they dont remeber or remember something how it is now or think im crazy or just ignore me or blow it off. The way people act is so wierd. They refuse to even look at anything you show them like videos of others seeing the changes. They dont talk about it at all. And they seem so disinterested and that really blows my mind. How can they not care about the world changing.... Idk. Now i just spend my time exercising. Keep to myself but people look at me wierd. Like they almost know what im thinking or know that im difderent and not like them. Its so odd. Everything. And new changes happen daily. Idk. You are not alone there are just very few of us.


    4 years ago

    Eirik... you should take a look at Google Earth. There is no North POLAR ICE CAP anymore...Alaska has a different shape...and now Japan is right across from North and South Korea. Also... we now have bones behind our eyes. Look at the human skull. Also the tail bone (COCCYX) now looks like it is out of an Alien movie.


    Tom B

    4 years ago

    I got fatter! And, heavier! I weigh 270 pounds now. This is not my body.


    Sil StarSeed

    4 years ago

    It's very lonely.



    4 years ago

    Dude, jeg har akkurat samme greia. C3po, reggisen i Moonraker og jeg har hatt en spesiell. Jeg husker Grethe Roede dø av kreft for noen år siden, men neida hun ble 70 år i fjor...Har ekstremt mange som jeg husker har gjort kommentarer de ikke har gjort, den syke stjerna....Vi er ikke i vår virkelighet..Det er jeg mer og mer sikker på!



    4 years ago

    im here for you



    4 years ago

    you have gone through a spiritual awakening



    4 years ago

    if you want to challenge your mind check out "Dolores Cannon"


    Joe C

    4 years ago

    we simply just live in a simulation... the smartest people in the world we live in a Matrix like simulation. I believe these effects are a sign to wake us all up and be ready for something big to come.


    eiriks conspirasy corner

    4 years ago

    i dont belive we live in the matrix, but hard to dispute the rest. forced awakening feels like the right word to me with this.



    4 years ago

    They faked the moon landing/landings



    4 years ago

    Duffman1428 flat earther



    4 years ago

    ImplantedAgenda that's not just a flat earth conspiracy, the fake moon landing people actually have a lot more evidence and education than the flat earthers lol



    4 years ago

     @*****  he is talking about ALL the landings



    4 years ago

    ImplantedAgenda your right, I wasn't thinking....


    Ed Ray

    4 years ago

    I have been dealing with this for about a year you will adjust but dont think going home is going to change things back it wont you will adjust if you need someone to talk to myself and other communitie mandela effected will help you but no one knows for sure why its happening. Individuals family members who are not effected will not understand and think your crazy. You are fine just take a deep breath and we will help you. Ed(anytime)


    Sam Ryder

    4 years ago

    Im with you man. S. America is in the wrong place. That really freaked me out.


    Picmewith Makeupon

    4 years ago

    The only way to know the truth and cope is with Jesus and the Holy Spirit and Jesus is The Word, so if you read something different in The Bible ask Him to reveal to you.


    lost cloud

    3 years ago

    i cant drink either nor smoke weed not too long ago i was a alcoholic tht smoked weed every chance i got one day i woke up i couldnt do it anymore


    Aki Suz

    4 years ago (edited)

    I am also from the old Universe. Guesse what. The Arctic (North) Continent is also gone! And lots of islands like Svalbard popped up. If u want to be really mind blown, watch Lone Eagle's Mandela Effects on youtube. I tell people about my experiences freely^^


    Alexandru Breazu

    4 years ago

    I made a world map as i remeber it and I agree with zou. http://imgur.com/a/9EmAf



    Michael Hutchins

    3 years ago

    And you aren't in some alternate universe so just relax and forget about it all is fine I hope I have reassured you in some way that you are not crazy or some crap


    Leah Divergent

    4 years ago

    its crazy.


    Catalina Queen

    4 years ago

    We've never been to the moon. I'm sorry. That probably doesn't help your frame of mind, but it's 100% bullshit/mindf*ck. That truth can hurt a little, because it's such a MASSIVE lie, but it only takes a small amount of research to prove, and then a long time healing from such a treacherous deceit. Be well.


    Vedat kılınç

    3 years ago

    Shiiiiiiiiiitttttttt. Moon only one time.


    Ryan Solomon

    4 years ago

    im 34 yrs old brother and I live in Canada and I am suffering from this Mandela effect as well.I can't understand anything anymore because it doesn't make any sense to me it's like the world went dumb.Go on Google maps my friend if you really want to be in awe and look at South America it's too far toward the east and every other continent is wrong.You know how I know we ain't in Kansas anymore is the country south of the boarder to me,they have Donald Trump as president,something is very wrong and I don't like this world I'm living in because nothing absolutely nothing makes no fuckin sense.


    eiriks conspirasy corner

    4 years ago

    im very happy that things make sens to me now. watch roswell alien intervju revisited. 4h long, but will tell you everything you need. its the only info on this earth i dont think is contaminated, and its from my original universe, talks about the earth being on the edge of the galaxy. will change how you see everything.


