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Everything posted by drillkicker

  1. Ill comment on others in a bit, tell me what you fellas think of this technique
  2. If it was planted by professional landscapers then they should have put compost in it when they were planting, right?
  3. Oh, also make sure to break up the root ball before you put it in the ground. If you dont, the roots wont spread and itll suffocate itself and die. There aint nothing wrong with pruning younglings. It's actually better to prune branches while theyre still fresh.
  4. When you plant a tree you should put a whole bunch of compost in the hole before you put the tree in, and mix that compost with the native soil. Then when you plant the tree, fill around it with more compost/soil mixture and top dress it with compost again. As for the suckers (the low branches), wait until summer and then prune them an inch or two away from the trunk. Dont do that until the tree is wide awake though, or else the branches will just grow back. Also, make sure you didnt over-mulch it. The last thing you want to do is suffocate the trunk of the tree with a pile of mulch.
  5. Stepped outside for five minutes and someone tried to sell me morphine. What a city.
  6. That's a hell of a project though. All that soil has to go somewhere and it's a lot more than it looks like it is.
  7. At the farm where i worked we wrapped our figs in reemay when it got really cold. It was a bitch on the bigger trees but it kept them alive.
  8. Ive never heard of a fig dying from too much heat. That sounds unusual. They originate in the middle east. Are you sure it wasnt fungal?
  9. JBP got his ego so inflated by his fans that he thought he could start critiquing books he never read.
  10. I create so many computer problems for myself that i never have a working laptop. I spent hundreds on a quality computer and it never works because i cant stop myself from messing with the operating system until it's broken. I fucking hate myself.
  11. Why would you need food in the metaverse? We have the technology to create an entirely new world and we're using it to create an even worse version of the world we already have to live in? Wtf
  12. I spontaneously started crying while i was doing my morning meditation today. I wasnt even sad or emotional at all but i cried anyway. It was weird as fuck.
  13. Then again, ive had people show the same level of interest and then ghost me out of nowhere so who knows
  14. That's the thing, i dont know how to achieve chat initiation take 2. I tried with one of them and got unmatched right away. But it's ok because i found someone who is actually showing a lot of interest and one person is all i really need tinder to give me.
  15. I actually did find someone who's actually interested in replying and it seems promising but this happens so infrequently that im just confused. I get a lot of matches but one one in a hundred actually reply to messages.
  16. That's not true. People match and then dont ever reply. This isnt different just because they matched again.
  17. I just wanna go out with one of these people but they make it too hard
  18. I made a tinder again and now im matching with all the people i matched with before. Im not sure how to work with this.
  19. I just found this album last night and ive been listening to it on repeat all day. He expresses things ive felt in ways i never could.
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