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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by juiceciuj



    Just bought a second-hand DS Lite...As of right now I just have FF IV on it (which is great btw !), has anybody any recommendation please ? (beside the obvious ones like Zelda/Metroid of course !)

    ds castlevanias were dope



    Never played any Castelvania anyway (yeah I know I had a shitty childhood !), might give those one a go. Thanks :flower:


    blasphemy! do yourself a favor play some goddam castlevania!





    Just bought a second-hand DS Lite...As of right now I just have FF IV on it (which is great btw !), has anybody any recommendation please ? (beside the obvious ones like Zelda/Metroid of course !)

    ds castlevanias were dope



    Never played any Castelvania anyway (yeah I know I had a shitty childhood !), might give those one a go. Thanks :flower:


    I second the Castlevania recommendation, just avoid the "Lords of Shadows" one.

    "Dawn of Sorrow" is great. "Order of Ecclesia" is my other favorite, that one favors a shorter attention span by isolating all of the areas and offering them to you on an over world screen.


    pretty sure the lords of shadow one was only on 3ds.


    anyways here's an unsorted list of some of my fave ds games:

    animal crossing, korg ds-10, retro game challenge, new super mario bros., brain age 1&2, picross, super princess peach and wordmaster.


    ds lite was my best friend back in the day when i was a projectionist. had about 3 hours after threading the last set with nothing to do except be available if shit hit the fan.



    Got Skyward Sword (with golden Wiimote, natch) and have been playing it with my daughter - very different than previous Zelda games, and the watercolour style artwork actually does a lot to counter the non-HD resolution. Swinging the sword is actually fun with the Wiimote, and fairly accurate.

    Nice to see you enjoying:)

    Below is my pointless opinion on game..


    Skyward Sword is a weird one. For me it's really good, really fun. but i also find the pacing really slow, drawn out, padded with a lot of nothing and even gets a little painfully repetitive at times.. The game takes its sweet time to introduce new ideas / mechanics.. Too long , even ..


    But the moments of the game that are good are really good. The swordplay, as you mentioned, is great! And when it starts introducing the other items and then mixing the items up a bit it gets REALLY fun. The bow and arrow, throwing bombs, etc. all have their own unique controller input and the game finds fun ways to implement that into the gameplay..


    Its a shame the game is so drawn out and uneven.. If you can look past it .. The gameplay is great.. But i cant think/talk about the game without pointing out how flawed i think it is.


    The game gets better as you get into it.


    Yeah, I noticed how it takes FOREVER to just get into dungeons, etc. - I had taken a peek at a strategy guide years ago, and noticed there is quite a bit of boss recycling as well... it will be interesting if the Wii U Zelda uses motion controls or not...


    god i hope it doesn't. however, i did find the controls in skyward sword among the best implemented motion controls.

  3. ^my old lady's got me watching them since i've never seen them all the way through. still have the last one to go. silly, but holds up pretty well.


    anyways this trailer's been floating around for a few days now.



    looks like it has potential. i realize it's disney and is probably targeted at a younger audience, but from what i've seen brad bird is quite good at making movies with broad appeal.

  4. Looper - 2/5 stars


    Got half an hour in before I had to switch it off. Could only take so much of Joseph Gorden-Levitt doing a scrunched up smug Bruce Willis impersonation with weird looking eyebrows. Giving it 2 stars because the Star Trek TNG episode I put on instead was actually much more enjoyable and put in a bit of effort in integrating plausible sci-fi concepts into the story.



    you should give it another try. it's actually quite good.


    I couldn't make it past ~45 minutes of Transformers: Age of Extinction. It was just terrible.


    Amazing you could make it to 45minutes. I salute you for your courage & sacrifice in the face of unstoppable evil.


    i made it to the dinarsaur (2.5 hrs in) and realized there was still 3 hrs left so i walked out of the theatre

  6. Vib Ribbon is being released as a PSOne classic on PS3 and Vita tomorrow in the US, with EU following suit next week. Sony 'working on' PS4 version. Ability to use your own CDs still functions in the PS3 version. Bring on the Syrobonkus Ribbon!



    yeah was pretty excited when i read this. never had a chance to play this in the usamerica

  7. "Ex Wipeout Devs team up with The Designers Republic™ to create a new AG Racer -‘Formula Fusion’.


    Middlesborough, UK –Oct. 03, 2014 – R8 Games Ltd and The Designers Republic™ announced today that they will be joining forces to develop a new spiritual successor to Wipeout; Formula Fusion. Combining decades of development and design expertise, Formula Fusion will represent the next big leap forward for the genre onto next gen consoles."



    "q2 2016" :(

  8. tekken 7 location tests going on through this weekend in japan. new changes look pretty interesting. looks like they're trying to reach out to the casual audience with cinematic supers ala street fighter 4. right now all the footage is offscreen but namco is supposed to start direct streams sometime on the 4th and 5th (which is about 30minutes from now in japan).


    pretty comprehensive coverage for tekken stuff here http://www.avoidingthepuddle.com/


    i'm a huge tekken fanboy

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