    Jo Blo

    4 years ago

    Brother....join the FB group: The Alice Effect...Ahead of the Curve... There are people there who know everything and your head won't explode from dozens of conflicting youtubes. They know what happened and how and what to expect next. Troll free environ.


    RV S

    4 years ago

    Trump is the best thing about this new reality.


    Marisa Ros

    4 years ago

    Hey buddy, I feel you, freaked me out too. What bugged me more was other people, in my life, being so blasé about it, like it was no big deal. My brain felt like it exploded. Take a deep breath this rabbit hole is long and winding. If this is being "done" to us the big question is why. I mean movies and book title and advertising....who real gives a poop, other than it changed and that's supposed to be impossible. But changing historical facts, geography and the King James Version of the bible. Historic eg. include the assassination of JFK, various countries involved in wars, etc. If you check out the bible changes, not from a religious point of view, but just to reflect on what is being changed. It is mostly negative. They change the vibe of Jesus from a good dude who wants us to be peaceful and show love and compassion for one another into a horrible man desiring the exact opposite. Why are they doing this, if in fact it is something being done?If you are confused about Trumps win, check out Pizzagate, it might shed some light. Wikileaks, released a bunch of Clinton's and John Podestas emails....revealed to democrats as very naughty, to put it mildly, criminals. Good luck in your pursuit of the truth....its out there.


    paula W

    4 years ago

    It gets to a point that you realize that this world is not real. I've seen whole structures move from where they were before.  Love is the answer. GOD has allowed this for his children. I believe all who are experiencing this are the true children of Our Father.We are supposed to tell as many as we can before we are pulled away from here. All who see will leave when JESUS returns. love man , its the answer..



    4 years ago

    no you don't mis remember any of this


    FES TV

    3 years ago

    It wasnt there any more ? We are the champions , of the world ..It is i just listened it and it ends with of the world..


    Crunchy Bee

    4 years ago

    I want to leave the US. how's Norway? have our laws changed? I wonder. I hate it here.


    eiriks conspirasy corner

    4 years ago

    leave the US! if you can, do it. will be the epicenter of the chaos. its has the worst guvernement in the world. other countries are not building slave camps, and their police does not have armored tanks and shit. it doesn't really matter where else you go, just not there. i know how you feel tough, something feels wrong to me when i lived there. and i even like the country than. i can already see and feel it when we change universes. and keep catching changes in my own videos. nothing dissppearing though. il be on the lookout



    4 years ago

    There's lots of us who never ever even dreamed of making a YT vid until very recently. We are being forced to open our eyes and move our of our comfort zone. All I can tell you is that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, doing what you are doing. Center yourself, live in the present moment and know that everything is happening as it should. Hang in there, brother! Peace!


    Walter Förster

    4 years ago

    You want to rap look me up! You're friend in ??!



    4 years ago

    do they really say the heart is in the middle?  holy cow..thats just wrong.  and the queen song, luke I am your father, c3po,  ...what is going on? and why?  this is not good


    EyE AM

    4 years ago

    You have friends here


    Richard Allen

    3 years ago

    u are of this world after death is real life


    frank windsberger

    4 years ago

    if u want to freek out,take a look at the bibel..


    Allen James

    4 years ago

    damn no boose!!!!! wow!!! chill just chill theres not a thing u can do bout this...so calm down way way down...there was life before and there will be life after..just breath...o and dont dont make any important decisions for about one mo. atleast!!! just say and just chillin..



    4 years ago

    it's insane everything is different. South America is way too far over. holy shit when have we gone to the Moon five other times wtf



    3 years ago (edited)

    muslims in EU are also mandela effect ?


    Lisa Proff

    4 years ago

    hahaha! it wasn't possible for Trump to be President for me either. it also wasn't possible for him to get away with the stuff has.doing. look for Life Matrix page. it's a great community of ME people.


    Michelle Turner

    3 years ago

    You are not alone. God is trying to get your attention. Pay attention. Evil is taking over the world Even the Bible is being messed with. Anthony Patch is very good at helping to unravel how any why this is happening. Look him up on YouTube.



    4 years ago

    gotta love drugs,,, get help


    ja c

    4 years ago

    ur not wrong


    Igor Jovanovic

    4 years ago

    hej... Bashar -Reality is in your consciousness (yt) ..check this out..lyicka till..



