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Everything posted by Vaaler9

  1. Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies... Let's say nobody will be CHEETAHed out of their money on this one haha. Works for me! I might just CHEETAH someone out of money.. to afford.. the.. I'll shut up.
  2. Joyrex, are you at liberty to say if you've heard the EP? If so, any tidbits/opinions you care to share?...
  3. haha. That is beautiful.
  4. I really hope I can demonstrate some willpower and listen to this thing in full for the first time after it arrives at my door. I did Amazon this time (sorry bleep) so hopefully it won't get here 20 days later like Syro did.
  5. I know, I know. I guess when I say "reverb" I mean something else. I listened to the new single a bunch of times, then immediately switched to one of the pretty saw 2 tracks. The saw 2 track was so full and dripping with...reverb? I don't know. Still sounds otherworldly and alive. I'm not a mastering guru, I just feel those tracks have a ton of impact, even on the sound front. All subjective of course.
  6. I agree. Everything from Analord onwards has felt like different stages of development on the same form. Can't complain though, I love it all. CIRKLON3 is terrific. It beats anything on Syro for me. To me, Analord almost seemed like a reset button, and since then it's been almost an alternate history - what if Rich had stuck with using his analogue boxes rather than experimenting with computers in the mid '90s. My favourite stuff has always been the '91 - '95 releases so I'm totally down with everything he's done from Analord onwards. For sure. His early to mid-90s stuff is my fave as well. What got me in the door was Come To Daddy (I was 15) but once I heard SAW1-2, that is when the full on obsession began. I do feel there is a certain "lushness", missing from his newest stuff though. The actual sound is a bit dry in comparison (maybe what I'm hearing is just "good production" I don't know).. But those reverberating walls of the bank or what have you gave something to those incredible melodies back in the day.. Saying that, I still really really like the new stuff, and listen to it constantly.
  7. I agree. Just look at Autechre. If that were the case they would just be recreating amber over and over by now. Rich has definitely softened. He seems to only make music to suit his mood and his current mood is pretty damn relaxed.. and hardware obsessed. Ya never know what he may do next though.. but as I type this I sort of feel like I do (???) I sort of feel like after analord he never completely left that general mood/method. (deathfuck a pretty big exception) generalizing a ton but maybe ya know what I mean.
  8. Finally listened to it on a proper system. Much meatier than I realized. The bumpy bassline sounds very nice.
  9. This track doesn't entirely do it for me. Something about the middle section.. I stop feeling it. Listened to Cheetah7 again. Much more for me. Has the Aphex mysticism going on with the barely heard pads, deep bass, etc. Can't wait to hear the rest.
  10. The man's been on two totally opposite extremes of the scale. The odd thing is that even though he's been so open recently, he is still quite a mysterious figure. Hopefully that'll never go away. EDIT: I'm sure that if he wasn't bound by Warp's release schedule he probably would have come out with 6 records or something from the time he started the dump until now. That is true. The mystery is still there. He isn't riding around in Deadmau5's dumb car getting interviewed or anything. He always manages to be at a distance. Keeps the magic alive in some way.
  11. It's been said a lot already but seriously.. 3-4 years ago everything that has been happening lately would sound like a completely absurd fanboy fantasy. Aphex Twin then: minimal to no output, reclusive with strong indication of pretty much hating his fans. Near mythical figure from a bygone era. Aphex Twin now - Gives fans hundred of tracks for free talks with them directly quite regularly and cheerfully, while divulging tons of detail on how he makes his stuff Very regular output of Music on freaking warp And now letting a 12 year old fan entirely create an officially released video. Du. Fuuuuuk. I love it.
  12. Because I'm insanely bored and in Aphex obsession mode. I matched up 'on' with the new vid. It's strangely beautiful and fitting. The vid is so random it pretty much goes with everything, granted, but the water shots, and child-like quality etc. really work with On.
