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Posts posted by JS20

  1. I'm also missing this one.


    Also apparently Harmonicom 13 had a different mastering uploaded? Does anyone have both? Are the differences significant?



    Compared them in Audacity, FWIW...


    Original upload:



    Second upload:



    "I always knew you'd come through, you with your square waves and your square bottoms..."


    Okay gonna be 'that guy'...


    Does anyone have the alt version of the 'Uchoob trax links' file which is shorter spelling out letters or something? I never got that one and would love for someone to hook me up! I have all the other ones as far as I know.

    I'm also missing this one.


    Also apparently Harmonicom 13 had a different mastering uploaded? Does anyone have both? Are the differences significant?



    Added the louder version of Harmonicom 13, file is titled "269a - 1214 - harmonicom 13_128.mp3"


    The first one's length is 6:31.746

    Second one is louder, length is 6:32.243

  3. I added track numbers to the ID3 tags and named the files so they would sort properly... so any media player that lets you "sort by" should work. I like Foobar personally:





    Apparently, iTunes doesn't display the Track Number column by default? Stupid! Why would a music player not default to playing tracks in order?

    Hit CTRL-J to bring up View Options, turn on the Track Number column, then you can sort them properly.



    We're getting this request on almost every page now. Maybe if someone can keep up a full archive link I can make a seperate pinned (and locked) thread for as long this goes on?

    Or... should I ask permission to host the files for download here at WATMM? I've always avoided this as it is Richard's music and he decides what is and isn't available, etc., but it would be easier for the fans who missed out on the previous tracks.


    Doesn't marking a thread "answered" pin it to the top of every sub-page in a thread? That would be another way.

    That would be even better actually!


    We tried the "answered" method a few times in this thread but for some reason it seems to disappear after a few pages / weeks. Not sure why!



    OK, no promises but I'll see if Richard will respond...


    I like MEGA for this AFX Aventur because it is so easy to update as track descriptions and artwork change. Plus, people can sort on time stamp and grab only what is changed or new (as opposed to downloading a massive ZIP/RAR just to grab a few stragglers).


    I've been maintaining this archive for WATMM-ites since the beginning, no plans to let it fall into disrepair (unless RDJ requests).


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