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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. you've been a salty capricious prick from the moment i registered on here, but you crack on Mr Usagi of the lulz archives, what diamond superlatives i could think of to describe that past-time would clearly be beneath you #swingingdick
  2. very different to alternative versions int it, more like an ethereal hypnotic jam,,,,,,
  3. as Boris Johnson says ,,,,,,,, "cripes" ..... check out the version on Live Three/Bologna... swirling harmonics and then whooosh straight into AYOR http://www.discogs.com/Coil-Live-Three/release/194182
  4. is that what you call "Lulz archivism"? why dont you try doing something with your life, instead of wanking all day over women you're never gonna fuck #swingingdick
  5. there are a few versions of Sick Mirrors going round that used to precede AYOR,,,,, all out hurdy-gurdy/Breton-pipes madness with a theme about encountering some kind of demonic presence while dog-walking <---Barbara Woodhouse eat your <3 out
  6. oh piss off coming from someone who loves every single one of those directors, just please piss off with the whole "real cinema" bullshit. there is no elite group of "real filmmakers" - there are thousands of amazing films and filmmakers, and everyone has their own opinions. Its not a case of high/low culture or elitism, its about plain fuckin quality, so piss off yerself mate. There's "art" and there's There Will Be Blood......and as an open forum i'll express whatever opinion on a movie i choose to. If you want to be a prissy cock, crack on. this is how you come across: oh my god that's ridiculous!! how the fuck can that be one one of your favourite films??!! THIS IS THE REAL SHIT YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT!!! hahaha you're such a pleb I love Bladerunner but it's a bit cheesy/trashy and the soundtrack is quite silly,it has saxophones and synths.. I love that shit but it's not perfect and a completely respectable person could end up not enjoying it. fair nuff innit. also you didn't even know that was a fake list of directors and to me it just looks like you believe quality is what you're told is quality? point 1 - i didnt indicate "stupid" or "cunt anywhere",,,,, and reiterated that it wasnt based on high/low culture "assumptions". I come from pretty humble stock and thought that film fell into the category of art, as-well as entertainment. point 2 - Why should i indulge a bs-list in any way, shape or form? Ignoring bs isnt ignorance, its just a waste of time, so i outlined some "proper films" instead, get over it. point 3 - I dont take spoon-fed nonsense as part of what makes my own "playlists" for anything. Sorry to disappoint you there chap. I'm half way through a PhD in music, so i prefer to digest something personally before passing comment. That includes hunting for "good films". "Oooooh look at you and your blutty highfalutin talk blah blah......." *(see point 4) point 3 - If someone's rude to me with "piss off this/piss off that" i'll call them out on it and not just on a semi-pointless internet forum. In real life i'm far less polite. *point 4 - Your general tone comes across like that of a child, so excuse me if i dont indulge you any further.
  7. you've seen pretty much all there is to see in that "room" then
  8. its like anything in life, sometimes yer in the mood for a beer/Guinness, other times you might push the boat out on a decent bourbon, or you might pick your way through a lush Burgundy..........but some nights after a long day @ work a dose of crash-bang-wallop couldnt be more appropriate
  9. ps: stumbled on an article by ex-Coil boffin Stephen Thrower on music in film,,,,,,,articulate stuff http://www.theguardian.com/film/2011/aug/18/horror-film-movie-music
  10. the earlier directorial stuff is so influential and comparable to specific albums that inspire,,,,,, eg: Awesome Welles/Citizen Kane.....the long-tracking shot that actually takes you through the sign Scorsese picks out as a benchmark in one of his guides. Slag that off all you want, but i must've seen that film 20+times and never get bored of it. Umberto D. is a must watch (especially if anyone around you is elderly it'll bring plenty of lumps to throats). The old fella and his dog are so fuckin sad but cool, brilliant stuff. More classics boy? Fuck aye - The Leopard, The Night Porter, The Conformist, The American Friend, Death In Venice, Performance, the original Wicker Man (Robin Hardy when Britain still managed to make transgressive films) Scorsese's Personal Journey Through doc is a must watch.....just for the catalog of genius that was New American Cinema in the early 70's....the absolute antithesis of mainstream bs I got Franco's Venus in Furs and The Demons for the rest of Le Weekend, but Val's Day might put a dent in that plan
  11. yet again S'bury's sold out of strawberry sundaes #sadwank
  12. phogot Jesus Franco & my main man Alejandro Jodorowsky....have you seen Dance Of Reality or is that mainstream bs too? His mother's tits are quite something to behold.
  13. mainstream bs? timeless classics....i can pick specifics and have done thru this thread but you already know them ;) add Kobayashi, Shepitko, Antonioni (Red Desert/Passenger especially), Miike, Klimov, Kusturica, Bunuel,,,,,,, more mainstream bs or simply rrrrrrrockin cinema? c'mon, you know thats not highfalutin bunk Eugene its a war of c-words
  14. ps: the Barcelona/Sonar gig has some great tracks,,,,,Everything Keeps Dissolving, Queens of the Circulating Library & The Universe Is A Haunted House turned up among the Live series too with very good audio quality,,,,,, utub quality plus the last track is madness (Elves?):
  15. theres lots to explore over repeated listening to Soisong and the Threshold Houseboys Choir....... it was the almost realized 4gig+ release which is gutting, but i'm just grateful for everything that went into putting out Colour Sound Oblivion. Its an almighty archive in itself and presented/made with next-level attentive care, which is rare. If you got one of the 1st run the goodies were all sorts of personal treasure, the white fluffy costume garment thingys, sigils & hand-drawn ephemera. You hear & see how sounds/performances evolved & the Moscow/Paris/Dublin gigs are proper, plus (check the archive link above) CSO 15/16 have virtually every single graphic/video backdrop and 1 or 2 that arent on any other official release. The visual aspect is half the fun and deeply disturbing/visceral at times, but in an immersive way that really draws you in. Discogs has it priced now at between £360-£660: http://www.discogs.com/Coil-Colour-Sound-Oblivion/release/2367509
  16. New Vakula is the tits, proper experimental space-house. If you like Craig Leon's gear you'll love this,,,,,, https://soundcloud.com/vakula/sets/vakula-a-voyage-to-arcturus
  17. oh piss off coming from someone who loves every single one of those directors, just please piss off with the whole "real cinema" bullshit. there is no elite group of "real filmmakers" - there are thousands of amazing films and filmmakers, and everyone has their own opinions. Its not a case of high/low culture or elitism, its about plain fuckin quality, so piss off yerself mate. There's "art" and there's There Will Be Blood......and as an open forum i'll express whatever opinion on a movie i choose to. If you want to be a prissy cock, crack on.
  18. pricey http://www.juno.co.uk/products/muslimgauze-chasing-the-shadow-of-bryn-jones/526119-01/
  19. yeaaaaaah well,,,,,,, opinions maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan,,,,,,,,,,,, and @ half-4 on a friday its def time to hit the vape
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