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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. Louie's new episode was fun, from the cross-eyed sleeping shrink to preggo surrogate going from crying wreck to nympho in the space of a compliment ginger/10
  2. the vid is proper funny, filmed @ a London lido i fink, folks bobbing in the water to aqua insanity frequencies pass the speedos
  3. on an Andrew Liles binge, kin ell, things may never be the same again
  4. The Company of Wolves,,,,, trippy as fuck Neil Jordan/Angela Carter take on Red Riding Hood, Werewolves, meta-tracks on fear of the woods & matters of perv but dont let that put you off,,,, not seen for yonks, loads of faces at every turn.....surreal/10 Buffalo 66 - another rewatch & Vincent Gallo delivers, god it is twisted & the mood zigzags either side of intense & dark humoured, love the designs & the characters/locations really seep into you. Christine Ricci can seep in any time too/10 Time Bandits - random tv channel flick & voila. What a riot, it blew my mind as nipper & its still stands up. Too many scenes/moments to list..... Gilliam/10
  5. summat else that's great about merka biscuits & gravy from Bob Evans is only marginally topped by,,,,,,,,,
  6. IHOP after heavy boozing = onetime Dennys? Hair in anemic omelette chunder
  7. wasnt there some fat Phils fan who got caught puking over opponents during a game? computer says yes:
  8. gutted personally would've thought the lessons learned from previous Twin Peaks endeavors could've pulled all these strands together into something transcendental alas not still, what a catalog from a true American original.....
  9. Going full-on Julian Cope styles cosmic-Neolithic tomorrow: Avebury stone circle + Silbury Hill + West Kennet Long Barrow & Wayland's Smithy chambered tombs. Pass the robes and the vaporizer,,,,,,,
  10. dodgy 80's metal album cover themed indeed #jameshetfieldyeeeaaaaaawwwwww and if you saw this on tap you'd have to try a pint:
  11. Jodorowsky's Dune is an epic graphic design gangbang, talk about immersion in a make-believe world, equally it might've been camp as christmas......... never to know
  12. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Isnt that 7%? Cripes............not supped any booze for ages Although you'd usually find this in CAMRA supporting pubs, it is nectar of the most delicious kind (considering the high alcohol content):
  13. post-ribs frenzy splattered face n chin, burping leads to enjoying the deliciousness twiiiice #jameshefieldyeeeeaaaaaaaaaayer compare this to the starving masses & its 1st world as f*ck
  14. bank holiday party in the mountains, couple of rigs, sifted crates of old & new tunes, pvt land so no police interruptions, old friends not seen for too long, special-fx and out of the wheelchair long enough to finally swing my pants tues/weds next week off too,,,,,, #beprepared
  15. couldnt get into Bloodline Justified is nearing conclusion, hope Boyd's gonna go out fire-in-the-hole styles, cracking show & all the bourbon everywhere gives me a thirst
  16. Cabaret Voltaire's Stephen Mallinder did a PhD thesis on rhythm, identity & community ,,,,,,,,,, with long-winded abstract ,,,,,,,, http://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/4866/
  17. 2 buttered crumpets a few of these for the train
  18. but can you do a James Hetfield "Yeeaaaa-uuhhhhhhHHHHH"?
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