  13. He actually said he would do something like that? When? I thought it was just an idea generated by watmm speculation when the flyer surfaced. I know Joyrex mentioned something about gear, but he said he was going to make his own soft synth and make tracks with it too? Hell yeah. My gear comments were in reference to the physical, not software. Truth in advertising? Never... that damn ... gets me every time.
  14. Just listened to Cheetah7 again. Warm as nuts. Very much looking forward to that mastered and spinnin' round peacefully. This record could not arrive quickly enough.
  15. 1. CHEETAHT2 [Ld spectrum] = deeeep and (veeery) slow burner 2. CHEETAHT7b = CHEETAH7 from soundcloud dump 3. CHEETA1b ms800 = I think they skipped this sample because it's already under 30 seconds 4. CHEETA2 ms800 = REALLY lush warm soundscape intermezzo thingy, can already say it's too short (felt like Coil's Time Machines to me) 5. CIRKLON3 [ mix ] = u know 6. CIRKLON 1 = If this wasn't an Analord (08?) outtake then call me a beer and pull me open. Fucking love this one. 7. 2X202-ST5 = more Analord-y with a very deep bass similar to CHEETAH7's bass, more uptempo breakbeat-ish Oh wow. Didn't realize both cheetah tracks from the dump were on this. (I admit.. I wish he held them back until now) Can't wait to hear the rest! Once all hype dies down, sounds like this will be a solid release, akin to Rushup Edge. I could not for the life of me get into Deejay Selek.
  16. Anyone that was lucky enough to hear the samples while they were temp. up.. your thoughts?
  17. When new Aphex is announced, I become such an unreasonable and impatient turd waiting for it. We get a mastered version of one of my fave SC dump tracks, a video etc.. + hundreds of unheard tracks in the span of a year. but I'm still not satisfied.
  18. More entertaining to watch the guy beat it with bongos controller or dance pad or guitar... One Japanese guy has been doing Souls with a fightstick and his feet. Hate to admit it.. but that does sound entertaining.
  19. If you want me to write an irregular opinion piece about my ongoing addiction to Payday 2 and random thoughts about it, I'm game. PUN INTENDED Cool site btw! Put it on my RSS feed thingy. Thanks so much :) haha. If you feel like writing a piece about your addiction feel free. There is a section called 'deep thoughts'. I want it to be as quirky, funny and personal as possible. PM me if you really want to write. :) just one thing, is ''an SNES game'' correct grammar? cos it doesnt sound like it to me. usually, at least in American grammar, even if a word starts with a consonant, if that letter phonetically has a vowel sound at the beginning "eh-s", then yes, you use "an". i think its because i dont see or think of the word snes as an acronym, i think of it as snezz. Oh really? I like that. snezz. I could always just say Super Nintendo if "an SNES" seems grammatically incorrect to some. I'd rather not lose credibility instantly from that.
  20. If you want me to write an irregular opinion piece about my ongoing addiction to Payday 2 and random thoughts about it, I'm game. PUN INTENDED Cool site btw! Put it on my RSS feed thingy. Thanks so much :) haha. If you feel like writing a piece about your addiction feel free. There is a section called 'deep thoughts'. I want it to be as quirky, funny and personal as possible. PM me if you really want to write. :)
  21. Hi friends. I don't usually do this but I started a gaming site and it would be great if you could check it out. Slim on content right now, but feel free to give ideas, pointers, or even if you want to be a contributing writer for reviews or opinion pieces, that would be great too. I'm a web designer by trade and have never actually made a blog/site for myself. I figured now is the time! Thanks for any possible feedback. www.andogamer.com
  22. We now live in a world where Ivan Ooze can joke around about Desperate Housewives with Aphex Twin. God Bless it.
  23. I've had this daydream a few times myself, I just replaced the club with a big field somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Ha. I had pretty much the same fantasy with that track.
  24. This is SO well done. Thanks for making it!
  25. Yeah here at Warp20 in '09 as well (Indulin posted it in the comments the other day I think) Just curious. did anyone know straight away that was an aphex track when he played this? (or when you saw the clip)? I had no idea but just thought it was great fun.
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