    3 years ago (edited)

    Its just one of many things happening to show us reality is not real at all but something much bigger and all we know is lies untill we search for truth and live for truth to find it.. This is the same world BUT they keep messing with it in all ways, i dont think the REAL mandela effect has anything to do with "Illuminati and so on" but just Quantum physics bcs we are that , everything is that.. Another thing to mess up your reality is WE NEVER WENT TO SPACE, space is not real its science fiction, space is fake, so all related to space is fake, NASA needs to be your next investigation brother, they are fake as fuck and thats why they easily faked mandella effect and added all the new fake trips, many things are staged, some are not. NASA is fake, space is fake. You have been awakened and ill gladly talk to u about all sorts of shit, im deep in to this stuff and much more, hit me up with your skype or so if u like (y) Jeg er dansk.


    Michael Hutchins

    3 years ago

    Also could this also be a because of your mind playing tricks on you and media getting things wrong and also all maps have something wrong with them because you can't make a perfect map because the earth is round and there were many lesser known moon trips for research and not many people know about them remember the story of apollo 13 that was a trip to the moon everything that you are talking bout is just you being misinformed or remembering everything wrong and that is why this is so i


    Michael Hutchins

    3 years ago

    Interesting because the fact that this is being blown out of proportion just shows how easily scared over nothing people can be this is just either your mind playing tricks on you or something like that so get on with your life because nothing has changed



    3 years ago



    Victor Suarez

    3 years ago

    Why do you have a midget nose ..... Mandela’s effect


    Shamaniac Vicotry

    4 years ago

    You are not going insane dude. I suffer because of this to. The worst part is that my family can not remember anything. Not my friends either. They just say "I dont know". That is freaking me out the most xD


    Shamaniac Vicotry

    4 years ago

    You see. What is trubbeling me is, that only the nicest people of the World freaks out about this the most... I consider myself as a nice person. Its ultra trubbeling.


    Lothar 900

    3 years ago

    I can no longer drink alcohol, smoking tastes bad to me. things are missing, certain books of mine are gone. peoples voices on phones sound different. my eye color has changed, my eye color changed from green to blue. TV show disappeared. people I know who were friends are no longer friends with me. Their mentality changed overnight. family members look different. words in my Bible have changed, I read the Bible everyday. Volkswagen sign changed.I used to deal with these cars everyday. I can no longer talk to my mother, I don't think that's her on the telephone when I talk to her. things around me cannot keep time, like my computer clocks or clock on the wall. people are more violent. I am a nice person. people are violent towards me. I guess there's a lot of demons here. it does not feel like home. it does not feel like home. it does not feel like home. feel like running but nowhere to run to. Ich kann keinen Alkohol mehr trinken, Rauchen schmeckt mir schlecht. Dinge fehlen, bestimmte Bücher sind verschwunden. Völker Stimmen auf Handys klingen anders. Meine Augenfarbe hat sich verändert, meine Augenfarbe hat sich von grün zu blau verändert. TV-Show verschwand. Leute, die ich kenne, die Freunde waren, sind nicht mehr mit mir befreundet. Ihre Mentalität hat sich über Nacht geändert. Familienmitglieder sehen anders aus. Worte in meiner Bibel haben sich geändert, ich lese jeden Tag die Bibel. Das Volkswagen-Zeichen wurde geändert. Ich habe mich jeden Tag mit diesen Autos auseinander gesetzt. Ich kann nicht mehr mit meiner Mutter reden, ich glaube nicht, dass sie am Telefon ist, wenn ich mit ihr rede. Dinge um mich herum können mir keine Zeit lassen, wie meine Computeruhren oder die Uhr an der Wand. Menschen sind heftiger. Ich bin eine nette Person. Menschen sind gewalttätig gegen mich. Ich schätze, da gibt es viele Dämonen. es fühlt sich nicht wie zu Hause an. es fühlt sich nicht wie zu Hause an. es fühlt sich nicht wie zu Hause an. fühle mich wie rennen, aber nirgendwo rennen.


    harlan colburn

    4 years ago

    You Are Not Alone first my personal opinion and perception is that it's not just one universe that has to come together or one world that has joined together from what I gather from everything that I've watched read is that it's multiple I remember there being for moon landings not sex not one of the world was always at the end of the queen song We Are The Champions it's been in some of my favorite movies like Revenge of the Nerds it was in that movie my son's favorite movie growing up chicken little saying that movie my friend Chad named his twins Luke and Leia specifically so he could tell his son Luke I am your father now that has no meaning when my son was born I bought an old Looney Tunes and it was Toons when I bought it my son just recently turned eight years old and it is now spelled Tunes which makes absolutely no sense to me considering that Tiny Toons one of my favorite shows back in the 90s is still spelled Toons and all of those characters are based on the original Looney Tunes but instead of focusing on the bad focus on the good our physical forms have improved instead of diminished the kidneys being protected I know what a kidney punch is I have been kidney punched but with the kidneys of ribcage now they are protected with the heart being in the center of your chest it's more protected by your sternum are cranial cavities are bigger than the way I was taught they were there is a possibility for higher intelligence with more brain matter in your head I on the other hand of always had a thick jaw and I don't remember my head being any other way than it is but it brings up definite possibilities plus this also makes us pen world people or parallel dimensional individuals that opens up a whole new realm of possibilities the stuff that could happen because of this I do recommend looking up the d-wave computer and how it functions personal opinion I think that's why all of this has happened


