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Posts posted by JS20

  1. my boy Frank passed away a few months ago. Worst day of my life, guy was such a little champ, totally chilled out dude, loved every moment of his 2yrs.


    Welp, say hello to Thea. (kinda looks exactly like Frank, but with a fluffier face - not intentional)


    Never forget.






    Music purr-duction can be exhausting work.



  2. I was trying hard to ignore the previews and wait for the release, but I already cheat-ah'd and listened to the two that were on SC.

  3. Timeless classic. I too bought the vinyl just for the artwork, all that lush deep orange! Even my parents listened to the whole thing with me without running away in sheer pale-faced terror... like they do with most of my beloved tunez.


    Fav track: Winner Takes All / Mr. Frosty (tie)


    Runner up: Reg

    That whistling in Reg gets stuck in my head every time I hear it, and I really like the harpsichord-ish bits....I bet that is Richard's fingering.


    #3: Upright Kangaroo

    I've always loved Lunatic Harness and the voice samples in Kangaroo (belch included) are peachy.



    wow, that actually made me kinda tear up a bit to see just how original and unique of an artist he was even in his early days. this article is incredibly inspiring. thank you.



    "Day and night the sound of a mammoth with it’s balls on fire would rip through the house at curdling volume."


    LOL, I could imagine it might just be a bit irritating to hear Elephant Song WIPs through to the final product.



    so how did I miss cheetah 7?



    Same thing happened to me. Saw the Cheetah thing was imminent so decided to relisten to them with this context in mind. I knew there were two but I usually listen to the afx sc in 2-3hr chunks.

    When I searched my computer only one came up. Decided I was mistaken, maybe I was thinking of the cottage tracks, and listened to Cheetah3.

    It was chatmm that corrected me. Searched computer again, nothing.


    So, like a lot of people here I'm sure, I at first was ripping the sc tracks. Then when rdj enabled downloads I started replacing the rips with the proper downloads. Then when JSMCPN made his meticulously tagged mega.nz archive, I scrapped everything and got those to replace them.


    Turns out in the mega.nz archive cheetah7 is available in 4 different file types. So I'm guessing if you download the whole thing in one chunk it omits that track?


    Anyway, nice tracks. Should be an interesting ep.



    I'm DLing the archive as a ZIP to see if anything is missing when done that way. There shouldn't be, but since a number of other tracks are also in multiple formats I'd better check.


    Update: The full zip download was not missing any tracks available in multiple formats. That doesn't mean Mega's zipping routine is infallible though, maybe it screws up from time to time.


    katiacid is not part of any of these mirrors:




    even so the comments show that the track has been up 7 month ago. weird

    That's because it's Reddit :) or because it was called Katieparty n+4 instead. It's definitely in here though:





    Just to clarify... Katiacid (#251) and Katieparty n+4 (#262) are different tracks.

  7. Spreadsheet is back online and public editing re-enabled. I locked it down a few weeks ago (but still had public viewing enabled) because there hasn't been much activity on SoundCloud this year, and nothing but vandalism has been happening to the sheet via public edits since February. Some of the vandalism was so bad that there was no way to fix it other than re-importing the entire document from a local copy I had into a new tab in the document.


    The document owner and I discussed vandalism a little...and rather than leaving the entire document locked down to public edits I am now a caretaker of the "user18081971-restored-bak" copy of the sheet, and will do my best to keep good public edits backed up and bad public edits reverted. Sadly, with Public editing enabled , it could be damaged beyond repair yet again...



    Awesome! Could you post a link to the document?



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