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Everything posted by Vaaler9

  1. where can i get a copy of your avatar? i want to use it as the album artwork Oh nice. I made it pretty small but displays ok in itunes. Here ya go. "88-96" is already incorrect Yeeahhh I figured. Made this pretty early on. If anyone actually cares I'll scrub the dates.
  2. where can i get a copy of your avatar? i want to use it as the album artwork Oh nice. I made it pretty small but displays ok in itunes. Here ya go.
  3. Before all this happened I remember thinking Richard must have a lot of half finished somewhat subpar stuff laying around and his 'loads of albums' talk was an exaggeration.. Sweet Jesus. Sweet sweet Jesus. <-- all said before but just hit me again.
  4. cool. Just noticed it says 'updated an hour ago'. hrrm.
  5. Time to obsessively check for new tunes instead of cherishing the shitload I have already. weeeee.
  6. Ha. I did the exact same thing. I've been living in those tracks. I titled the playlist 'Selected Archives [lush] EP' or something like that. I'm stil making albums and eps out of them. So fun.
  7. - aphex changed name by adding an ace of clubs to his name or whatever - troll takes over his previous name - aphex changes name to something different - another troll takes over previous name - same thing happens again - aphex adds a location to his description, an antarctic cave or something - aphex deletes soundcloud. deletes EVERYTHING. - troll who took over aphex soundcloud also runs a fake "chris cunningham" youtube channel, abuses that to make and upload vague badly done vids with numbers n shit, posts them in account description, causes confusion - aphex soundcloud is still deleted - ukip wins all of the elections - everyone loses uuhhgg. Whhyyyy. He was on a roll "widening the net" and whatnot. Possible mistake or just frustrated with fakes/trolls?
  8. So glad 'ibiza splif' was able to escape into the wild before the shut down. That last batch was gem-tastic.
  9. This. I haven't heard more than half of it I think. Anyone got a download link for all the tracks? seconded.. I have a lot downloaded but to my dismay I noticed I don't have 'floating' so I think there is an entire batch I don't actually have. doh.
  10. damn. a shame. Was loving all the communication too. He was especially chatty the last couple days.
  11. Sort of wondering if it has anything to do with him saying n***er
  12. ...where did it go?.... Desperately want to hear that latest one again and again.
  13. vaguely related.. but anyone watch Maximillian Dood's stuff? That guy single-handedly gets me excited about fighting games and the scene. Really the only youtuber I don't find to be pretty annoying. He is really watchable and his content definitely has production value that also isn't "look at me". It's just well done.
  14. I love that he is doing the playlists now. Fun to make your own but nice to have a "definitive" way.
  15. Anyone playing Final Fantasy Realm Reborn? Finally checked it out. I am loving that I'm playing a real MMO on console. Got a little bluetooth keyboard and its good to go. (game plays great on a controller except for typing obviously) Love this game so far.
  16. Mike P too??? I have been out of it. I am so in the 90s vibe because of all this. Revisiting Cylob, 90s Autechre, Bochum Welt etc etc. Such inspired times.
  17. I think I finally "got" Exai. My first 2 listens I was not in the right state of mind clearly. (impatient, busy etc.) Finally let this one sink in on a lazy day. Absolutely love it.
  18. Sorry for the ignorance but Heliosphan live.. is actually live? As in he had his gear there triggering the patterns and playing the synth parts or triggering the synth parts? If so holy shit.
  19. it is pretty sick. I'm going through everything again, trying make a digestible playlist for myself just from the sound cloud stuff and it's quite difficult. i almost can't cut anything out from yesterday alone. plus if he adds more...well, fuck... giddyup Keep trying to do that myself. The only hope is to maybe cut it to 4-5 themed albums. 'ambient album' 'acid album' 'jungle-ish album' 'AB6' and then a 'best of' playlist of maybe 30 fucking awesome tracks.
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