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Posts posted by JS20

  1. ^ Fuckin dope scratches. Q-Bert did it like a boss twenty years ago when he collab'd w/ Dr. Octagon, and he still does now.


    Awww man, gonna have to go dig out my Wavetwisters DVD now!




    Edit: ^ lol

  2. save up some cash, buy some stuff cheap, sell not that cheap, repeat until satisfactory.


    good tip is - learn about popular defects like dead batteries and stuff that make keyboard appear nonfuctioning. this way you can buy a supposedly 'dead' keyboard for 30 euros and sell it for 300 after replacing a 1eur battery or something. like dx7, poly800, etc. unless you were unlucky and it really was just dead. a guy i know bought a very rare crumar for 100 euros that was 'untested' and it turned out there was no electronics inside it.


    be smart, generally speaking.


    Good tip! I've acquired lots of "broken" items over the years and un-broke them for really cheap. Being a "fixer" living in a throw-away society has its perks, examples:

    * When I moved out of my parents, I snagged an almost-new microwave oven out of the "junk" pile, put a new fuse in it, and am still using it 16 years later.

    * Last spring, I got a new-old Honda snowblower with only ~20 hours on it for $25 on Craigslist because the owner wasn't aware that gasoline goes stale after sitting unused in a tank for 15 years.

    * I just sold, for $200, a 31-year-old Toyota that was claimed to be "all used up" when I bought it 7 years ago (for $400). After a few days under it with a wrench and $150 in parts, I put 70,000 trouble-free miles on that "useless" old car and actually profited from it, about $80/month, due to company mileage reimbursement.


    Listening to a lot of this today. Man 19 ssnb is just beautiful. Real gem of a track - crazy to think he had just been sitting on it all these years.

    I couldn't agree more!



    I still like the beat-ful version (SSBA) better, the little bell percussion really ties the room together... but either way they are very high up on my Top 100 list. That main lead synth is so lonely and stoic, like the last of a species searching for a mate.

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