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Posts posted by Bechuga

  1. Big old alsatian lunged at me today and by pure luck alone it did not gain any purchase on my hip, although I certainly felt those fangs on my jeans. Didn't really think about it at the time but thought later 'holy fuck, I could have actually been really hurt!' There's even a tiny abrasion where its jaw almost got me but not quite. Not fond of dogs to begin with, and this does not help.


    And I've seen the owner with the same dog on a field I walk through, with the dog not on a leash. I hope to fuck it doesn't do the same thing again, this time when it's free to move as it likes. :psyduck:

  2. Nicola Barker is great: characters that sneeze lines of dialogue, chapters from the viewpoint of a parrot called Baldo and an overarching storyline that is building to something very dark, along with one character developing blisters so bad his buttocks fuse together. Marvellous, everything I wanted in a book!


    Also, even Alan Moore is somewhat obsessed with David Wallace: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/11/books/review/alan-moore-by-the-book.html?_r=0


    Also, he seems to have read Infinite Jest in under a month. While finishing Jerusalem, which I hope to start when my copy FINALLY arrives...


    Playing Portal 2 Co-op with a friend and it's very fun. So satisfying when you figure out those puzzles and give each other a hi-five. :beer:

    maybe add me on steam at some point? i'm trying to 100% this and i've only got a handful of coop achievements left to earn. probably be best to do it after you'd completed it with your friend.



    Will do! My steam name is Bechuga, probably won't take us long to finish it.

  4. This remaster sounds at best no different and at worse more distorted and too trebley, stick to the original disc unless you need the bonuses.


    Gotta disagree, it's louder and a bit clearer to differentiate all the goings on. The original sounds a bit murky in comparison, like it was taken directly from the tapes with little EQ.


    The differences aren't gigantic but enough for me to like the newer versions.

  5. Finished The Story of A New Name by Ferrante (good!), now to begin In The Approaches by Barker, who is a treat to read. After that, V. perhaps? More fucking Pynchon?


    Also reading The Good Terrorist by Doris Lessing and finding it difficult because the main character is so annoyingly unaware (authoral intention) of how contradictory and bad her decisions are, not to mention her devotion to a person who despises her and treats her less pleasantly than garbage. If this character comes to a bad end, she brought it all on herself.


    It's funny too, in a sardonic way, which is how Lessing rolled.




    Hey guys, question... I preorded via the pmu site, the vinyl package + wav.


    Am I correct in thinking that was supposed to arrive with the bonus disc?

    I ordered from Bandcamp but I'm a bit confused by your question. Do you mean should a download card be in with the vinyl? Surely the digitals will be in your PMU account.



    He means should the bonus disc be in the same parcel, and yes it should. My disc was inside the package when it arrived.

  7. tv licence? what is this shit?


    If you own a television, you have to pay a £145 licence annually for the privilege. Even if you don't, they try their damndest to get you to pay. They've now changed the rules so if you watch BBC television online, you have to pay.


    I do not do any of these things so I should not have to pay. At least, in theory, I shouldn't. I expect more letters soon enough.

  8. Received another letter from the TV Licensing people, demanding I pay up or inform them of my no license required status. Despite me having done so four times already.


    How can I put it into words how little I watch or want to watch television, especially the BBC? How many times can I tell them I would rather pour acid in my eyes than watch a tv programme? I love England, but this mandatory license business is fascism.

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