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Posts posted by Bechuga

  1. I have not read that, but there is a bar in San Francisco named Moby Dick, I think it's named after the DJ.



    I don't know that DJ, but those initials are close to my little brothers, who is related to me.

  2. Speaking of boring:


    Moby Dick: just got past the boring part where he describes a bunch of whales (in a tiny font!) and also Captain Ahab has shown up.

    He sits on a chair and stares at the sea.

    Also discussed is the patent for the crows nest and what goes into it, like chairs and jackets.

    I'm at 26%. No whales, white or otherwise so far. And the ship has just begun a three year voyage...


    Bechuga's Recommendation: read the abridged version, unless you want to know the authentic life of a whaler.

  3. I bought this the other day from Amazon, because I'm an idiot with money to burn. Dodgy, right?




    And THIS turns up:






    Apart from a few dinks on the cardboard corners (not that big really) it's in PERFECT condition. For £4! It has officially made my day. :w00t:


    Some other stuff that arrived too, some no name club artist called AEX or whatever, who cares I GOT WINTER IN THE BELLY FOR UNDER A FIVER



  4. Energy company refused me via credit check despite having excellent credit, still stuck on a prepaid meter, likely another two months until I switch to a credit meter, looks like many more months until I can move into a flat I've been waiting to live in for years and all I can do is SO MUCH FUCKING WAITING :psyduck:

  5. the Pale King had its moments and i'm glad i read it but it was also hard to read as it was so promising and painful. also, the entire section about the podiatrist's neon sign that points one way or another and the people living in the apartment across the street would see it out their window and check before leaving the apartment to determine if indeed they should go out or stay in etc etc.. well.. that's pretty much what Beck said in an interview he gave to a magazine in the 90s. exact same fucking story about beck's life in LA. he lived next to podiatrist neon sign he could see out his apartment window.



    Lol this doesn't surprise me. Heard a few of his stories were directly based on other events he declined to mention or outright fabrication, including a lot of his 'non-fiction'. Still enjoy the work though. Pale King too, is wonderful. I thought of Pale King as a 500 page introduction to a novel we'll never get, which makes me quite sad. That chapter where it's nothing but 'He turns the page. Desk ten turns the page...' was great but so sad.


    Also yeah Although of Course... is worth reading if you're struggling with Infinite Jest. It's sort of a behind the scenes in the form of a road movie.

  6. I would recommend not skipping the footnotes. Lots of them contain interesting details relating to the main story and the book rewards patience.


    Second the e-reader comment: reading footnotes through an url link is much quicker and neater than flipping pages in a huge book.


    My coworker who is sort of my boss in our tiny department broke his leg very badly and will not be in for months. This means I sort of get a promotion.


    The problem is that there are loads of jobs he does that I don't really know how to do, and the pressure is on me to do them. :psyduck:

    Sounds like a great opportunity to build on your skills/knowledge base + show them you can take on extra responsibilities!


    Good luck =)




  8. My aunt sent me videos of my baby cousin a week ago and I still haven't responded... babies creep me out. Enough time has gone by that she's probably offended. But to be fair, my brother only just replied this morning, so at least we both seem terrible and t's not just me. He already covered "cute" so I've got to come up with some other nice comment typically associated with babies. I'm really bad at doing insincere replies to things, so I put it off. Maybe I'll go with the "you must be so excited!" route. That's pleasant without giving any real feedback. I'll be interested in him when he can actually talk and walk around. But the shitting blob stage really isn't my thing.


    lol this makes me sound like a horrible person. Ah well. I am actually happy for them....


    When a co-worker brought in his brand new baby, all closed eyes and nearly bald etc, he said 'she looks just like her mother'.

    I said 'your wife is bald?'


    Went down a storm. Also, holding baby, turning it from side to side and saying 'eh, it's pretty good but I've seen better' usually gets a laugh.

  9. Finished Freedom. Excellent book! Not as perfect an ending as the Corrections but still a magnificent book.


    Now to read this slim le Carré novel before I move onto Burley Cross Postbox Theft. So many good books to read.

  10. That's an interesting topic for the thread:


    What Books Have You Given Up On?


    I gave up on a Japanese light novel called Zaregoto: The Beheading Cycle by Nisio Isin that was absolutely bereft of anything I like in books i.e. subtext, deeper meaning.

    In fact, most of those light novels are kinda shit and empty. Apart from Welcome to the NHK, which is the Japanese nerd version of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.


    And also, perhaps controversially, Lord of the Rings. Compared to The Hobbit, which is a fun adventure and I surprisingly loved, it's a bit serious, a not needed sequel imo. Got twenty pages and thought 'eh'.

  11. Reading Moby Dick on my kindle. First 10% of the book: sharing a bed with another man, waking up to find that man hugging you. And then he gives you a shrunken head as a present. No ships or whales so far.


    Quality literature.

  12. Wow never heard of her, her book synposes look awesome.


    When I read the synopses I thought 'bet Spiral has read all of these'. Guess not! I think we're in for a treat.


    edit: I have Burley Cross Postbox Theft and In The Approaches, which has a lovely cover:



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