    Jennable Rose

    4 years ago

    Where the hell are we? I don't like this earth


    Leigh Parr

    3 years ago

    I think we can move about, the reality/timeline that I first noticed was horrible. I think brutal sums it up, people seemed aggressive' angry or just strange. I keep getting dizzy spells where my lips go numb and I feel like I'm passing out I had a stroke in 2005 and it feels a lot like that but I noticed that after things often seem to change where I am now is much more high tec than the original earth. People are nicer and I haven't seen anyone displaying the signs of mental disturbance they were in the first shift. I'm not sure but I feel maybe we can to some extent control where we go, dictate through our imagination and what vibration we're sending out the kind of reality that manifests. I'm a Christian and think that the ME may be a distraction from more important things that are happening. Does anyone else have an opinion (other than that I'm insane because I've heard that one loads already). It is real the Bible is changing.


    LVThN Von Ach

    3 years ago

    Please dont freak out over this Queen song, there are different versions of the song. You can find them on YouTube, you can also google the lyrics. Your heart has always been in the middle...that is....for 3/4 on the left side (the aorta side) 1/4 to the right. I just deleted my YouTube channel a week ago but then I came across your video and I just wanted to react, something that is not possible unless you have a channel. At first I was startled like you but there is a LOT of misinformation on the Net and people hang a theory on that misinformation. Besides "I'll be back" I debunked all these things (for myself) I am 43 years old so I've been around long enough to be of "the old earth", have a high IQ and a very good memory. I guess all the chemtrails and fluoride are taking its toll...mass hysteria. Or they are MK ULTRA-ing you all trough your tv (This is not me being cynical)? Get tourself


    Exotic Norwegian

    4 years ago

    Men hjertet er jo på venstre side (av personen)


    Nexus4 Google Play

    3 years ago

    The heart was always in the middle: you could just feel it more on the left side as the left ventricle carries blood to most of the body. Queen sings: "of the world" at 1min 19 seconds into the song. "Luke, I'm your father" is from the Bob & Doug McKenzie movie "Strange Brew"--it was in the trailer. Kidney punches are still quite real as uppercuts slip under the ribs (half the kidney is sticking out as well. People remember the first time things were accomplished, but after that, its not really news anymore: including walking on the moon.


    Lisa Proff

    4 years ago

    read the Bible. it explains alot. but keep in mind Jesus couldn't speak of quantum Mechanics to people back then.


    Danish Miller

    4 years ago

    Lisa Aiken and keep in mind alot of it's chanhed. over 500 passages last week


    lost cloud
    3 years ago

    peopel are talking that the bible has changed also


    Allen James

    4 years ago

    o and do ur own research!!!!!! dont obcess over this!!!!


    Drew Phillips

    3 years ago

    The Queen song only has Of The World in the extended version. Two versions. Take care



    4 years ago (edited)

    If you actually go back and listen to the Queen song "We are the champions", He still says "of the world" ---but he says it after one of the chorus' leading into the next verse. I'm definitely affected by the Mandela Effect, but the Queen song I believe we are misremembering.


    Armas Silenciosas para Guerras Tranquilas 2

    4 years ago

    Hi dude, i have to show you somthing. Its gona help you. Contact me.


    eiriks conspirasy corner

    4 years ago

    try to watch all my vids before sending me anything. simply because i talk about lots, and come to lots of conclusions. i could be passed that info already, but im always up for new info, if you see in later vids i dont know it.


    Barry Miller

    3 years ago (edited)

    what is wrong with you stupid fucks? Freddie sings "of the world" in the middle of the song. The last "we are the champions" is followed by the guitar chord that ends the song. If he were to sing it again, the song would necessarily continue ad nauseum. The song has to resolve to a finish somehow. That is how it was recorded in 1977 and appears that way on the studio album News of the World. There are a few recordings of live shows where Freddie does sing "of the world" at the end...because it was live and therefore it had a certain effect. That is the ONLY time the song ever appeared that way. Please get a fucking clue and a fucking life and shut the fuck up with the bullshit.


