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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by juiceciuj

  1. I meant ability to play hacked cards like R4, of course it has a 3DS slot, although it's off centre at the bottom now for some reason.

    r4 cards (at least the type i've always used) go in the regular ds cart slots and have micro sd ports in them where you load your roms, not the gba slot that was on the original ds/dslite. did a lil' googlin' and it seems that it should run original ds r4 cards fine

  2. rumor has it nintendo direct will announce new 3ds fo us in the morning and looking like a 2/13 release date. might actually buy into the 3ds ecosystem. wondering though, i know proper 3ds "backup" cards aren't working to the same extent that say, the r4 did for original ds, but can is there an r4 card (or similar) card that will let me play my original ds "backups"?



    We're still missing that one big spiritual successor to Mario Galaxy and 64, right?

    I may just have preferred 3D land + 3D world over the galaxy games..

    Need to replay the galaxy games actually. It's been a while now and i'd like to have a fresher perspective.


    Agreed tho that a big, full pledged 3d mario game is warranted. Mario is normally the flagship console title so maybe theyre holding out for the next system seeing as the wii u has its share of mario titles.



    3D World is all I need. I had so much fun with that game that I really don't desire a new Mario game this gen unless it's a sequel to that one.


    i enjoyed mario cats well enough but vastly prefer the 64/sunshine/galaxy type. i found the fixed perspective of cats really hard to wrap my head around but that may have come from only playing it multiplayer.


    *edit, also just went to the optometrist for the first time in about 20 yrs and found out i have bad vis and astigmatism in both eyes which can affect depth perception (my biggest problem w/3d world)

  4. started mgs:ground zeroes since i finally finished peace walker.


    definitely the hardest mgs so far. largely due to the minimal hud and the fact that enemies can actually see you from incredibly long distances. basically the best looking ps4 game. still crossing my fingers that hayter plays solid in the full game because jesus christ i hate listening to keifer sutherland in that role

  5. giving Starfox Adventures a second shot, fresh start from scratch.

    few hours in and I feel quite confident this time round in writing this off as second rate garbage.





    ok. below is a rant. didn't mean to go on a rant but found it hard explaining what I hated about this game without there always being more to elaborate on or something to add.


    it feels like a straight up Zelda/Ocarina of time clone with little changes thrown in here and there (changes made either a. to keep it from not being too identical to Zelda or b. because they didn't know what they were doing or have the time to rip off whatever element from Zelda accurately or efficiently)


    alright, GAMEPLAY.

    the combat feels OOT-ish as fuck, complete with fox's dumb staff replacing the role of link's sword. the whole system feels shloppy. you can hardly strafe or jump around when locked onto an enemy target. you can't even lock onto an enemy come think of it, it just autolocks on when an enemy draws near, removing an element of interactivity from the game.


    the combat itself is stripped down to simply pressing the attack button over and over again while fox jumps around attacking. there's zero regard for timing or strategy here, just keep hitting that button! sometimes you gotta use additional items but they're hardly worth mentioning because they never really give off a sense of being fun to use, it's just, cycle to this item. now press the a button again, press b to cancel, now you can continue hitting things with your staff. boring and shitty.


    while there are even times when multiple enemies may circle you and take you on as a group, only one will actually take you on at a time with the rest standing around in a queue. the combat falls back down to that process of repeatedly hitting a in a non-strategic non-timed manner.


    the other big component of the gameplay is the objectives and knowing what to do.

    half the time i'm playing it I have no idea what to do. it's literally just a process of running around some small scale environment trying to find something to pick up or some correct direction to aimlessly wander in with very little guidance.



    I had resorted to playing with the sound off + listening to records because it's shitty second rate uninspired music + annoying talking samples was doing my head in.


    by uninspired, I of course am referring to shit like ...


    ocarina of time (1997) shop theme



    star fox adventures (2002) shop theme




    graphics are actually pretty sweet. I will use this opportunity though to suggest that anyone saying this game is actually good 'once you look past it not being a true starfox game' are fucking fooling themselves and probably talking entirely on a superficial level. the graphics do hold up and look pretty fantastic and tbh that's not even taking into consideration the game is now 10+ years old.


