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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by diatoms

  1.                                                       yeah watched/raved to about 9 hours of this stream day 1

                                                                         some really awesome sets, some ravin' acid

                                                                 looking forward to day 2 BRAINRAVE 2:)                                                                



    • Like 4
  2. "You can actually meet aliens whenever you want to," he explains helpfully. "You just need to ask, and they'll appear. I know, because I've done it once, and it was totally fucking scary. I'm not ready for that yet. I've got other things to do."  -Aphex Twin, Q Magazine, November 2014

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  3. 3 minutes ago, zero said:

    my beard smells like dog food

                                                                      i've smelled my beard for the first time because of this post

                                                                                neutral smell but now i feel i'll always give my beard a smell

                                                                                                               every once and a while

    • Thanks 1
    • Big Brain 1
  4. 1 hour ago, chronical said:

    My favorite board game is the Board Of Canada where you take 5-8 years per turn

                                              if i remember correctly there are different versions of the game

                                                               that's why its known in some circles as Boards of Canada

  5. 22 minutes ago, dcom said:

    Yes, and read about the motivation, the sources, whys and wherefores of making the fan edit.


    • Thanks 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, dcom said:


                                                                            should i watch this version?

  7.                                                                   orange alert for ireland first time ever for heat

                                                                                over 30 celsius for the week in some places

                                                                                         20 degrees at night which is wild

    • Sad 1
  8.                                                       i haven't seen the lynch dune and don't know anything about the story

                                                               but i think i'll watch this and as colunga said the green knight

                                                                                     both look grand and stylized

                                                                                          just wanna get lost in a story on the big screen

                                                            wish it was flickering onto the screen from film stock with the noise you can hear when its quiet from the reel

    • Like 2
  9. Methadone users may have better protection against Covid

    Numbers of infections in people in treatment for heroin addiction far lower than expected

    about 14 hours ago

    Patients in treatment for heroin addiction appear to be far more resilient to Covid-19 than initially believed, with researchers suggesting drugs such as methadone may protect against the disease.

    At the start of the pandemic last year it had been assumed Covid would disproportionately impact drug addicts due primarily to their associated health problems.

    However, according to new Irish research Covid rates have been much lower than expected among people receiving opiate agonist treatment (OAT), a therapy which uses methadone or similar drugs to treat opioid addiction.

    Of the 565 attendees at the HSE’s National Drug Treatment Centre (NDTC) in inner-city Dublin, none displayed serious illnesses indicative of Covid and none died as a result of the disease throughout the first three waves of the pandemic.

    Antibody tests were carried out on a subset of patients, comprising 103 people. Researchers found only two patients (1.9 per cent) had contracted Covid-19 despite several more patients reporting close contacts with a Covid sufferer. An “equivocal” Covid result was found in a third patient.

    The prevalence of Covid in the general population in Dublin was almost double at 3.1 per cent, according to a separate study conducted in the previous month.

    “The expectation that Covid-19 would spread rapidly through the OAT population did not materialise here or elsewhere,” the authors concluded.

    The results of the study, which was carried out by researchers at the NDTC and published in the Irish Journal of Medical Science, tally with larger international studies.

    “Despite an estimated 654,000 opioid users in Europe receiving OAT, most health professionals surveyed did not report cases,” the researchers said, while those that did reported them in very low numbers.

    Another Dublin-based study of homeless drug-users also showed an “unexpectedly low incidence of Covid-19 and no deaths”, the authors said.

    The NDTC study was carried out between July and October 2020, during which Ireland experienced two waves of the disease.


    Researchers postulated that medications such methadone and buprenorphine, which are used as therapeutic substitutes for heroin, may have a “protective effect” against Covid.

    The two patients who did test positive for Covid were on low dose of methadone at the time, and their symptoms quickly resolved.

    The study said it is also possible the cohort had a low level of exposure to the disease. However, researchers added that NDTC patients were at a broadly similar risk compared to other Dubliners and “at a theoretically higher risk due to routine sharing of drug paraphernalia, cigarettes, and masks and personal challenges in maintaining social distancing”.

    Public health measures such as providing hotel accommodation for homeless people could be responsible but they do “not fully explain” the low levels of Covid amongst people in treatment for heroin addiction.

    Instead of Covid-19, the authors said the main risks to this group during the pandemic was “increased risk of drug overdose due to changes in service delivery and drug market changes”.

    The study called for more research into the possible protective effects of opioid-substitution therapy.


    • Like 1
  10. 11 hours ago, Silent Member said:

    I'd say they look more like birds than anything.


    32 minutes ago, Silent Member said:

    If you can't see the last shot in that video (0:55) is four out of focus birds (most likely some sort seagull) fighting over food I can't help you guys. You can even see their wings flapping. Spend more time outside?


    18 minutes ago, Satans Little Helper said:

    The interesting thing about birds though, is they're essentially dinosaurs. Millions years older than our part of the tree of life. I'm 100% sure they're aliens without us even being aware!

    Black And White Smoking GIF


    6 minutes ago, very honest said:


    hm ok, maybe


    but then why are ufos disguising themselves as birds?


    On 8/20/2018 at 10:19 PM, prdctvsm said:



    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  11. 3 minutes ago, Joyrex said:

    One of my personal theories/musings is that UFOs (or UAP) are not 'ships' in the sense of having occupants, but what if the 'ships' themselves ARE the beings/organisms? It would explain why some are observed changing shape or some having non-metallic surfaces.