    Michael Hutchins

    3 years ago

    Also trump winning the presidency was not that unrealistic I mean we have had a former actor as a president for gods sakes and trump was a business man like seriously and I'm not defending trump in any way or anything but still our pickings for president we're pretty slim


    Laszlo Szabo

    2 years ago

    Like your honesty and thanks for the video, but Trump is a liberal snowflake reaction, he won through an electoral college fair and square, not a big deal. LOL If Cern was the cause, maybe he is in it... yes. I became interested because of the Mona Lisa, you are not alone, it is obviously different.

  4.                                                                    Murder Among the Mormons


                                              This was an awesome doc, which I didn't hear about at the time growing up

                                                                  Use that discernment you always talk about mormon fellas

    • Like 1
  5.                                                                                                               Fazerin Parhaat










    Mikä on tämän tutun Fazerin karkkipussin nimi? Yllättävän moni vastaa väärin

    Facebookin suositussa Äitylit-ryhmässä kohistiin viikonloppuna tunnetun suomalaisen karkkipussin nimestä. Ryhmän jäsen latasi sivuille kuvan Fazerin karkkipussista, jonka nimi oli peitetty puoliksi.

    Kuvan yhteyteen nainen laittoi yksinkertaisen kysymyksen: Kumman niminen tämä karkkipussi on mielestäsi, Fazerin Parhaat vai Fazerin Parhain? Ensimmäinen vaihtoehto, Fazerin Parhaat keräsi nopeasti satoja tykkäyksiä.

    Totuus kuitenkin on, että karkkipussin nimi on...Fazerin Parhain. Yllätyitkö?

    Fazerin Parhain
    – Se on parhaaaaaaaat, on on on on! Oli pakko googlaa ja voin kertoo et järkytyin, eräs Äitylit-ryhmän jäsen kommentoi asiaa saatuaan tietää oikean vastauksen. 

    Fazerin Parhain on makeisyhtiö Fazerin klassikkopussi, joka on pysynyt markkinoilla vuosikymmenestä toiseen. Sen sisältö on hieman vaihdellut vuosikymmenten kuluessa. Alun perin pussi tuli myyntiin vuonna 1935 nimellä Extra Prima. Karkit olivat tuolloin kääreettömiä.  Fazerin Parhaat -nimellä karkkipussia ei kuitenkaan koskaan ole myyty.

    https://twitter.com/search?q="Fazerin Parhaat"&src=typed_query&f=live



                                                                                                                 Fazerin Parhaat


                                                                                                                  has changed to


                                                                                                                  Fazerin Parhain



    On 10/11/2020 at 1:28 PM, diatoms said:

                                                                                                                Suffeli Puffeli


    Suffe ?? (@suffeli_puffeli)





                                                                                                  has changed to Suffeli Puffi

    On 10/11/2020 at 1:07 PM, dcom said:
    On 10/11/2020 at 12:59 PM, diatoms said:

    I Remember Rod Sterling

    Rod Serling, not Sterling - and he was a staunch human rights activist, a real mensch -  anti-censorship, anti-war, anti-racist.


                                                                                                            Finland Matrix Effect

  6.                                                                  Happy Birthday RDJ Rave It Up:)


  7.                                                                                  almost there


    • Like 1
  8.                                                                                                 Vitruvian Man - Leonardo da Vinci



    1993629703_vitruvianman1200px-Stockholm_vitruvian_man.thumb.jpg.480d61b6a2fb80f206a33ee02232b898.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Stockholm_vitruvian_man.jpg

                                                          does anyone live in stockholm that can take a full pic of this vitruvian man with six arms & six legs?

                                                                                                     or know where it can be found in the city

                                                                                                              can't find any more info on it



  9. https://forum.watmm.com/uploads/monthly_07_2018/post-17854-0-26999600-1531677219.jpg


    Existential Thoughts Prepared by Chick-Fil-A

    Jeremy Divinity

    May 24, 2019



    The thought of a reality, where there is a possibility of infinite realities might trigger existential angst. I say that because this happened to me.

    For an entire work-day, I questioned my existence. And what I knew about reality because the way I remembered and have identified the spelling of a restaurant all of a suddenly changed. This restaurant happens to be the controversial, yet tasty, fast-food chain, Chick-Fil-A*.

    What if I told you that if you also know and remember the spelling of the restaurant without the ‘k,’ for example, ‘Chic-Fil-A, that there’s a possibility you’ve been sliding through different realities…would you believe me?

    If this is you, and as you begin the process of also questioning your existence, I’ll send some comfort to let you know that you aren’t alone. I vividly remember the franchise at my university spelled, Chic-Fil-A. Besides, I was stuck in this dilemma.

    There’s no way it has always been spelled Chick-Fil-A I told myself, so I had to know if I was alone on this issue. So I went searching for proof because I couldn’t be crazy!


