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Posts posted by JS20


    Sorry for the ignorance but Heliosphan live.. is actually live? As in he had his gear there triggering the patterns and playing the synth parts or triggering the synth parts? If so holy shit.

    No...It's called that because that's the version of Heliosphan he made especially for a live set....it was his US tour I believe. Listen to some live US shows (I forgot which tour it was) and you can hear him play it. Beautiful remix!



    It was played at lots of shows during the 1997 Come To Daddy world tour. WATMM Downloads section has a number of great examples of the live version.







    Richard. Is. Just. Getting. Started.





    I'm playing heliosphan on repeat and imagining they are AFx fans




    i wonder what that guy who yelled "YES HELIOSPHAN" when richard played it in 1997 is doing right now



    I dunno, but I can be faintly heard yelling "Fuck yeah!" shortly into the Denver 97 Heliosphan :D


    What are you doing right now?



    Listening to 5 Heliosphan Live of course! :rhubear1: FUCK :rhubear2: YEAH! :rhubear1:







    Richard. Is. Just. Getting. Started.





    I'm playing heliosphan on repeat and imagining they are AFx fans




    i wonder what that guy who yelled "YES HELIOSPHAN" when richard played it in 1997 is doing right now



    I dunno, but I can be faintly heard yelling "Fuck yeah!" shortly into the Denver 97 Heliosphan :D



    damn man... fmsubbass sounds like it'd be quite the banger... : /


    It was prolly my least favorite from today's batch, I snagged the 128k before it disappeared:





    Thanks! Do you remember the order it was posted in?



    Trying to remember. I put it in correctly on the google doc but someone took it out of the main list and may have changed the number :dry:


    EDIT: Found the order, '9 wind squidge', 'Fmsubbass', 'bob morgan'


    EDIT2: Fixed the google doc

  5. it's allways like that. You think you've heard all aphex and then boom! new track. thank you very much, Icct.


    Richard said he hated Mike&Rich album, he was pissed while doing it, and he was pissed by releasing it

    But i think thats a really good album, considering it was made in a week

    i did nothing in this week, thanks James!


    Even my parents didn't hate EKT, and they normally run screaming into the night from from electronic music of any kind.


    LOL, except Dad also said EKT sounded like a Frank Zappa rip-off, just like Milk Man. :facepalm:

  6. Here are a couple of files I remastered for you all. A louder sounding version of bellbrk with the loud subs made a bit more managable, and utopia with the low mids softened and those hi-freq fm sounds less harsh.


    bellbrk (limited/compressed): https://www.dropbox.com/s/z5oeo6phip6mwt8/bellbrk%20%28limited%29.mp3?dl=0

    utopia (EQ): https://www.dropbox.com/s/25tniohmlvcb4t0/8%20utopia%20%28EQ%29.mp3?dl=0


    Wow, many thanks :w00t: Every time I wake up and refresh WATMM, it just keeps getting better!

  7. i really like the sentiment of the 'fly away babies, good luck!' endearing attachment to his tracks. don't fret aphex, i'll look after your babies well


    Me too! There are decades' worth of memories tied to these tracks. I reckon it would be quite an emotionally rich experience to summon all those private memories at once, think back on each one briefly, and let them all fly free in one generous feat.

  8. jsmcpn cheers, don't really care much about that stuff as I said. Just like things to be vaguely chronological - I would have done it myself, but with work and a newborn...time is a precious commodity.




    Sorry, I should have separated the tracknames/up-order into a separate pastebin from the comments/tags paste :catrage: j/k



    So is there a big organized zip folder that's been tagged in order of upload? (i don't really give a toss about artist name etc, just for some reason order of upload matters to me).



    The file names are just the titles, but the track number tag corresponds to the upload order.






    Chen, I have updated the comments/hashtags contained in that ZIP file. They come in two flavors:


    Pastebin raw text: http://pastebin.com/uUPSQEUG


    Columns in a Google sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11ouNaaVrNp60Ib34Kp0TO1n1XSc7-9DvfiZ9ZiTiD2c/edit#gid=0



    is organ an RDJ-era track? i hear syro, i hear tuss, i hear all drukqs, i hear everything in this


    sounds to me like Come to daddy époque


    similar kind of vibe to flim I guess, but the clap is really something that reminds me of produk 28 and 4 bit. It sounds to be the newest of all tracks.


    That clap is really distinct.



    It is the exact same clap as in Weakling Child (Contour).


    Also, the comments and hashtags of the 102 SoundCloud tracks, as of 29JAN2015-05:29UTC


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