                                                                 interesting theory, i hadn't thought of that before, nice one

    4 minutes ago, Joyrex said:

    Another idea i've had is that they are not traditional vehicles that travel in space per se, but are actually intradimensional vehicles, which would explain how they can defy our physics and seemingly appear/disappear at will.

                                                                       my friend and i thought of this as a possible theory as well

  12. 18 hours ago, auxien said:


                                                              ok guess its my dyslexia, sat there reading it over and over finally got it, Ha:)


    • Like 1
  13.                                               IS THERE STILL SEX IN THE CITY?

                                                               Candace Bushnell

                                                   AUTHOR OF SEX AND THE CITY



    On 1/9/2020 at 4:16 PM, diatoms said:

    I saw a shop called

    Wax in the City

    while in Dublin on tuesday

    went in and it was two Brazilian owners

    confirmed it was a play on

    Sex in the City

    I said I agree with you but now it's changed to

    Sex and the City

    told them about the changes to the flag and christ statue

    and they flipped out a little

    called me a time traveler:)


    South America/Brazil memories

    are changing as well


    I've asked all the Brazilians I've worked with and met in Dublin

    about what they remember about the Brazilian flag

    what color are the letters of the motto


    I remember black letters

    so do most Brazilians

    or blue letters

    but the letters have always been the color green

    which no one has said yet


    all are shocked at this change

    and changes to

    christ the redeemer statue

    not one Brazilian or their relatives or friends


    christ with a exposed six pack chest

    carved heart

    diamond shaped stigmata

    and looking down at the people

    not straight ahead





    Everyone that I talk to

    even stopping in travel agents

    can't believe the location of South America now

    everyone points to B


    I've probably talked to over 200 Brazilians over the past couple of years

    not one remembers the current flag, christ change or location of south america

    I agree with their memories:)

    But most important

    What is it You



  14. 1 hour ago, zero said:

    I'm really becoming less and less a fan of big cities. back when I was in my 20's, I thought living in a big city was cool. walking to bars on busy sidewalks, taking the subway, hopping in taxis...it all seemed so fun. I could care less about that any more. now I dream of one day living in a small town USA. there are so many great old little towns scattered throughout this country with "great bones." but the vast majority of them are flowing with run down, vacant, neglected old historic brick buildings. my utopian pipe dream is that these quaint little places will one day be re-populated by a diverse group of people vacating the cities, as they too are sick of the traffic, housing costs, rich d-bags in sports cars. but I know the reality is that all these little small towns are dead zones, currently packed with orange man supporters, bigoted wasps, who think they've been slighted by the foreigners.

                                                                        live in the country with some space to chill

    • Like 1
  15. 16 hours ago, hello spiral said:

    got some feedback from the date I went on last weekend



    1 hour ago, hello spiral said:

    I got a second date with her on the basis that I told her a sharted this morning. No lie.


                                                              you proved to her you really do give a shite

    • Like 1
    • Burger 2
    • Big Brain 1
  16. 2 hours ago, drillkicker said:

    Sorry to start all this shit and then leave.  I ended up going to a 4th of July rave underneath I-95 and channeled all of my negative energy into awesome dance moves.  It was one of the coolest nights of my life.  I got drunk beyond belief and made out with some girl in a public swimming pool.  It's still pretty hazy.

    Edit:  by "public" I mean that we found a gap in the fence lol


    1 hour ago, diatoms said:

                                                                             attending a rave, dancing & connecting with others

                                                                                                       depression be gone:)


    20 minutes ago, dingformung said:

    If you want to meet me IRL, I can clean off some of your negative energies & you can clean off a lot more of mine. Just DM me, I know how to transform energy like a snake that ate a monkey ? Just trust me, I have done it many times

                                                                                                             quantum healing

    • Like 1
  17.                                                                          attending a rave, dancing & connecting with others

                                                                                                       depression be gone:)

    • Like 2
  18. Foreword
    Behind every man now alive stand thirty ghosts, for that is the ratio by 
    which the dead outnumber the living. Since the dawn of time, roughly a hundred 
    billion human beings have walked the planet Earth. 
    Now this is an interesting number, for by a curious coincidence there are 
    approximately a hundred billion stars in our local universe, the Milky Way. So 
    for every man who has ever lived, in this Universe there shines a star. 
    But every one of those stars is a sun, often far more brilliant and glorious 
    than the small, nearby star we call the Sun. And many - perhaps most - of those 
    alien suns have planets circling them. So almost certainly there is enough land in 
    the sky to give every member of the human species, back to the first ape-man, 
    his own private, world-sized heaven - or hell. 
    How many of those potential heavens and hells are now inhabited, and by 
    what manner of creatures, we have no way of guessing; the very nearest is a 
    million times farther away than Mars or Venus, those still remote goals of the 
    next generation. But the barriers of distance are crumbling; one day we shall 
    meet our equals, or our masters, among the stars. 
    Men have been slow to face this prospect; some still hope that it may 
    never become reality. Increasing numbers, however, are asking: “Why have such 
    meetings not occurred already, since we ourselves are about to venture into 
    Why not, indeed? Here is one possible answer to that very reasonable 
    question. But please remember this is only a work of fiction. 
    The truth, as always, will be far stranger.


    - Arthur C. Clarke
    2001: A Space Odyssey
    • Like 6
  19.                                                                           talk of simulations





  20. On 7/3/2021 at 9:03 AM, prdctvsm said:


                                                                 i ended up watching this and really liked some of the acting and the look of the film, thanks:)

                                                                                   here's a cleaner print to watch


    • Farnsworth 1
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