    I wanted a consensus from the people themselves, so I opened an Instagram Stories Poll. The people agreed with me, 73% of respondents remembered the spelling as “Chic-Fil-A.” Although these were the results that I hoped for, it made question reality even further.

    Could we all be wrong? I took it a step further, so I asked co-workers. The results were even more shocking! Either they remembered it as Chic or Chik, but none remember or knew it as Chick.

    So now things really go strange. I began to question my being, the world around me, was everything real? Or we in a simulation? Is it glitching? How is reality constructed? As well as what’s our purpose in it?

    Which is when I stumbled upon this strange phenomenon called the “Mandela effect.” The Mandela effect originated after the death of Nelson Mandela. After Mandela died in 2013, millions of people around the world were in shock. In shock not because of that fact that he died, but they all remembered him dying in prison almost 20 years before. Next thing you know, down I went wormhole of the Mandela effect and parallel realities.

    Could Nelson Mandela and Chick-Fil-A prove the existence of parallel realities? Could a simple letter change of a restaurant that sells terrific chicken sandwiches be further proof of our ability to slide through them?

    Who would’ve known that the most minimal, subtle variable changes in our current reality could assist in proving the existence of parallel realities? And the fact that we have been subconsciously shifting through them our entire life?

    As the construct of reality began to fade away for me, I began to ask myself the following existential questions in which I think we all should ponder:

    Did our universal collective consciousness intentionally choose to switch to this current reality in the present based on our energetic frequencies?

    Is there reality without consciousness? If parallel realities exist, does consciousness have the ability to jump realities at any given moment?

    Were we born in a different reality than the current one we are conscious of?

    How do we conform to the idea and possibility that there are other versions of us making the same mistakes or the changes that we have failed to make?

    In an infinite universe, are we endless with unlimited possibilities? Can we switch to where we are a better version of ourselves?

    If I had the answers to these questions, you wouldn’t be reading this article. But here we are. After careful consideration, I came up with the following conclusions. Yes, there are infinite realities, and we always shift to the one that is most in tune to our per se. We also can shift our consciousness to a parallel reality by raising our vibration.

    This whole existential exercise, prepared by Chick-Fil-A, has made me believe that life is malleable. We aren’t creating our reality, but more so, we are shifting to the reality that is most aligned to where we want to be.

    My mom always told me that you could do anything you put your mind to. Looking back it, I’m not sure she was aware of the metaphysical power behind that saying.

    …wait, but how does she remember the spelling of Chick-Fil-A. Ah, this isn’t settled yet!



    On 7/15/2018 at 6:55 PM, diatoms said:


                                                                                                closed on sundays






    Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address excerpt warning of the military industrial complex


    "A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction.

    Our military organization today bears little relation to that known by any of my predecessors in peace time, or indeed by the fighting men of World War II or Korea.

    Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United State corporations.

    This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence-economic, political, even spiritual-is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

    In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

    We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."

    • Thanks 1
  11. On 8/10/2021 at 4:19 PM, cern said:


                                                                    Thanks for posting this

                                                                         i keep thinking about the journey

                                                                                   heading slowly towards the clock tower

                                                                      everyone swirling around

                                                                                            close calls but not one accident

    • Like 1
  12. 18 hours ago, dcom said:

    Baudrillard and his simulation theory and simulacra

                                          i thought simulacra & simulation was only good for storing hacker bytes, benjamins & easter eggs



                                                                 the matrix put a band around old time

                                                                                      IV what reason?


    On 9/13/2017 at 2:52 AM, diatoms said:


                                                                                              Independence Hall - Philadelphia




                                                                                                          IIII & upside down roman numerals


                                                                     IV & upright roman numerals




                                                                                            independence hall timed out of the matrix

                                                                                                  but left some major residue up IV ya

  13.                                                                                         happy 50 user18081971


                                                                                                 here's my selection of aphex

                                                                                      but went well over 50

                                                                                                   so i settled on 71 picks for 1971

                                                                                         (grouped some variations of the same song together)

                                                                    wild there's hundreds more i could easily exchange and list                                                                      

                                                                                    no one comes close

                                                                                                  acid rave wizard








                                                                 T69 Collapse


                                                                 pretend analog extmix 2b,e2,ru


                                       syro u473t8+e [14198][piezoluminescence mix]          


                                     abundance10edit[2 R8's, FZ20m & a 909]


                                                          Fenix Funk 5


                                                         Synthacon9   m


                                                                                               Love 7


                                                          42DIMENSIT3 e3


                                                      CHEETAHT2 [Ld spectrum]




                                                      oberheim blacet1b




                                                   4x Atlantis take1


                                                          Analord 158b


                                                             T165 MADMA with nastya


                                                      16 fresher + cleaner






                                                                    cottage4 af 1


                                                                 Wet Tip Hen Ax




                                                                        dark overlord acid+7


                                                              minipops 67 [1202][source field mix]