    I wouldn't mind playing a Zelda clone ripoff so much provided it was fun to play or had something new to offer other than failing to recreate what the originals did so well (ie. okami is a pretty excellent example of Zelda clone but in comparison offers so much that's new and different from Zelda what with its combat and paintbrush mechanics)


    who the fuck would ever give this an even remotely positive review? hired goons? furry enthusiasts?? probably just shallow losers who can't tell the difference between a nice looking videogame and a well designed fun to play videogame.




    i really enjoyed okami for a while, but i thought i had gotten to the end of the game like 3 separate times. everytime i got to what i thought was the end boss, i killed it, and it broke up into 4 pieces, then 6, then 8. by the third or fourth time (probably around 30-40hrs) i was absolutely convinced it couldn't happen again... but it did. i never played it again (i did recently buy the hd vers to give another go though).

  6. finally finished the main story for mgs peace walker. found out that there's an extra chapter of story missions and 2 more endings that open up by completing bonus missions... game gonna last foreva


    eventually clicked for me though. the base management stuff gets pretty addictive. it can be fucking hard to play by yourself though. most missions are clearly meant to be played coop. boss battles take forever since most mech lifebars are enormous

  7. The Grey - 10/10


    Holy crap was that a good film. Very misleading marketing... I thought it was going to be Liam Neeson fighting wolves for 2 hours and was expecting some disposable popcorn entertainment, but it ended up being a very sombre meditation on death & man's place in nature. One of my new favorite movies.

    the first third of the grey is really excellent. kinda trails especially towards the end. def enjoyed though.

  8. welp i finally popped my high frame rate cherry with hobbit 3: war of five hours. what a fucking abomination. movie would've been horrible to begin with but the hfr shit was just sooooo bad.


    soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo very bad

  9. the new modes read like they're kind of interesting but have to be beaten first to access them. i've never been the type to beat a diablo game more than once at a time so the whole "botched end game" doesn't really bother me. is kinda shitty that it doesn't ever get hard though... i haven't come close to dying once =\

  10. scooped nidhogg psvita/ps4 for 8.99 on sale this week. i assume most people would think it's overpriced as it's basically a 2 player couch coop game with practically no story/single player. only one character and four levels. it's really pretty fucking cool though. hoping a couple of my friendos will play it with me but they're usually sore sports and won't play anything after losing a couple of bouts -_-



    still haven't played shovel knight. stoked for it to finally land on sony platforms. hate having to boot up nintendo consoles to play their great games with shitty controllers so i only use it begrudgingly for first party games



    hard to fault the wii u pro controller. sturdy and comfortable, more or less 360 controller layout but right joystick moved to the right (dumb position really but not a problem for Nintendo kind of games (ie. sidescrollers, indie games, virtual console)


    and btw. looove shovel knight. those dream sequences with shield knight managed to strike a chord with me for some reason. gave the game juuuust enough backbone to make it feel emotionally substantial while still primarily being a NES styled sidescroller. good stuff :)





    yeah need to invest in one of those still. wish the console came w/that instead of the absurd wannabe ipad thing >:(

  12. got a few games for my birfday. dunno when i'll be able to get to them. alien: isolation (ps4), smash bros, little big planet 3. probably will be the only stuff i get for the rest of the year. kind of excited about playing alien after seeing how legit scary games can be now with p.t.


    is there tutorial mode in smash like there is in 99% of fighting games now? something that walks you through the mechanics of the game. somehow i've managed to never play much smash ;O

  13. juice did you see babadook at the cinema?

    yeah, just opened in atlanta last weekend. saw it monday. why do you ask?

    Snowpiercer. jokes. how did this get a 95% rating?

    yeah, felt the same when i watched it. his other movies are leaps and bounds above it

  14. babadook. was fun but certainly wasn't all that. felt sure watching the movie that they'd be selling the book and lo and behold i can order it for the paltry sum of $80 usd. i felt both main characters were done really well. just kinda falls apart in the end.




    two hours of self-indulgent bollocks that, when you remove the fluff, could have been told in a 5-10 minute short film. it's very pretty and all but I just found it fantastically boring and empty. it did not connect with me at all, I found no reflection of the realities of depression in this thing. the premise itself is so basic that the entire film falls upon the superficial stylistic aspects of von Trier's filmmaking to carry itself. and if you're not particularly invested in him as a director, then you get nothing.


    I'm still going to see Antichrist. I hope it turns out better.

    man, i really liked melancholia. depression felt really real to me. films rarely stir my emotions, but this one surprised me.

  15. oh, so i'm still relatively new to ps4, but do the fans usually run full bore when playing modern games? it's super quiet playing boi, or sportfriends or similar. but modern stuff seems to send it over the edge after a few minutes. it's in a pretty standard entertainment center with and inch or so of space in every direction and a hole in the back for wires.

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