                                                            forgotten life path



                                                       Luke Vibert - Spiral Staircase (AFX Remix)




                                                      ∂ƒ∆ [rough mix]


                                                   Yellow Calx


                                                          28 organ epic     (with alien babble - user48736353001)


                                                            Acrid Avid Jam Shred


                                                      prememory100N pt2


                                                          DJ Pierre - Box Energy (Remix By AFX)






                                                                      end E2


                                                      On The Romance Tip


                                                             human rotation


                                                            Audax Powder


                                                       CIRCLONT6A [14198][syrobonkus mix]


                                                   original chaos riff


                                                                sams car


                                                                 27 leaving home-bradley


                                                            ZT01 [sketch1]




                                                        tuning seq1 ph2



                                                                      piano un1 arpej








                                                                 no stillson 6 cirk


                                                               track 19 [side 5, track 2, omitted from CD's]


                                                           PAPAT4 [155][pineal mix]


                                                          Taking Control


                                                  Alberto Balsalm


                                                                       Xmd 5a



                                                               Halibut Acid






                                                              last rushup 10 M


                                                                                   umil 25-01


                                                                    MARCHROMT30a Edit 2b 96


                                                                      Avril 14th




                                                   Mangle 11 (Circuit Bent V.I.P. Mix)


                                                                    m11st lon


                                                       AFX Acid 04


                                                      Ziggomatic 17




                                                   Steppingfilter 101



    • Like 3
    • Burger 1
    • Farnsworth 1
  14.                                                                      pretty polly tights

                                                                                   established 1919

                                                            symmetrical union jack



                                                        option to pay in asymmetrical jack sterling


  15.                                                     global warming's terrifying new math

                                                                                              has been adding up for some time

    • Like 3
  16. Almost 40% favour legalising cannabis for recreational use, over 90% in favour of medicinal use

    New polling by Red C on behalf of The Journal shines a light on the nation’s views on legalising cannabis.

    Rónán Duffy
    May 17th 2021, 12:05 AM

    ALMOST 40% OF Irish people believe cannabis should be legalised for recreational use and there is an overwhelming support for the medical use of cannabis. 

    New polling by Red C on behalf of The Journal shines a light on the nation’s views on legalising cannabis, with only 4% of people opposed to the medical use of cannabis.  

    At present, the use of four cannabis-based products is allowed in Ireland in strict circumstances and under a pilot scheme.

    There is near uniformity across different age groups in believing that medical use should be legal, but opinions vary on whether recreational use of cannabis should be permitted. 

    A majority (56%) of 18-34 year olds believe that cannabis should be legalised for both medical and recreational use while this drops to just 21% for those aged over 55.

    Among that age cohort there is still a large majority for medical use only at 70%, meaning that 91% of those aged over 55 feel that cannabis should be legal for medical reasons. 

    There is not much regional variation across the provinces, but in Connacht/Ulster 7% of people do not feel any legalisation should take place, a small but noteworthy increase on the national average of 4%

    Men are also more likely to be in favour of legalisation for recreational use, with 44% in favour of it compared to 34% of women. 

    There is also an urban/rural disparity with 43% in urban areas in favour of recreational use and 29% in rural area.

    The polling is based on a survey of 1000+ adults taken across the country and weighted to be an accurate profile of the population. 

    The fieldwork was carried out between 6-12 May, a number of days after the College of  Psychiatrists of Ireland (CPsychI) warned that cannabis represents the “gravest threat to the mental health of young people in Ireland today”. 

    Much of the focus of the group’s concern was due to the increasing potency of the illegal cannabis on sale across Europe, with previous analysis finding that potency had doubled over the period 2006 to 2016.

    Overall, the Red C research suggests that there is support for a move towards some form of greater legalisation, with 93% of people surveyed in favour of the medical use of cannabis.

    In Ireland, legalising cannabis for medical use has hit a number of roads blocks in recent years and legislation has failed to get enough support in the Oireachtas.

    In 2019, cannabis-based products were made available for medical use through the Medical Cannabis Access Programme.

    The five-year pilot programme currently allows listed products be made available to a patient when a consultant determines that they have not responded to standard treatments. 

    Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly told the Dáil earlier this year that 2021 funding for this programme had been secured and subsequently said that commencement this year is likely in June. 

    Currently four cannabis-based products have been assessed as acceptable for use by the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA).

    The programme is only available to patients with a number of conditions including spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis, nausea associated with chemotherapy and treatment-resistant epilepsy. 

    The Medical Cannabis Access Programme is not available for people with chronic pain, with the Minister for Health previously questioned in the Dáil about whether such conditions should also have access. 

    The HPRA has previously said that, while the use of cannabis for chronic pain “is acknowledged”, there are “diverse” causes of such pain and “subjective factors” that make difficult for a doctor to assess treatment. 

    In its 2017 scientific review of Cannabis for Medical Use, the HPRA also said the use of cannabis for chronic pain could lead to greater misuse of cannabis in the wider community. 

    “Chronic pain is common and the potential use of cannabis-based medicines by a large number of patients  raises concerns about misuse and diversion into the wider community,” the HPRA says.









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  17. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Stand Off Map is Causing A Mandela Effect

    The Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War community is divided over a big, yellow Russian sign featured in the classic map, Stand Off.

    Published 3 days ago

    The Mandela Effect is a phenomenon that makes people question even the most mundane memories from the past. For example, in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back many remember the iconic line that reveals that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker’s father going as, “Luke, I am your father.” But this surprisingly isn’t the case, although thousands would contest based on a differing memory, all Darth Vader actually said was, “I am your father.” Now, this same sensation has struck the Call of Duty Black Ops 2 fan base.

    Discovered in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, player Indervir ‘iLLeY’ Dhaliwal sparked the passionate debate in the community over a single image. The photograph shows the remastered version of the classic multiplayer map, Standoff, which was reintroduced as part of Season three Reloaded's content. Yet all is not as it seems, with many players just only now noticing this yellow sign that is hung up on a streetlamp, across from the town's large monument.

    The response to the Tweet is extraordinarily varied. The usual pattern seems to be that many Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War players deny Stand Off has ever had the sign there, whilst just as many Call of Duty veterans assert that they clearly remember its existence. This was reinforced by some who maintain it was a common tactic in the CoD sniping community to use the sign as an angle advantage on incoming attackers.

    This mixed response caused numerous players to return to Call of Duty Black Ops 2 to check out the original Stand Off map. Jumping back into the original map players can find multiple SDC tanks scattered throughout the town as well as multiple shops and building barricades vandalized in Russian. More importantly, near the center of the town is the large yellow sign in all its rusty glory confirming it has been present in Stand Off since it first arrived back in 2012.

    Overall, this trip down memory lane has led many players to consider if there has been any more Mandela Effects in the long and winding Call of Duty's franchise. Fans have started debating if there were always names written on the mailboxes in Nuketown or the map Hijacked always took place during the daytime. Either way, a lot of users have seemed to agree with one user who simply put, "The simulation is glitching. Mandela effect is in overdrive."





  18.                                                                                        IV upright on wallpaper




                                                                                                           wallpaper with upright IV


  19. Shaquille O'Neal would make a 'Shazaam' and 'Kazaam' team-up movie with Sinbad: 'Always for the kids'

    May 11, 2020


    Back in 1996, Shaquille O’Neal brought some of his on-court magic onscreen in the kiddie comedy, Kazaam. In recent years, though, a certain section of the internet has convinced itself that the NBA superstar wasn’t that era’s only PG-rated genie. On Reddit and other message boards, ’90s kids have insisted that they also grew up watching Shazaam, a kids-and-their-genie movie that supposedly starred the comedian Sinbad. Never mind that no information — let alone footage — of this other film exists, and Sinbad himself has denied ever playing Shazaam or any other cinematic genie... though he did mess with peoples’ memories further by appearing in a fake April Fool’s Day clip produced by CollegeHumor.

    Speaking with Yahoo Entertainment, O’Neal says that he hasn’t followed the ongoing Kazaam vs. Shazaam debate. “Never heard of that one,” the retired Los Angeles Laker says on the phone from L.A. Maybe that’s because he only gets his Kazaam news from actual kids, not the overgrown kids on the internet. “Kazaam was a movie that was supposed to be for kids,” O’Neal says. “It’s not for adults — it’s for kids that are from 2 to 7, because when they see me, they think I’m magic. As long as they think I’m magic, who cares what adults say?” And if today’s kids want to see him and Sinbad teaming up as Kazaam and Shazaam in an Avengers-style team-up movie, he’d put back on his ‘90s costume. “Of course I would. Always for the kids.”


  20.                                                                 oh shit forgot about the tinfoil when i had mercury fillings

                                                                                          bizzare electric feeling in the teeth

                                                                                  a little bit would've stuck to the hersey's bar

                                                                                     have to chew on some cotton wool now and find out

  21. 1 hour ago, Plum said:

    Imagine the absolute carnage you could cause if you were to pop a single nugget of aquarium gravel into a packet of Nerds.

                                                                  i ate nerds as a kid and that statement just made my teeth crawl itch

                                                                                                      like two eggs rubbed together on the shell

                                                                                                             medusa scratching her nails down the pillar as she fell



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